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Pelling gone...


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I really can't get my head around why people get so offended that some of us actually know more about what is going on at our club than others, out of respect for the club not everything is going to be put on an open forum like OTIB, but it's the frustration of knowing something that makes people post. 

FFrom this thread alone it's clear certain posters don't like these kind of posts, I just don't understand why they just don't walk away from the thread instead of blindly trying to defend an unknown cause. 

Whether people like it or not  people do have connections to people in the club, ex players / staff, agents etc etc

Perhaps after all this time people should either listen to people like @spudski and @Kid in the Riot or just put them on ignore...... 

Well you've completely misread how people feel about it then, It's more to do with said ITK saying absolutely nothing apart from some wording along the lines of, there is something going at the club all is not well but I cant say anything.

What an absolute waste of time, it's reeks of playground I know something you dont know ner ner ner ner ner. If they cant post what it is, it's nothing more than "Oh look at me aren't I important". If that is the crux of the information that the ITK is prepared to say then quite frankly don't bother, it's pointless tittle tattle that serves nothing more to stroke a few egos. For all I care they can milk each other by text or email, frankly it's an embarrasment that one of those on your list is classed as a source, the other actually does leak info, his stuff with the gas stadium was open and proved right.

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What does concern me is people thinking the PM system is some safe haven away from the legal system. Any rumours passed through it continue to put the forum, the user and the hosts under the threat of legal action should any of it come to light and be in in anyway untrue or slanderous. Please go and do it via email after the initial PM or something as it makes me somewhat uncomfortable and nervous to say the least.

No one is pm'ing because they think it's a safe haven Tomarse...it's because people are sick and tired of the bitter trolling and can't be bothered with the grief. Plus they just want to talk in an adult fashion.

Well you've completely misread how people feel about it then, It's more to do with said ITK saying absolutely nothing apart from some wording along the lines of, there is something going at the club all is not well but I cant say anything.

What an absolute waste of time, it's reeks of playground I know something you dont know ner ner ner ner ner. If they cant post what it is, it's nothing more than "Oh look at me aren't I important". If that is the crux of the information that the ITK is prepared to say then quite frankly don't bother, it's pointless tittle tattle that serves nothing more to stroke a few egos. For all I care they can milk each other by text or email, frankly it's an embarrasment that one of those on your list is classed as a source, the other actually does leak info, his stuff with the gas stadium was open and proved right.

If you can't deal with it, then why not put on ignore? Instead of the constant trolling of a poster and attacking them, instead of debating.

Asking for 'source' and not getting the answer you want seems to be your problem. People won't or can't say for many reasons...just except that.

If you actually read posts as to why people post, you would understand...but you just seem to want to find indifference and create a them and us....and label people.

If it was about 'look at me' why would people be doing it by pm now instead of on an open forum?

The reason people wish to share information, is so as to balance views about the Club. In what might be a 'public view' about a certain situation, that might not be the case at all. In my case I'll post something, to try and balance that view if I've heard something different. Whether people choose to believe it, is their choice...but there is no need for the bitter attacks or trolling if people don't like what they hear ,or it bursts their rose tinted bubble.

You really seem to have some weird thinking that this is about ego's....really....on a football forum? Who gives a shit who gets to hear things. I'm pleased people do occasionally share thoughts or snippets they hear. I never once think 'ooo look at ee knowing it all'....this thinking says more about the person thinking that, than those wishing to share information. It is you with the playground mentality if you think that way.

Please see this in the sentiment it is written. I'm saying it because this used to be a good forum, but because of the trolling, piss taking, constant reference to ITK, marmite etc etc people have chosen to only share by pm. It's the forums loss imho. May I suggest, if you don't like what you don't want to hear from certain posters, you do as the moderator suggested and put that person on ignore....it's very simple.....instead of trolling and attacking the poster because they don't give you the answer you want.

It's also worth mentioning, that many people on here who share information are acquaintences of one another, and will often have heard snippets through the same sources.....it's not idle gossip.

