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Bris Red

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Everything posted by Bris Red

  1. Also just shows how strong English domestic football is at the moment by the way.. the Premier league is streets ahead of everyone in Europe.
  2. Var is a complete farcical joke
  3. Fair play fully deserved by Chelsea
  4. He’d have got us promotion or at the very least a shot in the play-offs had he been given the job instead of LJ and with the resources he had. You right though we are too nice as a club, winning at all cost’s isn’t in the BCFC blueprint - winning with nice humans and with people who don’t upset the applecart is!
  5. The stats don’t lie, umpteen promotions from this level - he was an expert at it. His sides may have not played a great brand of football but it’s results and promotions that go down in history.
  6. Indeed we are. Certainly not tinpot in terms of our facilities but facilities mean bugger all when the people running the footballing side of the club are completely inept. You just hope Lansdown will see sense and learn from previous mistakes. I think the combo of Gould and Pearson given time will bring us success but Lansdown HAS to be patient and give them time in the same way he gave dumb and dumber plenty of time.
  7. Another manager would have us more organised at the back i am convinced of it now.
  8. Indeed. The SC era feels like a lifetime ago for me!
  9. And then proceeded to waste all of the dough we did actually make on him.. ah well ?
  10. Lampard’s career as a manager feels like it is more a less over before it has even started.. That’s what you get for taking the wrong jobs at the wrong time in your career. Should never have gone to Chelsea and should never have gone to Everton.
  11. I also would like to think i have that same thought process of ‘‘i would back any City manager’’ but I’m sorry i would struggle massively to back LJ if he ever came back.
  12. Great photos @Never to the dark side ? What a tin pot little stadium dean court is though!
  13. I’ve said this a million times before but Pearson (or somebody of his stature) should have been brought in after the 18/19 season. Instead we allowed dumb and dumber a blank cheque book and we now find ourselves in the mess that we are now with no money expecting miracles to be worked by Pearson with a squad that is absolutely pony. Pearson needs time and money, I genuinely don’t think any other manager (that we could realistically attract) could do any better with this squad and the financial straight jacket that he has to work with. It’s a pretty dire situation that Lansdown his boy and the rest of the board have allowed to happen.
  14. You are very naive if you think international football is about playing scintillating attacking football EVERY game. The Germans and the Italian’s have for years shown us that to be a successful team on the international stage it sometimes is about grinding out results when it matters.. I think i have lost count of the amount of tournaments i have seen Germany play bang average in yet get to a Semi-final or Final.. finally we seem to be mastering that art and i am absolutely over the moon with seeing England actually turning up in tournaments for the first time in my life time. I can quite easily see us getting to the later stages of the WC again this year - don’t think i have ever felt confidence like that under any previous England manager..! A semi-final and a final for me shows what a fantastic job Southgate has done, can you remember just how bad Euro 2016 was under Hodgson? Some people need a reality check.
  15. I’m a huge fan of seeing our young players abroad to be honest - what Tammy is doing in the Serie A is fantastic. The more players we have experiencing a different brand of football on the continent can only benefit the national team positively IMO. A move to Barca or Real would be fantastic for Bellingham instead of the predictable move to the Prem..
  16. I got rid of it years ago. Jailbroken amazon firestick is the way to go ?
  17. Or another top club in Europe could come calling..
  18. Massive congratulations to him, fully deserved ?
  19. More than frustrating when it happens almost every week though isn’t it. A fundamental problem that clearly Pearson nor the rest of his coaching staff can sort out.
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