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Lee Johnson

Carey 6

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"Can I get that ignition from their gut in a high-pressure situation? That is the challenge."

:laugh:, what exactly is johnno planning?! an ignition from a gut in a high pressure situation? sounds more like what happens the morning after a dodgy curry and a few pints of guinness

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Obviously, he's lying though. He's not done anything in the last 10 years to prepare himself for management. He's just doing it because he's crap and noone wants him. Must be true. Nick J says its so.

Its my opinion based on the evidence, you obviously have a problem with my having an opinion. No manager bar one has ever wanted to give him more than a few games and then got rid. If you dont want to see that its up to you, I always said he'd drift down the leagues after the contract his dad gave him finished, and so it was proving - avoiding that by going into management isnt something many would have predicted, but hats off to him for pulling it off all the same. I have a feeling he'll be receiving a payoff before the end of next season.

As for the "travelling the world to learn about football" quote, sounds very grand but I'd like to know how that comes about for a professional footballer whose season finishes towards the end of May and starts training again at the beginning of July. So far as I know there isnt much going on in the football world in June but stand to be corrected.

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Dont be a fool. He's about to become a manager at 31, why would anyone do that, given that players are paid much more than managers.

Coming to the end of a playing career and being paid for on the job training for his next career, pretty clever I would say, but as you are obviously privy to all of LJ's personal information, you know best of course.

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Could well be a success eventually but his stature (physically) will be his downfall I would guess.

Would never command respect/authority up against some 6'3 League 2 meathead dumbass.

That's right. Shankly was nine feet tall, as I recall...

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Its my opinion based on the evidence, you obviously have a problem with my having an opinion. No manager bar one has ever wanted to give him more than a few games and then got rid. If you dont want to see that its up to you, I always said he'd drift down the leagues after the contract his dad gave him finished, and so it was proving - avoiding that by going into management isnt something many would have predicted, but hats off to him for pulling it off all the same. I have a feeling he'll be receiving a payoff before the end of next season.

As for the "travelling the world to learn about football" quote, sounds very grand but I'd like to know how that comes about for a professional footballer whose season finishes towards the end of May and starts training again at the beginning of July. So far as I know there isnt much going on in the football world in June but stand to be corrected.

In all fairness , he was 30 when he left here , he's hardly likely to go up the leagues at that age.

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Its my opinion based on the evidence, you obviously have a problem with my having an opinion. No manager bar one has ever wanted to give him more than a few games and then got rid. If you dont want to see that its up to you, I always said he'd drift down the leagues after the contract his dad gave him finished, and so it was proving - avoiding that by going into management isnt something many would have predicted, but hats off to him for pulling it off all the same. I have a feeling he'll be receiving a payoff before the end of next season.

As for the "travelling the world to learn about football" quote, sounds very grand but I'd like to know how that comes about for a professional footballer whose season finishes towards the end of May and starts training again at the beginning of July. So far as I know there isnt much going on in the football world in June but stand to be corrected.

Just like you over Cole Skuse, the midfielder with how many assist this season?.

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richard askam@richaskam
Understand the initial recommendation of Lee Johnson to Oldham came from no less than Kenny Dalglish #latics #oafc #lfc

The reporter for BBC somewhere up there... interesting!

Wish Lee all the best; hope the Oldham fans get behind him. He's obviously impressed the board - it was their decision, not his to, to be appointed manager and therefore the least they can do is back him, even if they don't want to back the board (Corney or some'ink).

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richard askam@richaskam

Understand the initial recommendation of Lee Johnson to Oldham came from no less than Kenny Dalglish #latics #oafc #lfc

The reporter for BBC somewhere up there... interesting!

Wish Lee all the best; hope the Oldham fans get behind him. He's obviously impressed the board - it was their decision, not his to, to be appointed manager and therefore the least they can do is back him, even if they don't want to back the board (Corney or some'ink).

Clearly, Kenny Dalglish is an idiot who knows less about football than your average OTIB loudmouth...

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Good luck to him. Had his critics when he was here, mainy unfairly IMO, didn't help that his dad was the manager here. Sounds like an intelligent bloke and always had a good footballing head on him. As others have said must have been one hell of an interview!!

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Pleased for him to be honest. The quote from the Oldham website pretty much sums it all up for me.

LJ was never a favourite of mine. I liked him as a person but, for me, he fell short as a player at championship level. However for all the rubbish we have seen at the club I can never fault LJ for being a fantastic pro and always giving everything he had for us.

It's pretty evident the bloke wanted this badly and has done his homework and has been dedicated. Good luck to him I say. He deserves it.

Also, fair play to Oldham for giving him a chance, rather than just going for the same old names and managers that have done the rounds.

Good luck LJ.

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