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Pelling gone...


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John Pelling : money man and suit. Disaster.


Completely ballsed it up.  Transfer strategy in tatters. Trouble at Mill. Wheels off the track. Down by Christmas.





Source:  KaSpudskichina

Fill your boots mate...unfortunately that's what this forum has become....a few vocal trolls who do nothing but slate the poster, because they actually have no information to share....no knowledge...nothing....just guesswork. It's been noticeable of late, it's quiet Cathartic watching people guess...in this case you couldn't be further from the truth, just shows how little you know...but meanwhile back in the real world, people who actually do have some knowledge, are sharing everything by pm. It's like having a sub forum of intelligence instead of ignorance :yawn:Annoying isn't it...

Enjoy trolling and talking amongst yourselves about nothing..... having driven anybody that had something worthwhile to say off this forum, you've got what you've wanted....an empty forum of guessing and piss taking. Indulge yourself....It's so much better on the 'sub forum'....forgive us all for pointing and laughing behind your backs.

I'll look forward to all the billy big bollox remarks from all the little troll gang....who have nothing better to do than attack the poster. Sad mofos...:P:yawn:

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Fill your boots mate...unfortunately that's what this forum has become....a few vocal trolls who do nothing but slate the poster, because they actually have no information to share....no knowledge...nothing....just guesswork. It's been noticeable of late, it's quiet Cathartic watching people guess...in this case you couldn't be further from the truth, just shows how little you know...but meanwhile back in the real world, people who actually do have some knowledge, are sharing everything by pm. It's like having a sub forum of intelligence instead of ignorance :yawn:Annoying isn't it...

Enjoy trolling and talking amongst yourselves about nothing..... having driven anybody that had something worthwhile to say off this forum, you've got what you've wanted....an empty forum of guessing and piss taking. Indulge yourself....It's so much better on the 'sub forum'....forgive us all for pointing and laughing behind your backs.

I'll look forward to all the billy big bollox remarks from all the little troll gang....who have nothing better to do than attack the poster. Sad mofos...:P:yawn:

What would have been helpful is if you, and others that knew the issues at the club, had just come out and said "Cotterill thinks Pelling is fuc king up transfers and he isn't happy", rather than just alluding to it.

It came out anyway and if you aren't wise enough by now to realise that alluding to situations on a forum is going to attract some criticisms then you are not ITK when it comes to common sense.


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Spud !! - it's Friday night- lighten up fella!  


Just havin' a larf and you of all people should know that by now.


Couldn't give a shite about Pelling going and really haven't considered the real reasons because I really don't care.


Are you getting a bit too serious? After all- it's only Bristol City and we've seen it all by now and overall it's onwards and upwards.


Or is it ??????? :ph34r:

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Fill your boots mate...unfortunately that's what this forum has become....a few vocal trolls who do nothing but slate the poster, because they actually have no information to share....no knowledge...nothing....just guesswork. It's been noticeable of late, it's quiet Cathartic watching people guess...in this case you couldn't be further from the truth, just shows how little you know...but meanwhile back in the real world, people who actually do have some knowledge, are sharing everything by pm. It's like having a sub forum of intelligence instead of ignorance :yawn:Annoying isn't it...

Enjoy trolling and talking amongst yourselves about nothing..... having driven anybody that had something worthwhile to say off this forum, you've got what you've wanted....an empty forum of guessing and piss taking. Indulge yourself....It's so much better on the 'sub forum'....forgive us all for pointing and laughing behind your backs.

I'll look forward to all the billy big bollox remarks from all the little troll gang....who have nothing better to do than attack the poster. Sad mofos...:P:yawn:

just 2 things, I agree about the trolls but you should grow a pair and secondly mofo,really Are you 12:clapping:

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Spud !! - it's Friday night- lighten up fella!  


Just havin' a larf and you of all people should know that by now.


Couldn't give a shite about Pelling going and really haven't considered the real reasons because I really don't care.


Are you getting a bit too serious? After all- it's only Bristol City and we've seen it all by now and overall it's onwards and upwards.


Or is it ??????? :ph34r:

I am having a larf fella...just joining in and taking the piss out of the pathetic trolls....who know **** all, and who are ruining what was a decent forum...I'm actually quiet happy as to how it's panned out. It's turned out rather well tbh...people were quiet happy to share in the past, but because of the little Troll gang, they've decided to go 'underground'....the Trolls are the one's who have spoilt it for anyone who wanted a bit of debate....they have nothing to say, but abuse the poster or take the piss out of a post :-) :yawn::whistle:


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Fill your boots mate...unfortunately that's what this forum has become....a few vocal trolls who do nothing but slate the poster, because they actually have no information to share....no knowledge...nothing....just guesswork. It's been noticeable of late, it's quiet Cathartic watching people guess...in this case you couldn't be further from the truth, just shows how little you know...but meanwhile back in the real world, people who actually do have some knowledge, are sharing everything by pm. It's like having a sub forum of intelligence instead of ignorance :yawn:Annoying isn't it...

