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Sc Sulking Or Is It A Positive? (Merged)


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It was John Pelling who said it. You know, our head of finance chappy. I'd take his word for it. He helped scribe the FFP rules as well, so will know exactly what he's talking about.

Interesting Harry; you have a link to the remarks? In the context of the various forms of hysteria on here I, for one, would like to read exactly what he said.

And just to add, bottom six budget or not, that may have been reasonably accurate when he said it but time moves on. I see no reason to take a possibly correct historical fact and worshipping it as a mantra for what might be 'the excuse' for the entire season... Its gonna be very boring.

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Which is fine for Boro.  They will be expecting promotion at least a play off.  They have everything in place in which they are able to offer a player that. An established Championship side with premiership capability.  We are not, yet.


Expectations this year should include survival in this league, and consolidate.  I say survival, I mean comfortable survival.


We cant run before we learn to walk.  Deep breath and trust in what we are trying to build.  We have great people involved with this club, who like us, would love more.  But it takes time.  They and the players have to be given time.


I have seen SC lose.  It looks like he is going to implode.  I would seriously worry for the guy's health above all else if we have a bad season.


Stay the course City.



That's us in a nutshell isn't it?

Hang in there, stay the course, consolidate for next season, patience, lower expectations, within budget, remember where we were last season, won't be held to ransom, four pillars, endless.

For once just once, how about we go a little mental?

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Downing 50-70k at Middlesbrough? Where dya read that? Glad we're not paying stupid wages. The future of this club is more important than short term ambition and overspending that could really land us in the shit 82 style. Sure SC will stay and also positive that SL will back him. However, we can't live beyond our means. We need sustainable growth. Agree a central midfielder is a must and I'm sure that SL would be flexible on wages for the right player. I trust them to get it right and am not going to panic after one game.

When he was first rumored to leave WH. Saw it on sky that boro was prepared to pay him 70k a week on the transfer tracker. Think later on in the process it changed to 50k. Point is, he's probably on 5-7 times what our average is on. That's hard to compete with but if you identify targets you have to pay them decent wages.

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Not saying that we should spend wildly but if you listen to what he actually said the summer recruitment was clearly as much the reason Cotterill was down last night as the result was.

Let's face it JET, Cunningham, Osborne and Elliott are no longer available to us as players, (plus as I thought) Little was nowhere near fit enough to play.

A subs bench including an Academy keeper, El-Abd, Reid, Wagstaff (probably not fit enough to come on) plus a lad we signed the day before is a joke, one step up from Blackpool last year.

This all meant our recruitment didn't even match our departures, which at a higher level is nowhere near good enough, as he patently knows.

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Cotterill hasn't strengthened as he would have liked largely it seems because other clubs were asking silly money for their players and so were agents.

I admire the clubs reluctance to pay over the top for any player and, like others am confident that SC will get in the players he wants. It's just going to take longer than he'd hoped an us fans just have to be patient.

And in the meantime? 


And what do we have in bucket loads? Patience, we have had it for decades, we have had to, because we as a club have never been fit for purpose in playing a a higher level, we flirted with the top flight for a few years once, and that's it...and to think the size of Bristol?  We should be pulling out all the stops NOW, we need to insure we cannot get relegated again, because this will really throw the spanner in the works, but hey, we are 'lil ole' Bristol City or is it Rovers, or just Bristol to many, just a small club in a big City.


Yea patience, that'll do it. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

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And don't get me wrong, I don't want to go into huge debt but I think it would be prudent to spend a bit. This season is important. Let's say we finish 18th. We stayed up but not impressively. Joe Bryan and Freeman have another outstanding season. Other teams come sniffing as they've now done it in the championship and are proven. They going to stay with a team that finished so low in the table? Maybe but it's not a risk I want to take. On top of that, recruiting won't be much easier then either.

It's not panic time yet but it's a perspective. We have the momentum and need to kick on. If spending a bit more per week is needed to get 2 guys that can really give us that boost then it should be done. We have a small squad so we shouldn't be near our wage budget. If we are going to do this small squad thing, make it right and put the talent in it. Not no matter the cost. Should be within reason but if it's a bit more than out max, make the exception.

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I'll be surprised/gutted if we don't splash out before the deadline, I can't for one minute believe that SL will want League One football in a 27,000 seater stadium. Have faith, we'll be ok.



Cotterill hasn't strengthened as he would have liked largely it seems because other clubs were asking silly money for their players and so were agents.

I admire the clubs reluctance to pay over the top for any player and, like others am confident that SC will get in the players he wants. It's just going to take longer than he'd hoped an us fans just have to be patient.


first 2 quotes are spot on for me. SL clearly said he was aiming for a mid table finish this year and get a settled established squad together that might push on after that. Cotts job is to see that this happens. any further success/achievement would be a big bonus for the owner. splashing millions here there and everywhere that dont work out will ruin the plan.by the same token,players demanding silly wages would also unsettle an already good happy core squad.

I don't see him commenting on the players he's managed to sign. I see him blaming the players for the defeat.

i saw it as this too. his radio bris interview was better.   he was obviously disappointed at our lack of ambition in front of goal and the defending for the first goal,. i see him as genuinely being upset we lost,more  than not getting the players he wanted.

cotts knows how Steve Lansdown wants to play it , he obviously thinks he CAN do it or he wouldnt have taken the job in the first place.

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first 2 quotes are spot on for me. SL clearly said he was aiming for a mid table finish this year and get a settled established squad together that might push on after that. Cotts job is to see that this happens. any further success/achievement would be a big bonus for the owner. splashing millions here there and everywhere that dont work out will ruin the plan.by the same token,players demanding silly wages would also unsettle an already good happy core squad.

i saw it as this too. his radio bris interview was better.   he was obviously disappointed at our lack of ambition in front of goal and the defending for the first goal,. i see him as genuinely being upset we lost,more  than not getting the players he wanted.

cotts knows how Steve Lansdown wants to play it , he obviously thinks he CAN do it or he wouldnt have taken the job in the first place.


