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Thanks for posting Dave, although I would take you to task on one point.

We consulted more than any other club I know on the design for a redeveloped Ashton Gate

To be fair, how any other clubs in the football pyramid would you expect to consult their fans on the development of a small football stadium in Bristol?

my sarcasam senses are tingling

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my sarcasam senses are tingling

T'was very tongue in cheek.

One aspect of Dave's job that I hope will get easier this coming season, will be the names of opposing teams. There seems to be more 'Joe Bloggs' than 'Uri Bolokovs' in the lower leagues, so that might be nice for him. Not that it has been an issue before.

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My role is to sit between club and fans and act as a bridge between the two. Remember, I am a fan too, and was a season ticket holder in the Dolman stand for many years before I started working here. The club do pay my wages, and so of course I have a loyalty to them, but I also feel a strong loyalty to fellow supporters who I represent to the best of my ability.

I can promise you that I do put fans views across, sometimes quite bluntly if necessary, and the great thing about the current regime at the club is that they listen, and often act on my advice. The Football League has this year asked all clubs to appoint a Supporter Liaison Officer (SLO) - a job I have been doing for 6 years now. In fact Bristol City were one of the very first - possibly the first - club to appoint an SLO, so we've been ahead of many others in this respect.

Timothy mentions having somebody voted for by fans, but I would point out that you already have a democratically elected board of the Supporters Club and Trust - voted for by fans - who do a really good job to put fans view across. As a member of the SC&T I work very closely with the board of the trust. Because they are not on the club's payroll they can be even more blunt than I am on occasion, and I think that's a very healthy system that keeps everyone on their toes. We don't always agree on everything, but I am full of respect for the work they do to promote supporters interests and the club as a whole.

We're currently working with the SC&T to promote regional supporters associations. We've also set up the Fans Parliament to give supporters a genuine voice at the heart of the club. We consulted more than any other club I know on the design for a redeveloped Ashton Gate, and will continue to do so right up until the last brick is laid, if that's what we end up doing. I am available to meet with anyone, anywhere, any time.

I know I will never please everyone all the time and I am always happy to take criticism on the chin. I acknowledge that mistakes are sometimes made and that I don't always get everything right. There are so many voices out there, often with conflicting agendas, that I am never going to please all of the people all of the time. But do I think I do a good job in giving fans a voice at our club? Yes I do, and the feedback I get from meeting people face to face, and emails and messages I get, it seems that most people, and those that pay my wages, agree with me.


Dave according to the e mail I received from the Supporters trust [Thatcham red] the consultation for a redeveloped Wedlock has finished. Planning will soon be applied for = Structure is decided, the positioning of safe standing likewise. You may want to address some of the points in another thread.

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I supppose that will be another ban coming up forr me!

Well as far as I see it you have two choices, you can continue with your one man crusade and possibly incur a ban, then go crying on FaceBook, whilst giving a virtuoso performance of a victim.

Or maybe you could do us all a favour and just get over it!

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