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Official: Richard Foster Signs (Update - Skip Past The First 180 Posts, It's A Done Deal!)


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Foster will be a quality signing for City, attacking right back who can also play left back or on either wing - didn't get much chance at Ibrox. Strangely didn't get much of a chance although looked good in Europe, only criticism is he occasionally looked suspect defensively in the SPL. Main attribute he has is his pace, been driven out of Aberdeen by the locals who feel he has committed treason by playing for Scotland's champions.

That's him from 5.15-5.20 - what a pass to set up the goal which kept us in Europe that season.

Also scored a brilliant goal (25 yarder) in Rangers v Aberdeen which ended 2-1 Rangers, can't find a video of it although here's the match report:

Aberdeen 1 - 2 Rangers

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250k and the Aberdeen fans really don't care he is leaving. Still, must be better than Jamie Mac

I'm presuming he'll be in as a right back rather than a left back; why would you purposely buy a right-footer to play left side of defence? Me thinks the Aberdeen fans are a little bitter; given that the Old Firm teams have the pick of whoever they want in Scotland, he must have something about him for them to have signed him on loan. To be honest though, I wouldn't have said fullback is a position we desperately needed to recruit to though...

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He will play right back. He is incredibly fast, having watched him and known him for 9 years it's his only asset....that said I have faith in whoever mcinnes signs I reckon his player development is delboys best asset he could turn me into championship quality player!

Right now I don't think he is anything better than what we got even tho rb is clearly a problem position for us. But delighted to be proven wrong!

As for the dressing room stuff absolute crock of shite. Aberdeen fans are bitter he went to rangers. Ricky is a total model pro, top guy and would fit in well into our dressing room! I hope he comes good, I just can't quite see it right now, but in del I have faith!

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From what Ive heard of the player, he has played all over the pitch, started out as a winger, so should have pace.

Has been playing LB recently for Aberdeen, but has played most positions for them.

Has Champions League and Uefa Cup experience

is 26


History of dressing room bust ups, including previous managers at Aberdeen. Not afraid to tell his own fans to eff off. Aberdeen fans really hate him presently, because of actions on pitch and attitude.

One of many threads on him from the Aberdeen forums (where opinion was split)

No end product in terms of crossing, other than speed, appears to have no other redeeming qualities according to Aberdeen fans

Where is he going to play? He has no proper position particularly, is McGivern going back to Man City? or Mc Allister off. Is he to replace Skuse or whomever at RB? is he going to replace Pearson or Alby on the wings.

A bit of a head scratcher

End of the day he is quick, obviously good enough to play for Rangers in the champions league, has won a title with Rangers and is only costing 250k sounds good to me. We obviously havent got a million to spend on a full back so we have to get the best we can within a budget.

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Encouraging news that Delboy is active in the market.

I think it's best to reserve our judgement until he had played a few games for us. I also think we need to be realistic about the players we can afford and those players who would want to join a club in a relegation dogfight.

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He's so versatile we don't really know what his signing will signify. Could be that we have failed to get Pearson, could be Adomah's off, Mcgivern being bombed out? But hopefully and I really feel most likely, no more Skuse. Please.

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Has McInnes lost the plot? I doubt even the Saints fans would be happy if he'd signed Foster for our club. He certainly isn't a patch on either of the full backs currently at St Johnstone. Bizarre.

Have either of your full backs recently played Champions league football or for one of the Old Firm?

250 games for Aberdeen over 6/7 seasons (I assume all in the SPL?), on loan at Rangers last season playing Champions League and their fans rate him?

Not sure I quite believe the suggestions that he's shite.

Not a single Derby fan rated Pearson and he turned out alright...I at least see a few positives for Foster so remain optimistic he'll fit in.

If he has pace then him and Albert could cause the opposition problems down the right...

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Has McInnes lost the plot? I doubt even the Saints fans would be happy if he'd signed Foster for our club. He certainly isn't a patch on either of the full backs currently at St Johnstone. Bizarre.

Foster is obviously rated by Craig Brown who made him club captain. Versatility in any player is always an attractive quality.

Foster appears to have slipped under the forum radar. I can't recall any rumours or hints than City were interested in him.That's quite a surprise given how widespread the forum users are.

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