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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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Guess thats what you ment by them having options? That's all well and good but what about the other 3 stands?

There is even less space for redevelopment at the Memorial Ground than at Ashton Gate. The close proximity of houses around the ground would create the same problems City have with redeveloping the Atyeo
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Not sure it would be in their interest, certainly wouldn't do their image any good.

I bet they're pissed off mind, they could have had their 5k stadium built by now.

Next steps - sags try and muscle in on Clifton RFCs plans at Cribbs, although I've been too in all likelihood the huge car park at the men will be sold and a new stand built


Bristol Rugby use Clifton RFC as a nursery for some of their up and coming players - it helps the development of their promising youngsters for Clifton to be playing at the highest, most competitive level possible 

Clifton RFC is also where Bristol Rugby do all their training and have all their administrative operations. 


For these two reasons, I got the distinct impression Bristol Sport were fully behind (materially or otherwise, who knows) Clifton's plans to upgrade their Cribbs base.


And for that reason I don't think Clifton RFC is an option for the Blue Few.


Just my gut instinct, don't know anything for def.


PS. From memory when these plans were in announced in the EPost I think Clifton's upgraded ground had a capacity of approx 5,000.  Which would actually mean the gAss downsizing!!

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I think uwe are sitting on the fence waiting for this mystical plan b they keep referring too,

What stands out for me is the fact the gas haven't come out and dented it, they did with just about everything else regarding the new ground but not this


I think you could be right re UWE. I wouldn't be surprised if they are sat there counting down the minutes until this whole thing is drawn to an end. It wouldn't even surprise me if they actually wanted out now but are simply waiting for someone else to pull the trigger.


Re Rovers possibly someone either internally or externally has simply told them/advised them to shut up and just let the legal process run its course. You could see when pressed for questions some claims coming from their officials were becoming far more grandiose and bullish - and I don't necessarily mean in the aftermath but throughout. Out of the spotlight - in as far as is possible - may be the new tactic.

Edited by Guest
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That really is hilarious!

The sucessful candidate must be able to start immediately. :rofl2br:

So what happens if they don't get someone by their first game, as the new season starts soon (thank god!)

They'll probably have to ask the opposition if they can borrow their physio.

I'm guessing that Sainsbury's and Wycombe are to blame for this shocking state of affairs and legal action will doubtless follow.

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That really is hilarious!

The sucessful candidate must be able to start immediately. :rofl2br:

So what happens if they don't get someone by their first game, as the new season starts soon (thank god!)

In this health and safety mad world surely you need a qualified physio to fulfil a fixture..? I'd be stunned if not. Edited by Guest
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