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Everything posted by 1960maaan

  1. Didn't take long. No self awareness or thought of irony. One game top of the table , on a Saturday , at a ground you have not done for years. The other, the Saturday before Christmas, 12pm on a Sunday and live on TV. This was shared on FB by a mate who is always on the windup, but hard not to bite sometimes.
  2. Goes back further , Jim Eadie (goalkeeper) was done for nicking a TV and some pasties from their own social club I seem to recall.
  3. It's all fun until your poor owner, without 2 pennies to rub together , get fined £££
  4. HHmmmmmm did my bet for £50 last week, thought you were nailed on to win. Not touching your lot this week.
  5. At least they will be playing at a better ground, the BBC won't have to embarrass them by putting their pit on TV.
  6. Just seeking verification .... Attendance: 3,649 - 521away fans = 3,128 loyal and true At least they had more than we took to Cardiff, something for them to boast about.
  7. That has the look of a post that wants to be loved. "I know you think my other post was stupid , but look at me be sensible now. Plus I had a dig at City, so you've got to like me" What a ****. and while I'm at it, you deserve to win the League if you get most points, there is no other criteria , you might be unlucky NOT to win it, but you don't deserve to win it. and did I say **** !
  8. It's people like that , that stop me going on their forum. I don't mind the slagging off, you expect it, in fact I have been on other teams forums and enjoyed picking out the good posts from the vitriol. But on there, the utter delusion and hypocrisy is staggering Big fish? Been a League club for 4 years? Surrogate son ? What even ..... Best chance of promotion is because they don't have to look down, bet they thought that before they fell out of the League. Nice he knows Jon Lansdown so well as to form an opinion . Good strategy too, dump LJ and get the best man for the job, because every team in the League hadn't thought of that FFS. ******* window licker.
  9. I think you're exaggerating for comedic purposes Major. Often ???
  10. Proof , if proof were needed, that you categorically cannot polish a turd !
  11. Plymouth do tend to travel well. and they're a (slightly) nicer club.
  12. TBF , its' a long way, and they're shit.
  13. TBF.. "NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our *three* weapons are fear, and surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... Our *four*...no... *Amongst* our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again". ?
  14. Might have had his phone and computer confiscated for shouting at the screen again. Or licking it.
  15. Did they go back to school this week ?
  16. That is disgusting, and surely illegal. I hope Karma is swift in this case, can't rely on the EFL to do anything, so maybe the law might.
  17. I've been wondering this. I Googled Gigg Lane and it's owned by the club, now I don't know if there is one of those clauses that state it can only be used for football, but if not we may have an answer. As I understand it, he did a deal with the EFL?PFA to pay 50% of the players wages until the sale. He had agreed to pay back the money when the sale went through, not sure how that deal stands now.
  18. You do get some belters from other clubs, but most do add decent insight or opinion . This complete Fucwit comes from the forum for the hard of thinking, don't expect sensible conversation or even banter. Bring back Mia and Bert I say.
  19. See I've spotted your mistake... we are talking those bottom feeding, mouth breathers here, very little chance of logic cropping up.
  20. Fashion move on quickly these days Bob, that's so last year. New trend at the Land of Tents is ........
  21. Wallsall being an obvious exception .
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