Enjoy trolling and talking amongst yourselves about nothing..... having driven anybody that had something worthwhile to say off this forum, you've got what you've wanted....an empty forum of guessing and piss taking. Indulge yourself....It's so much better on the 'sub forum'....forgive us all for pointing and laughing behind your backs.

I'll look forward to all the billy big bollox remarks from all the little troll gang....who have nothing better to do than attack the poster. Sad mofos...:P:yawn:

Spudski - If you wouldn't mind letting me know by DM I'd appreciate it. Be good to know what's going on! Cheers

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I am having a larf fella...just joining in and taking the piss out of the pathetic trolls....who know **** all, and who are ruining what was a decent forum...I'm actually quiet happy as to how it's panned out. It's turned out rather well tbh...people were quiet happy to share in the past, but because of the little Troll gang, they've decided to go 'underground'....the Trolls are the one's who have spoilt it for anyone who wanted a bit of debate....they have nothing to say, but abuse the poster or take the piss out of a post :-) :yawn::whistle:



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Oh dear, what a horrid self satifisfying tinfoiling agent provocateur style of post.

Spudski, it's hardly rocket science to work out that after a 'failure' in the window that some heads were going to roll, it was just a question of who, and when.

All this 'trolling' and sub forums and illuminati style of dis information, makes your posts a cross between Rumsfeld's' Unknown Knowns' and a Comical Ali/Tony Blair level of spin to to highlight a perceived notion of self worth. 

'Look at me, ma' I know more than everyone. I'll post something so smug that the 'smug o meter' breaks, whilst the post doesnt actually say anything of use rather than to attack posters who have called you time and time again, on your insipid, devisive and without substance posts.

However, that's all neatly written off because behind the scenes you know everything and have created a machevelian web, where you are ringmaster. 

The posts are like Narcissistic fantasy, giving away nothing, proclaiming power is with an 'elite' and then promptly declaring all those who dare oppose to be trolls, without any foundation whatsoever. Effectively, you are gaslighting the board ( another narc trait) that some how your posts were right when they didnt say anything of note and when called on it, you went missing, only to reappear when you had something to gloat about.





Unfortunately, that's how you and a few others choose to see it.

This is not about 'Look at me'....this is about sharing knowledge and information like adults. Having debate about City and sharing titbits and thoughts. Whether people choose to believe it, is up to them...but this constant trolling has led to people not bothering to post anymore. Anyone who opposes in an adult fashion and has something to debate is worthy of acknowledgement...but you've only got to look at a few to see they take great pride in just taking the piss.

As has been said before...Just because you 'call out' a person ,and they don't respond how you like, it doesn't make that person wrong. They just choose not to go into anymore detail, for whatever reason. If you can't deal with that, then tough...agree to disagree...but continual slamming of posters is not on. Hence why so many have chosen not to post anymore.

People have chosen to talk by pm, because they are sick and tired of being trolled... It's the trolls who have made it like it is, because they can't abide by the forum rules of not attacking the poster.

I've never claimed to be ITK....and neither has anyone else...it's just the trolls who don't like certain posts, who choose to label people. Those very same people who more often than not don't even go to games and can't comment on football, so instead decide to get their kicks by trolling forum members they don't like.

I see this forum as a past time...nothing more. I couldn't give a shit what people think of me...but I find it sad that a few Trolls have really made this forum hardly worth visiting these days, because people don't want to post anymore, because of the constant piss take.

I don't mind putting my head above the parapet, but many others have given up, and don't want the grief. The amount of pm's I get saying so has made me say it like it is.

It's the forums loss...because people don't know how to behave in an adult fashion, and feel the need to constantly attack the poster instead of debating or agreeing to disagree.

Not one thread it seems, can be started without some cock mentioning ITK or marmite...just to throw every topic off course.

You said it mate...it is a shame...all because of a few idiot trolls.

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Oh dear, what a horrid self satifisfying tinfoiling agent provocateur style of post.

Spudski, it's hardly rocket science to work out that after a 'failure' in the window that some heads were going to roll, it was just a question of who, and when.

All this 'trolling' and sub forums and illuminati style of dis information, makes your posts a cross between Rumsfeld's' Unknown Knowns' and a Comical Ali/Tony Blair level of spin to to highlight a perceived notion of self worth. 