Like I say.....I hope you see this post in the sentiment it's written. To emphasis....it's not about ego's.....it's about sharing knowledge and balancing topics.....that's all.

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No one has asked for a source to be revealed a fact you keep failing to grasp. Its your inability to say anything thing apart from I know this is wrong but I cant tell you what it is. Likewise put me on ignore if you are tired of hearing from me. Its laughable you mention that there is some kind of secret sect that pm each other info, again, look at me, I know things you dont.

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No one has asked for a source to be revealed a fact you keep failing to grasp. Its your inability to say anything thing apart from I know this is wrong but I cant tell you what it is. Likewise put me on ignore if you are tired of hearing from me. Its laughable you mention that there is some kind of secret sect that pm each other info, again, look at me, I know things you dont.

Regarding your first sentence.... what is wrong with that....?

As admin has said....for legal reasons, alleged or not, it is not wise to say certain things.

As I implied in my post....it's about balancing topics if we have heard differently. It' your choice to believe or not.

I find it laughable that you have now made it a 'secret sect' and not understood why people are pm'ing. It's your choice to believe what you want....but that say's more about what's going on in your head and how you view people. How you've come to your conclusions is beyond me...you just can't seem to understand, or want to, that people say things for the right reasons....and not for 'ego's'. I'm quiet alarmed that an adult would actually think you can create an ego on a football forum, and that it would make them feel important....really....? Is this forum that important to you, that you feel that way? People are faceless....how does that add up...I don't get that understanding....it's very childlike.

For what it's worth Screech....if you had a fountain of knowledge that you could share, I wouldn't see you or judge any differently....or put you on a pedestal  It's kinda weird that you do.  But like many forum users....I'm sure they would just appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts or snippets.

I've tried to reason with you in an adult manner, but unfortunately you still seem to want to act in a childlike way....and create things like 'Sect's....very odd.

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I look at all things BCFC and think- hey, it's looking generally pretty good both on and off the field. Back in the Championship, seemingly happy squad- even Cotts said in his interview that he's comfortable with his squad and that it's "almost there". I love the new SS and think BS3 is going to look great and be  impressive in any League.

On the flip side- it doesn't take a genius to work out that the summer transfer strategy went badly wrong and we will/have set ourselves back a bit as a result. Is that Pelling's fault? Maybe but dunno - he's gone now anyway for whatever reason and I really don't care . Win a few games and I doubt anyone else will either.

The difficulty I have both in day to day living and on a largely anonymous internet footie forum is that if someone implies something quite dark or sinister or conspiratorial than I seek clarification of the facts. It's just not good enough ( for me) to take something which is implied and accompanied by a nod and a wink at face value. Seeking that clarification is not unreasonable or trolling and never intended to be rude. Failure to provide that clarification puts me in irony/cynical mode wrapped up in what some find humour. I apologise if the name KaSpudskichina offended, but it did make me giggle after a few jars last night.  Nothing personal in it but without any evidence or even commentary to support subtext then rightly or wrongly - it gets filed in the Kachina bin of wild speculation. I certainly wouldn't put Spud on ignore because I really like his posts!


" I think that BCFC are in a heap of trouble because SC has apparently thrown his toys out of the pram due to the inability of the current structure to produce the goods in the transfer market. It wouldn't surprise me if he walked cos it appears he's not a happy bunny"



" You guys have no idea what's going on at BS3 but it's pretty dire and they really don't know what they're doing and SL needs to financially grow a pair- can't say anymore but PM me in a dark corner for more details ."


P.s the above were a fictitious  example so please don't PM me. If something posted on here is factual then there is zero chance of anyone falling foul of a libel suit any more than if someone states a reasonable opinion how ever misguided it may be will be banned.

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Not sure why he's gone, or what he did. But we do know that we've witnessed one of the most disapointing transfer windows for some time, when albeit for a couple of deadline day loanees, the squad appeared weaker at the end of it, than the beginning. 

