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Everything posted by petehinton

  1. I’m genuinely confused…how are people putting 2 & 2 together and thinking this is Lampard’s car?!
  2. Considering he is manager of Oxford who have a game at 3pm today, I’d guess no
  3. Welcome to BCFC, Lank Rampard
  4. James, Tanner, Naismith, Vyner all back with the squad today… All points toward they knew they needed to sack him last week before the players returned and we had a much stronger chance of getting results in the next two ago. What an injury crisis caused by Rennie that is.
  5. 1-0 down after 10 minutes. Fans moaning. Stupid sexy Rohl barking his orders in broken English, whilst no doubt wearing a full tracksuit including snood. Never felt so anxious.
  6. First game without the peoples king, majority of fans in disarray with the senior stakeholders of the club, facing a Sheffield Wednesday side coming off their first win, with a beautiful up & coming progressive German coach who learned his trade under one of the most highly thought of managers in Europe. What could possibly go wrong.
  7. Watching it back again, they’re either extremely ill advised, deluded, or both. Saying the fanbase is worthy of getting promoted….not really how it works pal. Has absolutely nothing to do with it. Stop trying to butter us up, Jon did that for 50% of his interview and everyone saw through it. Talking about significant budget investment…again, do us a favour. Calling Cardiff game “the final straw” - as if we needed any more assurance that they don’t bother actually watching these games. If they bothered to pay attention to it, and the nuances involved, they’d have seen it as a clear picture of a hugely dedicated and committed squad behind their manager. They’re clearly trying to spin this as “our amazing incredible fans deserve the premier league” as a way of wowing us and making us feel fuzzy. But we see right through it. It’s pure fantasy. & as for saying promotion is the ultimate goal we’re working towards….show me a club in the world that would say “no sorry, don’t really want to get promoted to the highest possible division this season, thanks but no thanks”
  8. IIRC didn’t someone send his agent the topic pages from post Coventry as a show of support? I emailed his agent wishing him the best and my uh….confusion….about the decision. He replied very quickly along the lines of he genuinely couldn’t believe the support, he’d try his best to make sure Nige reads all the messages but so many were coming through he didn’t know if it would be possible.
  9. They don’t need to be interested, when he’s already been appointed. #WelcomeFrank
  10. Absolutely delicious. Another one the Lansdowns will ******* hate. Lush.
  11. What time is the big announcement/media reveal in the lounge on Monday? Wanna make sure I clear my diary so I’m free for it.
  12. Shaggsy has been sold a kipper that has fed its way around the fanbase it seems
  13. Absolute delusion to double down on promotion this season, and incredible pressure and expectation on the next manager that no reasonable fan was even discussing before the season started.
  14. Here we go I’d just bought myself a new suit for his grand reveal on Monday. Ffs Shaggsy, ffs Joey Popes, heads are gonna roll!!!
  15. Hahahah yes very fair point. Alexa, please delete previous post.
  16. Not doubting this fully….but I truly find it unimaginable that they would tell someone to their face that they arent their number 1 choice, and basically will you just stick around whilst we try and convince the other guy, and if we can’t we’ll come back to you. You’d just tell them where to stick the job.
  17. Joe’s tweets have now been deleted, which he has done loads and loads of times when putting something ‘ITK’
  18. Can i just shock you all, I have actually always dreamed of supporting a club thats full name is “famous ex pro’s & former childhood hero’s Bristol City”. And I’ve always loved our games being moved to be live on Sky, especially every other weekend. This is like a Black Mirror episode
  19. now you’re speaking my language. More of a Naked noodles man myself, the Chinese flavour. Superb. Although I’m still full from last nights coronation curry house Madras.
  20. On matchday -1, the busiest day of the week at a training ground with loads of people running around the place, pretty ballsy if true!!!
  21. Didn’t you say yesterday he’s going to America?
  22. Can’t drink the stuff anymore mate. Horrific night on frosty jacks/strongbow when I was 17, just a sip of the stuff makes me feel now. Camden Hells boy now. What a drink.
  23. I’m absolutely loving this. Battle of the sources. Battle of the media vs the fans. I’m sticking the kettle on
  24. I’ve no dog in this fight really, but what I would say is this would make a bit of a mockery of the claims of being sustainable etc, imagine his (and his coaches) salaries. No doubt he’d be the highest paid in history, by some distance too. However, we all know Lansdowns have had an edge towards vanity projects, this would tick that box, and it would help with investment and also sky cash too. I personally can’t see it at all, but either the rumours have picked up because it’s true, or because it’s being ran with from one source that could be either misinformed or on a wind up. I’d say if it is true then it would be breaking publicly from multiple people tonight/tomorrow.
  25. Why would he feel the need to do that? It’s not his fault that the news is the way it is. He also has no social media.
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