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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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20 minutes ago, slartibartfast said:

HA HA             Bristol Rovers are pointless on Pointless........who knew ?

What was the question...? 

Which is the only league club to have failed to qualify for the league cup 1st round..? 

Or... Which clubs manager is renowned for tossing off dogs..? 

Or... if you were a horse, which would be your least favourite football league ground..? 

Or... which football league ground has more canvas structures than a refugee camp..? 

Or.... which club has the bestest, most loyal and loved supporters in the whole entire world..?! 

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1 hour ago, Bar BS3 said:

What was the question...? 

Which is the only league club to have failed to qualify for the league cup 1st round..? 

Or... Which clubs manager is renowned for tossing off dogs..? 

Or... if you were a horse, which would be your least favourite football league ground..? 

Or... which football league ground has more canvas structures than a refugee camp..? 

Or.... which club has the bestest, most loyal and loved supporters in the whole entire world..?! 

It would have to be the last one - unless they happened to ask a deluded s*g by chance no-one sane would have given that as an answer.

Still, nice to know they are still as pointless as they ever were.

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Just to clarify the rules of Pointless, to get a pointless answer you have to say something that is a fact but also an answer that no one in the 100 people surveyed said.

In which case the question was probably “name a football club from Bristol?”


Edited by Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan
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3 minutes ago, MC26 said:


2nd highest percentage of fans with banning orders relative to attendance. The figures are there for all to see but gas logic comes straight out:



They'll definitely use this to try and justify their shite away followings soon no doubt. 

in complete contrast we have Henbury Gas in Hero gas fans thread http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/13281/remember-good-news-story

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7 minutes ago, MC26 said:


2nd highest percentage of fans with banning orders relative to attendance. The figures are there for all to see but gas logic comes straight out:



They'll definitely use this to try and justify their shite away followings soon no doubt. 

The gist of the replies seems to be either;

a) They`re not Rovers fans.

b) We`d be worse if the BP would only tell the truth.


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1 hour ago, 54-46 said:

Good old Henbury with this peach. Surprised the cctv he mentions didn’t spot his disabled pal getting his teeth knocked out



I could be wrong but I think he’s being sarcastic ie if our advanced cameras can’t pick up the widespread disorder that Gasheads THINK happens at every match it could explain how his accusations weren’t backed up by CCTV. Strange use of “you’d think” and “enough said” if he wasn’t being sarcastic

Its all rubbish of course, they aren’t any better than us and Rovers don’t do any more to stamp out trouble than City do. 

It must really hurt their fragile egos when their fans appear on a list of dick heads and ours don’t. Really messes up their massively high opinion of themselves.

Edited by Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan
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4 hours ago, Red Right Hand said:

The gist of the replies seems to be either;

a) They`re not Rovers fans.

b) We`d be worse if the BP would only tell the truth.


Yeah, it’s all a big conspiracy again, this time it’s the BP trying to paint the poor ickle wickle Gasheads in a bad light for no reason whatsoever.

Absolute Belters.

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14 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

I could be wrong but I think he’s being sarcastic ie if our advanced cameras can’t pick up the widespread disorder that Gasheads THINK happens at every match it could explain how his accusations weren’t backed up by CCTV. Strange use of “you’d think” and “enough said” if he wasn’t being sarcastic


Exactly how I read it too.

There was no footage of it because it didn't happen, you lying gas ****.

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1 minute ago, archie andrews said:

henbury gas ***** walking a very tight rope again.....

He just can`t keep his head down can he? Even after being warned off by A&S by all accounts he still keeps coming out with this sort of bollocks.

He needs a letter from SL`s solicitors IMO but he`d probably just publish it on asschat if he did. The bloke needs to know that there are serious consequences if you keep making baseless and defamatory statements.

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