Just the bottom part I am replying to, the CH5 interview he looked a disconsolate, broken man... 'terrible summer' and 'nowhere near signing he players he wants'


Doesnt make for good listening.

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On channel 5 he absolutley refused to blame the players, more the situation we have found ourselves, we have a whole load of players, joe bryan included, where if they come off injured there is no replacement without seriously swapping people around to get it to fit, and sticking wes burns in at right wing back in the championship away at hillsborough isnt fair on wes. We are drastically short of numbers, and as someone else said, someone like wade elliott who is good to have around and who knows what he is doing on the pitch is needed.

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Interesting Harry; you have a link to the remarks? In the context of the various forms of hysteria on here I, for one, would like to read exactly what he said.

And just to add, bottom six budget or not, that may have been reasonably accurate when he said it but time moves on. I see no reason to take a possibly correct historical fact and worshipping it as a mantra for what might be 'the excuse' for the entire season... Its gonna be very boring.

I don't follow your argument. Harry confirmed that John Pelling said it and eric04 subsequently provided a link. Fair enough that you wanted evidence to support the claim, so would I. But what grounds do you have for saying the fact 'may have been reasonably accurate' and is 'possibly correct' when evidence has been provided that it is a fact? Or for implying (correct me if I misunderstand) that it may no longer be the case by using the word 'historical'? As far as I know nobody from the club has said since that the budget has been increased.


So in the absence of evidence to the contrary, we have a bottom 6 budget, which should temper our expectations, including both Steves it seems to me.

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The problem is the players are more than good enough, they just dont have Championship experience. It could take most of them 7/8 games to adjust to the League.

I just really hope all the Winning mentality from last season isnt gone otherwise it could be a rough couple of months ahead.

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It wasn't a great performance; nothing can cover that up. But we cannot afford (both financially and in terms of team cohesion) to start throwing money at the problem - the team we have needs a little more quality and competition in some areas, that is obvious, but they are relatively young players who will grow into this league, and I believe that over the first ten games we'll see a reaction to this result.

Need a centre back who can push the likes of Ayling and Williams into performing to the level they displayed last season, we need a midfielder to replace the leadership Elliot gave us last season and to grapple with opposition attackers (the Italians call them 'destroyers of play'), and we now need a left wing back, as if Bryan is out for any length of time, we CANNOT just 'make do'.

For me; I'd play pretty much the same team (not much choice tbf) at Luton - get this result out of the system and get prepared and their blood up for Brentford at home.

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My only real concern is not that we lost, we're going to lose, it's how we lost and the way that in the interviews it seemed like they thought we were "unlucky".

The truth is that yesterday we were totally outclassed, Wednesday didn't let up and we struggled to get out of our own half. They could have easily beat us by 4 or 5 goals, even more if the defence hadn't have done so well in the first half. We had chances but they were all from range and half chances at best.

My concern is that Steve may be a "spend too succeed" manager and whilst that was possible in League One it simply isn't in the Championship as we're a small club composted to many in this league.

I can understand people worrying about Steve leaving because it would seem be wants to spend and the funds just aren't there, or atleast not the amount he's looking to spend.

I still think we seriously need to replace Pack as a starting midfielder if we're going to stick with this formation as we looked very light in the middle. I think we need someone who is going to work extra hard and can influence the middle of the pitch but that's going to be expensive.

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My concern is that Steve may be a "spend too succeed" manager and whilst that was possible in League One it simply isn't in the Championship as we're a small club composted to many in this league.

I can understand people worrying about Steve leaving because it would seem be wants to spend and the funds just aren't there, or atleast not the amount he's looking to spend.

I still think we seriously need to replace Pack as a starting midfielder if we're going to stick with this formation as we looked very light in the middle. I think we need someone who is going to work extra hard and can influence the middle of the pitch but that's going to be expensive.

It's not down to SC regarding the size of the war chest. That's down to a number of financial factors and the decisions made by the likes financial men like Pelling and Junior Lansdown.

As for our midfield influence. Remember that Wade Elliot has gone into coaching and so far SC has not been able to fill that gap. Elliot was not only very experienced but was a classy player as well.

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Well if you think it's too late in the window, fair enough. I agree it may be too late to change the policy now but the point was, we made the move up to me seem to be too rigid in our policy in terms of wages. Surely these larger squads others are having pay a lot in wages. I'm all for a small squad but if there is a set wage limit and it's not very high, then we are either going to struggle or get supremely lucky and everyone play to the ability of 2-3 times their wages. I don't like living on too much luck. Think it would(would've) been prudent to pay 2-3 a bit more if they had the experience and proven to be players in this league.

I think our guys in the end will be enough to stay up but without some experience we may be missing out and losing some momentum of last season:

I agree, however I also agree with the handfuls out there who think as a club, unless you follow what has happened here and know about our plans, we aren't really that attractive as a proposition v most clubs in this league

In a short term career, in the second division, I can understand why cash is king and why we are missing out to the QPRs and when we make what we think is a very strong offer for Maguire it can get turned down even though it's not clear he will be starting.

I think for a while we have to take our medicine as a newly promoted team trying to establish themselves.

The overriding thought in my mind, and I know it is exceptional, is remember 2007 and remember where Hull came from during the winter to win promotion having landed Frazier Campbell? Yes it's imperative we improve, but not necessarily by 6pm on Sept 1st.

Also I wouldn't be surprised to see us happily pay much more of a wage contribution for a loan.

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