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Everything posted by BTRFTG

  1. They might given they already live in 'Aditbyjan , otherwise known as 'The Land of Dire'?
  2. There's always the exception..... AJIB stock is down over 27% in the last 5 years, 5% this. Continues to rate BB-. It turns a profit of around £24m a year after tax. Wael has the smallest holding of the brothers , around 4.6% last time I looked and worth somewhere in the region of a 'Kel' (2/3rds of a Kelly or £8m in layman's terms.) His brothers hold slightly greater stock with one exception holding something like 24%. Its a good living but you'll appreciate small fry in banking terms. They also own significant interests in Jordanian Tourism, but you don't need to have read the papers to understand that isn't what it once was (to put it succinctly....)
  3. More worrying would be whether the family loans are secured against the value of their bank stock which has taken a dive since last summer......
  4. We've also an owner who, should he so choose upon his passing, write off outstanding loans as irrecoverable debt, given the marginal impact on his overall tax liability. Not saying he will, but he might.....
  5. There's a note in the football club accounts - just struck me as odd what income was outstanding for Dwayne Colony's asset? Presume the related purchases were fencing and security security patrols to protect the hallowed swamp?
  6. Does anybody with access to the accounts know why the football club made purchases through Dwayne Colony and where (from the Colony accounts) the £200k's worth of unpaid income (as debtors) comes from?
  7. Look at it this way. For decades they've been sh*t. For a year or two longer and in their dying embers they're likely to be sh*t. Yet more than one man and his dog continue to turn out to watch them each and every week. That's fantastic support in anyone's book (save my wife who thinks it a sad indictment of the state of care in the community services these days. )
  8. How to confound a Gashead.... That you fail to understand the first paragraph goes without saying. I wouldn't expect you to, what with Horfield being 30 years behind the rest of the universe. Henbury Gas and his technical expertise may enlighten when next you meet... Second para, too, you've misinterpreted. Has nothing to do with 'digital' or 'the internet'. Simply, people no longer wish to pay for anything these days. Why would one pay for music, images,TV, news or information when they're 'freely' available? That's why where once monies were to be had via record sales and plays (with concerts as loss leaders,) today it's wholly the reverse. News, TV and images are financed via enforced advertising. Sales matter little, today it's the goldmine of click-through, impression visits. On the upside and whilst sorry to learn of your visual impairment (which I sincerely hope improves,) the good news is should you subscribe to digital newspapers there are applications that are able to read them to you (I know as the paper for whom I once worked developed them.) Better still, with technological advances there's a chance your big screen next term might be in colour (though with Wael at the helm I wouldn't bank on it.......)
  9. The Reach Group - formerly Mirror Group Newspapers - makes Johnstone Press look benign. You ain't kidding. Whisper quietly but sections of The Mirror share desk space and resource with The Daily Express....
  10. It isn't 'bad journalism' as for the journalistic element there is none. Its what's know as 'User Generated Content' and the Fourth Estate began to adopt the idea when seeking to unify it's print and digital production platforms. Most let web drive print without transferring journalistic skills across. That's when I jumped ship. Though I hate the rag The Mail did so with great success, others like The Evil simply used it to cut standards and costs. It's also untrue that people don't want to read content anymore - look at the proliferation of digital written word platforms. Like music and the rest what people don't want to do is pay (directly) for content.
  11. You could register Bristol Rovers FC as a ( Fetish Club) as this is clearly not a football enterprise, though I'd argue is essentially the same as that on offer in Horfield. Alternatively, you could register the football club title for the operation of your new Sunday football XI, and provided you didn't attempt to pass yourself off as the previous enterprise you might be ok. If successful you could object should The Gas attempt to re-register under a similar name.
  12. You can't attempt to 'pass off' or 'interfere' with a registered entity but once struck off they cease to exist hence the title once again becomes available.
  13. It also means the title (name) of the entity struck off becomes available should one wish to acquire it.... Just imagine....
  14. Norm is equivalent value of 40% of increase in asset value for the permission. It's a massive, 'hidden' tax that few have cottoned onto. You buy a new build house/flat and 40% goes straight to the local authority to subsidise social and affordable housing.
  15. Total site is 3.3 Hectares. Under the lapsed consents Sainsbury's, in addition to funding local roadworks, were liable for @£1.2m of CIL contributions and had to hand over 40% of the proposed residential developments as affordable housing.
  16. Agree and key being that they soon realised it was worth nothing near given the change in the market. On residential development CIL/S106 can take as much as 40% of the enhanced value to the developer. I was once responsible for a B1 property with a book value of £12m which, when revalued for potential sui generis occupation, dropped to £7m. So a £12m book price stadium is likely to be worth far less as a residential land proposition.
  17. It would be interesting to see what the ground valuation is and when it was last reviewed (there are good reasons why regularly reviewing isn't a good idea.) Clearly there's unlikely to be buyer for a sports stadium so with change of use and consequential CIL and S106 liabilities any gross value might likely be significantly reduced.
  18. And for the recently departed Tramp he might have reprised 'Elusive Gutterfly'....
  19. Well if the lottery is mine tonight expect to see the main stand (sic) at The Men renamed The Arthur Jackson stand.
  20. TwoSheds eh? Named after the home of that football club that came to mind...?
  21. I'd never condone defacing posters and it really wouldn't be funny should someone decide the pirate should be holding something other than a sword ; begging-bowl, copy of The Big Issue, dildo? Who knows where that might lead....?
  22. Alternatively, it might be ' Forlorn With No Bread'.....
  23. Makes sense. Expect them next season to be running out to Duelling Banjos rather than Irene....
  24. I note in the same thread they're conducting a Memorial Murder Mystery, in which case count me in. It'll either be Reilly, Back Row of the Blackthorn Terrace with the Football else Wael, in the Boardroom with the Empty Wallet..... I hope it's the latter.
  25. Sinclair to Walsall is odds-on - just visit the TrampAdvisor website and you'll note the elevated motorways adjacent Bescott provide shelter....
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