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Evander Sno!

Dolman Block B

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Well, on his day was superb, young and knows the club well. Would he be the answer to our midfield woe,s?

Understand he had a heart problem but was he not up and training within a week or two? Anyone know how he is doing, if he is match fit or even avaliable for a loan deal?


You'll have to remind me what day he was superb on. I remember flashes of but wouldn't go so far as superb for an entire game.

Think a few people are looking back with rose tinited specs.

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I rate Evander Sno and would love to see him back,

BUT he is not the sort of player we are looking for I don't think. We're looking for a playmaker and Evander is not really that...

Really? I thought that was exactly what he was. Someone who would always want the ball, find space, great touch, retain possesion, pass short and long. Could also go by a player and if given the chance ( in central midfield!), dictate the tempo of the game. This in my mind would definitely come under the "play maker" role.

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Didn't rate him at all. Amazed that so many people thought he was fantastic. The rubbish about him played out of position doesn't wash either. He was played in the centre and failed to dazzle enough times, and genuine quality players will adapt to being played left or right of what some people claim is their desired position. I wouldn't touch him with a barge pole. Distinctly ordinary

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Didn't rate him at all. Amazed that so many people thought he was fantastic. The rubbish about him played out of position doesn't wash either. He was played in the centre and failed to dazzle enough times, and genuine quality players will adapt to being played left or right of what some people claim is their desired position. I wouldn't touch him with a barge pole. Distinctly ordinary

You obviously wern't at either the Ajax home or Leicester Away games last season then.. These being the ONLY 2 games where he was played in his natural position and also happen to be the games where he controlled the tempo and was literally unplayable, square pegs in round holes and all that...

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Would have him back in a second.

Control, passing, tackling, strong, good engine.

However like Marv last season was wasted on the Wing so that lesser players could keep their positions in the middle

Was criminal that we had Hartley and Sno but rarely played them together in the middle of midfield.

Out of contract at end of season, so would be cheap ish

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Really? I thought that was exactly what he was. Someone who would always want the ball, find space, great touch, retain possesion, pass short and long. Could also go by a player and if given the chance ( in central midfield!), dictate the tempo of the game. This in my mind would definitely come under the "play maker" role.

He does retain possesion wel, but he never spots the early ball and slows play down too much to be a playmaker

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