Clearly there is money available for transfers, but not wages, a disconnect that seemed to have dogged the entire summer and the frustration caused by this unsolvable conundrum was clear to see in most of the forum threads and in almost every one of SC interviews around that time. 

Credit has to go to the club for not having an inelegant public bun fight over the transfer window debarkle. One can only imagine at the goings on behind the scenes as every transfer fell apart and those charged with the responsibility of bringing the right players to the club effectively failed at their job. No one at the club has played the blame game publically, but internally this would've happened and we may see the pips fly at some stage. Whether City choose to relax /cave in on wages or stick to their guns remains to be seen. But until they settle on a more acceptable formula, the evident tensions will continue and those with the responsibility for alchemy will have a hopeless task.



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I look at all things BCFC and think- hey, it's looking generally pretty good both on and off the field. Back in the Championship, seemingly happy squad- even Cotts said in his interview that he's comfortable with his squad and that it's "almost there". I love the new SS and think BS3 is going to look great and be  impressive in any League.

On the flip side- it doesn't take a genius to work out that the summer transfer strategy went badly wrong and we will/have set ourselves back a bit as a result. Is that Pelling's fault? Maybe but dunno - he's gone now anyway for whatever reason and I really don't care . Win a few games and I doubt anyone else will either.

The difficulty I have both in day to day living and on a largely anonymous internet footie forum is that if someone implies something quite dark or sinister or conspiratorial than I seek clarification of the facts. It's just not good enough ( for me) to take something which is implied and accompanied by a nod and a wink at face value. Seeking that clarification is not unreasonable or trolling and never intended to be rude. Failure to provide that clarification puts me in irony/cynical mode wrapped up in what some find humour. I apologise if the name KaSpudskichina offended, but it did make me giggle after a few jars last night.  Nothing personal in it but without any evidence or even commentary to support subtext then rightly or wrongly - it gets filed in the Kachina bin of wild speculation. I certainly wouldn't put Spud on ignore because I really like his posts!


" I think that BCFC are in a heap of trouble because SC has apparently thrown his toys out of the pram due to the inability of the current structure to produce the goods in the transfer market. It wouldn't surprise me if he walked cos it appears he's not a happy bunny"



" You guys have no idea what's going on at BS3 but it's pretty dire and they really don't know what they're doing and SL needs to financially grow a pair- can't say anymore but PM me in a dark corner for more details ."


P.s the above were a fictitious  example so please don't PM me. If something posted on here is factual then there is zero chance of anyone falling foul of a libel suit any more than if someone states a reasonable opinion how ever misguided it may be will be banned.

PM sent fella :P

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I really can't get my head around why people get so offended that some of us actually know more about what is going on at our club than others, out of respect for the club not everything is going to be put on an open forum like OTIB, but it's the frustration of knowing something that makes people post. 

FFrom this thread alone it's clear certain posters don't like these kind of posts, I just don't understand why they just don't walk away from the thread instead of blindly trying to defend an unknown cause. 

Whether people like it or not  people do have connections to people in the club, ex players / staff, agents etc etc

Perhaps after all this time people should either listen to people like @spudski and @Kid in the Riot or just put them on ignore...... 

it's not the posts per se, it's when they are portrayed as 'fact' and when 'some' of the 'facts' are exposed as total untruths, the reaction from the supplier of that 'fact' is like one of feigning injury.

I have seen the word debate bandied around on this post, how exactly can you debate a rumour?. Put rumours out their by all means, but don't get all precious if or when they are proved not to be true and don't claim them as 'fact' and certainly don't get all precious if virtually all of your rumours are of a negative nature and perceived as such.

The transfer unrest was pitched as mainly SC v SL, I have never once seen Pelling's name mentioned.


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Pelling was dismissed because of the bar bill he ran up at the Avon Gorge Hotel whilst entertaining potential signings. In addition there appears to have been money paid to him as part of a deal to purchase a house off Curbishley. Lansdown did acknowledge his good work in managing to get a large number of well known players inside the stadium during July and August without anyone spotting them on their approach, it hasn't been confirmed if he used the tunnels that Rovers supporters use when visiting Ashton.

