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Everything posted by petehinton

  1. Think it’s pretty clear he’s nowhere near the level they were expecting him to be. Said in another thread, would be surprised to see him get another minute for us. All in all a very odd one, especially considering the ‘visa issues’ fibbing from the club. Feel a bit sorry for him tbh.
  2. Absolutely have to aim to win & play well every game we’re in, no matter what stage of the season. Still very much after seeing consistency & bettering last season, so I don’t think we can rest on our laurels at all. If we can do whilst still blooding Knight-Lebel and maybe Meerholz and some others, great, But we’ve seen nothing to suggest that’s gonna happen so far. I’d wager we’ll probably not see another minute out of Medube too. Would normally be pretty pissed off with that, but things have been that bad that I think he really cant afford to twist too much & he’s not an idiot, so I think he’s well aware of that as well. With the run of fixtures we have, we really couldn’t have asked for a better end of the season in terms of trying to really show what we’re about and build some excitement into next season.
  3. Would be surprised if that meant we didn’t get another manager sacked tonight too!
  4. Mebude signing looks stranger and stranger by the day
  5. An OG from Rovers’ “best ever CB” apparently
  6. Delicious 1-0 win for clevedon against Bridgy.
  7. We find out more about Manning & Co today than we did from Friday, imo.
  8. …or when your place of choice for informal ‘sell-in’ chats is Aqua Portishead
  9. No ones said anything about it being driven the medical staff. But, if the story is that he initially failed a medical in the summer, we’ve now signed him in the January under a new medical team, and he’s now having real trouble with constant tendinitis ever since he joined, that is causing him to not being able to train properly, nor be anywhere near in contention for the u21s let alone the first team. It’s not a good look. Couple that with: Tinnion - ‘he’s fine, but going through a mini pre season’ ‘he was the best player in Ireland’ Manning - ‘he’s picked up a little knock’ He’s now clearly not even training. Then add in the fact by the time next season rolls around, he won’t have played a game in the best part of 10 months, and will be a standard light years ahead of where he’s come from. That’s assuming he’s even good enough to be considered for the first team. It’s really terrible optics all round, but pretty consistent with everything coming out of the club, let’s be honest.
  10. This deserved more. Superb stuff.
  11. Must’ve missed the idea that loads of POTD people in the dolman and lansdson buy a ticket and don’t turn up!
  12. Just stuck it on. Are we seriously saying this is a sell out? Empty seats everywhere!
  13. Scored, Took 4 good corners that was all. At least we got a good win and performance overall against them, all down to him. Oh ****, we didn’t even win did we!!
  14. Stifling Pring & not allowing him to bomb forward is an enormous waste of his strongest attributes imo
  15. Great. 2 week break after terrible performances, and come back with a totally new formation is on par with changing your goalkeeper for no real reason as a last roll of the dice imo. Let’s wait and see I guess.
  16. Which is why it’s even more of a joke that I literally HAVE to renew my st in the south stand by that deadline, or I’ll never be able to have a ST in there ever again!!?!?!!
  17. There’s gonna be a lot of dual-regs going on all over the place now. With the amount of games that’s needed to be made up between now & end of season, clubs are gonna be scrambling for any extra players they can get to fill squads. Play for Bridgy as your main club, play up two levels for Taunton whenever their games don’t clash. Nice little earner that for Jay!
  18. In fairness, he’s not going to any other way. He has no other choice than to act like that. I still think he’s under far more pressure than we think. Because of SL, not Tinnion.
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