'Look at me, ma' I know more than everyone. I'll post something so smug that the 'smug o meter' breaks, whilst the post doesnt actually say anything of use rather than to attack posters who have called you time and time again, on your insipid, devisive and without substance posts.

However, that's all neatly written off because behind the scenes you know everything and have created a machevelian web, where you are ringmaster. 

The posts are like Narcissistic fantasy, giving away nothing, proclaiming power is with an 'elite' and then promptly declaring all those who dare oppose to be trolls, without any foundation whatsoever. Effectively, you are gaslighting the board ( another narc trait) that some how your posts were right when they didnt say anything of note and when called on it, you went missing, only to reappear when you had something to gloat about.





stop attacking the poster,if you can't see it was in jest then your fantastic written post is worthless,a+ tho all the same

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Chief Execs resign...Could be health, personal, family, burn out and any number of other issues...



One of many of the Bristol Sport regime that I have no idea what they actually do !!

  • Harman
  • Dawe
  • Lansdown J
  • Burt
  • Pelling
  • Billingham
  • Griffiths
  • Knights

Pretty obvious what the chairman (Dawe) and head of recruitment (Burt) do, surely?



I thought Jon Lansdown was Chairman and Dawe some kind of CEO?

Just titles, still no idea what they are actually responsible 


I get the impression that plebs like us aren't supposed to understand what all the various intilials actually mean. It's certainly gobblegook to me at least. 

By plebs I mean those of us that haven't or don't work in corporate businesses and are therefore not "in the loop".




No mystery at all to some of us. The machinations of big business, boardroom make ups, directorships, roles within roles etc etc are perfectly clear and understood by those of us with years of relevent background and experience in such matters.


Nothing much has changed in the way things work in the modern day set-ups compared to those among us with relevent experience from yesteryear and it all makes sense and comes naturally when one has been aquanted with such things from a very young ag

We all have roles to play of varying degrees, all have crosses to bear and carry the titles that go with such positions...just that some of us are more savvy in such matters thanks to experience...

I know this stuff because for a period of at least two whole terms and at a young age I held the important role of milk monitor at my junior county primary school.

#ps.. Anyone know who holds the milk monitor role within and under the BS umbrella? ...thats perhaps the one mystery to me, the obvious missing piece of an otherwise perfectly clear, obviously logical and defined corporate jigsaw.Who the f is the milk monitor? find him and everyone will be ITK -like some of us already are.

Thats the key which will unlock this whole thing -gotta find the milk monitor.

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Oh dear, what a horrid self satifisfying tinfoiling agent provocateur style of post.

Spudski, it's hardly rocket science to work out that after a 'failure' in the window that some heads were going to roll, it was just a question of who, and when.

All this 'trolling' and sub forums and illuminati style of dis information, makes your posts a cross between Rumsfeld's' Unknown Knowns' and a Comical Ali/Tony Blair level of spin to to highlight a perceived notion of self worth. 

'Look at me, ma' I know more than everyone. I'll post something so smug that the 'smug o meter' breaks, whilst the post doesnt actually say anything of use rather than to attack posters who have called you time and time again, on your insipid, devisive and without substance posts.

However, that's all neatly written off because behind the scenes you know everything and have created a machevelian web, where you are ringmaster. 

The posts are like Narcissistic fantasy, giving away nothing, proclaiming power is with an 'elite' and then promptly declaring all those who dare oppose to be trolls, without any foundation whatsoever. Effectively, you are gaslighting the board ( another narc trait) that some how your posts were right when they didnt say anything of note and when called on it, you went missing, only to reappear when you had something to gloat about.





well said

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  • Admin

I really can't get my head around why people get so offended that some of us actually know more about what is going on at our club than others, out of respect for the club not everything is going to be put on an open forum like OTIB, but it's the frustration of knowing something that makes people post. 

FFrom this thread alone it's clear certain posters don't like these kind of posts, I just don't understand why they just don't walk away from the thread instead of blindly trying to defend an unknown cause. 

Whether people like it or not  people do have connections to people in the club, ex players / staff, agents etc etc

Perhaps after all this time people should either listen to people like @spudski and @Kid in the Riot or just put them on ignore...... 

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What does concern me is people thinking the PM system is some safe haven away from the legal system. Any rumours passed through it continue to put the forum, the user and the hosts under the threat of legal action should any of it come to light and be in in anyway untrue or slanderous. Please go and do it via email after the initial PM or something as it makes me somewhat uncomfortable and nervous to say the least.

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