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Everything posted by 1960maaan

  1. Probably even more difficult than that Monkeh , if the Council gave us and the gAss anything , anyone that didn't like or follow football would be up in arms about their Council tax. being wasted. Keyboard hipster warriors would be out in force.
  2. Don't try and bring reality or common sense into a conversation concerning THAT lot
  3. Miah and the rest of that un Godly lot can now rest easy, a mate has said there is a £45m consortium in place and it's all going ahead. Lawyers and Council are sorted apparently , definitely going ahead .
  4. I went to Whitefield, obviously didn't pay as much attention as you did
  5. Would the Council really want them South of the river ? Already saw a gAss Tweet questioning the safety in the local pubs. They have to buy the ground, do feasibility studies , apply for planning , buy the land , put out tenders and build the thing and get it passed for use in 2 years ??? They have had no money to spend on the training ground, infrastructure , ground or team yet they now have a money tree? They would have to sell their ground, which would be valued at far less than the fruit market site , to fund it purchase. Again you wonder where the money comes from. Isn't there only one way in/out ? New roads etc , more Council involvement would really slow the process. In 2 years ? I'm a little dubious.
  6. I doubt Bolton are near running foul of FFP, their problems are slightly different and nothing to do with my point. I am fed up with so called, or self professed "big clubs" exploiting loopholes or just running rough shod over rules and getting away with it , while others try and stay within the rules. Villa really seem to be taking the piss. TBF after Derby I don't blame them for going down the ground selling route, but I would love to know (and understand) how they can seem to ignore predicted accounts and then go on another massive spending spree. Good to see a few clubs trying to adhere to the rules, I get that like anything it takes time to get things right, but you'd like to see the EFL move much quicker to close loopholes as they appear. Be interesting to know how Fulham shape up. Their promotion year can't have been cheap, spent £100m last year , although Sessegnon's move to could help a little. Your comment "somewhere between incompetence and complicity" pretty well sums it up, and if I supported QPR , Brum or one of the others who have had any kind of penalty imposed, I would be more than a little annoyed.
  7. I've pretty much stopped reading this thread, some great work by you guys and from other sites but you get to the point where you ask if any of it matters. Just for an example, Villa looked to be close to trouble. Then smoke & mirrors , ground sold to themselves and their predicted accounts go up in smoke ,while they spend £100m so far this summer. I would dearly love Villa to copy Fulham's return to the Championship to see what would happen, sadly can't see that happening. I can see the EFL stopping the loophole, but probably only when a "smaller" team does it. Keep up the good work guys .
  8. Saw a bit about this yesterday, this can't be legal surely , restriction of trade ? I thought that if a player hadn't been payed for 2 months they had the right to look for another club. Just looked on this site and it says, the standard PL contract gives 14 days as just cause. The Bolton case is up to about 20 weeks ! It also states there is little in the way of concrete rules as to how long a player has to go unpaid to be 'just cause'. I think the Administrators must be trying to keep the players on to make the Club more viable as a going concern. https://www.lawinsport.com/blog/john-shea/item/unpaid-players-wages-the-legal-position
  9. Ahh , didn't realise admin meant that. So I guess OOC , loans and free transfers? Players not been payed for 5 months (though admin say they will be payed in full when deal done), EFL saying they don't think they will start the season while Admin saying player deals in place , again when deal done. Quick look at the statement stumbling block is selling the hotel ! A matter of weeks to, sell both Club and Hotel, convince the EFL they can complete the season and recruit enough players to make a squad , let alone do a pre-season and forge a team. All in 2 weeks , it'll take some doing.
  10. Did n't Blackpool get to about 3 weeks before the season started with even less, maybe 5 FTP's ? Memory might be playing tricks but when they got relegated , I thought Oyston gutted the club and sold most of the players. I always thought there was a rule in place where a team had to prove that they had the ability to complete a season, may have changed now. It really is a shambles, I read clips saying a takeover was in place paying 100% , or £1 in the £1, but this was refused. Another that someone saying they were ready to take over as someone (3rd party) had loaned them funds, £25m I believe. Wasn't there a period where there were 2 administrators involved? How do the EFL let it get to this position, they have to take some blame in this.
  11. I bet a few of their fans are on certain registers though
  12. Quicker and easier to ask, what's gone right ? ?
  13. From memory Sainsbury's valued the land at about , or at least offered £20m ish. If I remember correctly , this was four times what it was valued as housing development land. As an aside, a mate who works at the UWE is convinced that talks are on going for the new stadium. Not sure if this is Wael just trying to make the club a better prospect for purchase, or there is a real chance. To me it seems odd for a club to sign away an asset , just so they could rent again. Just as strange for the UWE to build a stadium or donate the land to a football club. It does feel a little like Wael is trying to polish a turd to get interest in them.
  14. I think I made some friends on Twitter, posted about having a decent season and a Villa fan replied "yer shit" I ignored that inbred but the follow up was a gAss genius.
  15. You truly are the 'Font' of all knowledge Bert
  16. Todays Telegraph, tomorrow could be interesting.
  17. Is it a local place, for local people ?
  18. I couldn't make it very far on there, it truly is like Nursery school project. Their version of a Franchise then, is an owner then buying something else and looking after both? Interesting, and TBF , something that Wael would never (could never) do.Their Chelsea supporting , Gillingham owner wannabe , 3rd choice gAss owner couldn't afford anything else. I get the hatred , I get all of that. It's the hypocrisy that really gets me, Ashton (trashton FFS) is a crap ground, while the tented Village ???? Our badge is shit , while the cartoon pirate ???? Our owner is an Evil offshore tax dodger while Dwayne sports ??? If something isn't done with the takeover fairly soon , and admin looms, no doubt that will be different too. Not forgetting , with all the cock up's they deliver, they are now trying to say WE are the gift that keeps on giving ! feel the need to post the official match sponsor gift from a recent-ish game. ..... the gift , truly.
  19. Hard to say, no one from any other club stays too long. I may not like, or disagree with what you other team interlopers say on here, but the forum is a better place for the different opinions. gAss chat just seems to be , fans ego stroking and trying to avoid dissenting voices.
  20. Next year your lot would have been 100 a football League club, but you left for a year didn't you. Still, gives you longer to plan something special
  21. Brilliant, I'm saving that one for later
  22. I’m guessing this isn’t you. Mean, but made me smile.
  23. Theres this, everyone in the top tier seems to have gone for a drink.
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