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Callum Robinson


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A couple of his very very early appearances under McInnes, if I recall correctly.


And he looked incredibly fast and exciting at the time- last 2-3 matches of the season. He's never really managed to kick on from this sadly.


Very happy to see him and Bobby given a chance this season- in whatever competition or as subs.

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Who needs fans like you....I hope he scores tomorrow and has a cracking season.


By saying what you have, it reflects on everyone at the Club who coach's and selects him.


Players, family members and Club staff read this forum.... how would you like it, if one of your family members was spoken about in such a manner on an open forum.


I'd like to see you say it to their faces....easy behind a keyboard isn't it.


Have some respect for a player who tries his hardest for your team.... talk about the pros and cons of a players ability....but what you said is just plain ignorant.


Couldn't agree more, abuse and or baseless rumours don't help anybody.

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Totally unnecessary and totally wrong in my opinion. If that's what you think he is I dread to think what phrase you'd use to describe your footballing abilities, whatever they may be. Know what I'd be doing to you if I were a mod.


I'm not saying that I agree with him, but are we not all allowed an opinion? (Even if it could have been phrased better)

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I'm not saying that I agree with him, but are we not all allowed an opinion? (Even if it could have been phrased better)

Haven't got a problem with him not rating him but what a horrible, spiteful way of putting it. Also not even backed up with any reasons. Just a pathetic post in my opinion amd one that would be worthy of a ban.

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Good signing another hungry young player with potential who is proven at league one . I think some on here are moaning because he played for pne last year nd wasn't theit top scorer ! Also some pne fans might be bitter he didn't resign for them .

Some of our signings will need more time and interesting to hear mention cotts mention he can play in a front 3 . It means we can play in more formations and you never know might change our formation to 3 up top.

I wouldn't be suprised to see him start alongside wilbs instead of kodja . Who I believe sc won't rush him until he ready even tho he s had a pre season with us and cr hasn't .

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Totally unnecessary and totally wrong in my opinion. If that's what you think he is I dread to think what phrase you'd use to describe your footballing abilities, whatever they may be. Know what I'd be doing to you if I were a mod.

I tend to agree with the bloke but I would probably have worded it 'league 2 footballer'

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I would hope he was,if he wants everyone banned with something he doesn't agree with then otib is finished

Did you read my post where I said I haven't a problem with his opinion? What I do have a problem with is unnecessary abuse of a player who is part of our club. Mods can ban people for abusive posts so no I'm not joking.

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This is JET's replacement, I guess.


Seems a promising signing. Clearly struggled in his second spell at Preston to get any meaningful gametime, but it was nigh on impossible to get ahead of Garner/Beckford at that time. His return in his first spell was impressive and sounds as if he's a very technical player, which will suit us.

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Did you read my post where I said I haven't a problem with his opinion? What I do have a problem with is unnecessary abuse of a player who is part of our club. Mods can ban people for abusive posts so no I'm not joking.

. If he doesn't rate him he doesn't rate him,simple,so what if he is part of our club,there is a thing called blind loyalty,and I know they can ban people but is that really abusive
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Would you like to be called dog sh###? Would you like your child to be called it? It's one thing slating someone but another to abuse them. Plus it was completely unsubstantiated. I suspect the poster knew they were being controversial, knew said player's dad is on the forum and felt big and clever sat behind his screen.

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Couldn't care less what people call me or my kids,its their opinion,I know their wrong,who cares if his dad's on here,has he stopped watching his son play in case he gets stick

Fair enough that's your opinion amd like I said, no problems with people with different opinions who give reasons but am amazed you don't care if people say abusive things about your kids. Don't think you got my point about his dad - was saying it was one of the reasons why he was antagonistic in his comments. Yeah maybe I needn't have bit but just took exception to it and don't get why someone needs to be so deliberately unkind.

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Fair enough that's your opinion amd like I said, no problems with people with different opinions who give reasons but am amazed you don't care if people say abusive things about your kids. Don't think you got my point about his dad - was saying it was one of the reasons why he was antagonistic in his comments. Yeah maybe I needn't have bit but just took exception to it and don't get why someone needs to be so deliberately unkind.

. i didn't no his dad is on here so maybe he didn't,unless you know him of course
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I had to say that about my kids because if I told the truth what I'd do you would be calling for me to be banned as well

No actually I'd agree and think it would be justified. His opinion and how he worded it had no justification. Anyway. Hope for 3 points tomorrow. Sure thats something else we can agree on.

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Just browsing the PNE forum and a few mention that Grayson had spoken about attempting to bring back a player that wanted to experience a new club and new city. Could well be Callum. That, along with Boro wanting to bring back Fredericks, can only be seen as good signs.

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