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Unfortunately, that's how you and a few others choose to see it.

This is not about 'Look at me'....this is about sharing knowledge and information like adults. Having debate about City and sharing titbits and thoughts. Whether people choose to believe it, is up to them...but this constant trolling has led to people not bothering to post anymore. Anyone who opposes in an adult fashion and has something to debate is worthy of acknowledgement...but you've only got to look at a few to see they take great pride in just taking the piss.

As has been said before...Just because you 'call out' a person ,and they don't respond how you like, it doesn't make that person wrong. They just choose not to go into anymore detail, for whatever reason. If you can't deal with that, then tough...agree to disagree...but continual slamming of posters is not on. Hence why so many have chosen not to post anymore.

People have chosen to talk by pm, because they are sick and tired of being trolled... It's the trolls who have made it like it is, because they can't abide by the forum rules of not attacking the poster.

I've never claimed to be ITK....and neither has anyone else...it's just the trolls who don't like certain posts, who choose to label people. Those very same people who more often than not don't even go to games and can't comment on football, so instead decide to get their kicks by trolling forum members they don't like.

I see this forum as a past time...nothing more. I couldn't give a shit what people think of me...but I find it sad that a few Trolls have really made this forum hardly worth visiting these days, because people don't want to post anymore, because of the constant piss take.

I don't mind putting my head above the parapet, but many others have given up, and don't want the grief. The amount of pm's I get saying so has made me say it like it is.

It's the forums loss...because people don't know how to behave in an adult fashion, and feel the need to constantly attack the poster instead of debating or agreeing to disagree.

Not one thread it seems, can be started without some cock mentioning ITK or marmite...just to throw every topic off course.

You said it mate...it is a shame...all because of a few idiot trolls.

who are the Trolls Spudski ?


i often find myself totally agreeing with you , the only thing is you are sometimes like a dog with a bone and you won't let something pass which kind of makes you look a bit obsessive

To disappoint the Trolls don't engage.

make your point and let the debate move on.

i appreciate your contribution and this is not a criticism.

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The problem is that in any organisation it's not difficult to find someone who will tell you that the whole place is in a state of collapse.  As a director of a non-league club, that's doing well this season (one defeat in 10, 25 goals scored in the last 5 games), I am absolutely sure i can find you someone on the board, or close to the board, who will tell you that all is not well and we will be non-existent this time next year.  You will find players who think the manager is the best thing since sliced bread, and there are players who think he's an absolute fool.  It's the way of the world.  People see things differently.

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I really can't get my head around why people get so offended that some of us actually know more about what is going on at our club than others, out of respect for the club not everything is going to be put on an open forum like OTIB, but it's the frustration of knowing something that makes people post. 

FFrom this thread alone it's clear certain posters don't like these kind of posts, I just don't understand why they just don't walk away from the thread instead of blindly trying to defend an unknown cause. 

Whether people like it or not  people do have connections to people in the club, ex players / staff, agents etc etc

Perhaps after all this time people should either listen to people like @spudski and @Kid in the Riot or just put them on ignore...... 

It's not about getting offended, it's the fact that, although they obviously know people, their information is quite often incorrect. When they refer to strife within the club how do we know that it's not just their source that has had their nose put out of joint or has an issue and there's actually nothing wrong at all?

I had my own source who held a strong position within the footballing staff once, although he's now retired, and some of the things he came out with were wildly wrong, although some things were absolutely spot on, despite maybe taking years to become apparent.

I also never felt the urge to put any of this information on a public forum.

Either way, it's all part of the machinations within the club and I'm not sure it really needs to be public. It's not always going to be smooth going, but neither does the club appear to be falling apart completely. It's football.


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Hi Spudders, cheers for the reply. In response...

Your posts read like look at me,  the posts very very seldomly contain anything other than if's, buts, maybes and the most obscure hints at what is wrong with the club. It's never positive and information is never shared like adults because the information is so shrouded in double speak and spin, that there is less to get from them than people who read and try and guess celebrity 'blinds' on various sources on the internet. 

