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Everything posted by petehinton

  1. In another life, Paul Cook could’ve been our manager iirc, @Kid in the Riot will know!
  2. People didn’t know about “woke” then Still waiting for someone to explain what that even means!!!
  3. Try this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/375324357286?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=6exs5hcaqcg&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=vADbmlMdS7S&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. I’ve posted some links a few posts above
  5. For anyone after some far, far cheaper options… https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/375322289039?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=6exs5hcaqcg&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=vADbmlMdS7S&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/355562020814?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=mqrvan0lsiy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=vADbmlMdS7S&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I regularly buy from these types of listings for my nephews footy kits, and I’m almost certain they are official ones that are either off the back a lorry, or stolen….or both. Saves you a good £100+ for anyone after one!
  6. This is the bit I really struggle to comprehend that he doesn’t understand, or didn’t twig.
  7. Heading to TARE again next week for my 30th, any excuse!
  8. Really enjoyed that one. FYI there’s a ‘fan panel’ one next week too, being recorded in person. Hopefully be as good of a discussion.
  9. I personally think he’s gone if we lose the next 2
  10. Literally the exact same as how I feel, couldn’t put it any better. I normally get to April time before thinking “hmm I do have city that day, but may as well go to X instead” because of the season being dead and gone. Cardiff home was my last game of the season for sure, unless the final home game of the season is roaring sun, and there’s a BBQ pre/post game with the group on the cards, earliest I’ve ever sacked off my season ticket.
  11. The ‘Fortress’ AG clips being constantly used for reference are all from one game, aren’t they? Christ. Addition of a Nathan Baker challenge from 6 years ago is a nice touch too, they must’ve forgotten that he was sent off for that one Nice clip of Tinnion stood watching training too, for absolutely no reason, as it clearly tradition.
  12. He’s had 3 separate chances to appoint him, and yet still hasn’t!
  13. It was, But not a better game, no chance!
  14. Game of the season by a mile that Forgot what it was like to feel something watching a game of football
  15. Rashford absolute litter again. Imagine my shock
  16. Will be a good day when he retires. Through either old age, or injury! pathetic little rat.
  17. United really are ******* pathetic aren’t they. Long may it continue!
  18. petehinton


    To add to above comment…. Out on the piss with fans after!
  19. Who’s even taking charge of the schedule too? No replacement for Rennie still, Del Bonsu will be away on international duty, won’t he? Probably ask for one of his ‘external advice’ people to step in no doubt.
  20. petehinton


    Nailed my colour to the Luke Williams flag when Pearson went. LM - take the emotion out the game, something something behaviour LW - running down the touchline joining in the pile on for their second goal in the derby yesterday Sigh.
  21. Didn’t quite realise how much of an impact torquays -10 has had on them. Only 3 points above the drop now.
  22. Able to call it a day on his own terms at the age of 38, still being paid to play footy at that age too. Brilliant career.
  23. Could be an EFL manager in the near future if he’s not careful!
  24. He said as much on radio Bristol at the time. Laughed and said yes when asked if that was him finished with us, and said “sure it’ll come out that it’s due to a contract clause” or something along those lines.
  25. Think Tinnion said his game time will be dictated a bit by instructions to Jerry @ Bath around how many minutes to give him, with an eye on the u18s game time he’ll also have (semi final, mainly)
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