Looking at it from afar, literally, your posts do serve an agent provocateur style, whether that is your intention or not and they are rightly held to account, or called on it, not because of a will to insult but to keep honest what's going on and establish some grounded information

As I've said before if it's about the club and it's important enough that people should know about it, then whistleblowing should be encouraged rather than be buried in a bunch of spin, hints and nosey neighbour esque posts


See above to some degree. It's not about what I or others want, it's a genuine interest about the football club, and you clearly deem it important enough to 'half say' something, and leave the rest open to interpretation, which is devisive and provoking with an agenda. So when asked to clear it up, or be called on it. Why go missing, and fail to back that up? It's not much that is being asked. No one's asking for sources and dates, just asking for some 'solid' evidence based information as opposed to a pithy one liner or eventual gloating, and self serving posts, which dont do anyone any favours and sort out a divide and conquer strategy (again a Narcissistic trait), for personal gain. Tell me that's not the case?


Define a troll. has there been any defamation? or is it holding you to account. It's not flaming or trolling to hold someone to account and keep them honest via discussion on a discussion board. 

Again, the above is all about gaslighting, speculating that a fan isnt as important as a fan because they cant or are unable to go to games, making them out to be a lesser fan, when there is no actual evidence that this is the case. We all are fans of Bristol City, each of of us will have different levels of fanaticism, however there is no such thing as a lesser fan and to posit such is to create elitism and ego centric disharmony for again an as yet defined agenda.

'I'm considerably better than you' is not an endearing or constructive way to construct a debate.

This is passive-agressive, you see it as a play thing, a toy, and don't care. However you do, because you then launch an attack on posters rather than specific posts. It's counter- intuitative and again is all about divide and conquer rather than promoting cohesion and unity.

I dont care about Pm's and cloak and dagger stuff. The only grief I have seen given re ITK's is a mix between banter and those being genuinely held to account, because the information is half baked or not put in a way where it's left to massive amounts of interpretation.

The forum, cant lose what it doesnt have. Have you considered that removing or not posting information, actually stifles discussion and is more harmful to a forum? I can see you have, however information about the club, shouldnt be tied in to ego nor impressions of matyrdom. If it's important, be blunt and get it out there.

Cheers for the thought out response fella...unfortunately it has become obvious by a few, that my comments can come across as 'arrogant'...not by all though. So I apologies if it comes across as so, to some...that is not the intention.

I'll respond to one as I have to get ready for the footy.

You ask for 'evidence or hard fact'. How is that possible to give, if you have heard the information through a third party? I'm not going to say who the person is...or where they got that information from, as it would lead straight back to them.

How for example, if something happened on the training field  could ever be proven fact or you could provide evidence if you weren't their?

I'm not being funny...but if anyone thinks the transfer fiasco, SC's outward frustration in the media, Fredericks and Pelling leaving is just run of the mill stuff, then that's up to them. The Club choose to gloss over such things...and rightly so...what profession wouldn't...but it doesn't mean everything is smelling of roses. Now if people choose to talk about stuff like that, they get abused or cast as having agendas.

You've only got to see how media and businesses work with recent cases, that with a bit of digging you find stories that aren't always as they seem.

Anyway...enough...it's match day...gotta game to watch ;-) Keep well mate :-)

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When  Steve and his board sacked John Pelling

Spuds learnt something awful that's smelling

All the transfers went wrong 

And Fredericks has gone

Yet Spudski knows something but not telling


It's all so much clearer now.

Out of interest is that the gist of spudskis PM to you or is there more detail you cannot say.

Or to put it another way, is it worth signing up to the PM sub-forum?

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It's all so much clearer now.

Out of interest is that the gist of spudskis PM to you or is there more detail you cannot say.

Or to put it another way, is it worth signing up to the PM sub-forum?

Ok so let's put it this way:

if you value your first born and/or fluffy kittens- it's best not knowing the detail.

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