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Pet hates OTIB room 101

Major Isewater

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Apologies if this has been done ( I may have even started a thread on the subject before ! ) 

Here lies a place where all that annoys , irritates , angers you can be safely stored away.

I had this thought during my morning shower as I battled with an amorous shower curtain. Why can’t they just stay in place, the barstards. Clinging onto you as you try to wash. 

Come on chaps and chapesses, let’s be ‘avin them. 

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11 minutes ago, Slippin cider said:

People who start a sentence with ‘So’ …:grr:

Yes, yes, yes .............. bloody annoying

8 minutes ago, Robbored said:

Talking to a foreign call handler having been in a queue for ages…..………….:grr:

You've obviously spoken to Kevin from Mumbai

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1 minute ago, slartibartfast said:

Don't know where to start................I think the one that drives me barney the most is people saying Haitch, it's wrong it's spelt AITCH. It's like they're trying to be So posh !

or instead of saying IS they say UZ

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4 hours ago, italian dave said:

People who sit in the middle lane on motorways

Only bettered by the ones who join the motorway after you`ve pulled over to let them out sit right in your blind spot so you can`t get back in. Or, after you`ve let them out, just cut in front of you to overtake whatever`s in the inside lane.

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1 hour ago, spudski said:

UK drivers...so blooming slow, especially at traffic lights. Just go...arrrghhh. 😡



1 hour ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

Only bettered by the ones who join the motorway after you`ve pulled over to let them out sit right in your blind spot so you can`t get back in. Or, after you`ve let them out, just cut in front of you to overtake whatever`s in the inside lane.

That's nothing. Wait till you drive here in Norn Iron.

The road ahead in 3 miles ends with a roundabout BUT they will stay in the outside lane just so they can be ready for this lane to turn into a right hand one. What's more they will go at 50 moh in the outside which means Johnny 18  year old petrol head will demonstrate how great he is at undertaking at great speed.


Just now, Norn Iron said:


That's nothing. Wait till you drive here in Norn Iron.

The road ahead in 3 miles ends with a roundabout BUT they will stay in the outside lane just so they can be ready for this lane to turn into a right hand one. What's more they will go at 50 moh in the outside which means Johnny 18  year old petrol head will demonstrate how great he is at undertaking at great speed.


I'm only just warming up on this rant....

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2 hours ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

Ignorant gits who park their stupid great oversized 4X4s in the space next to you leaving about six inches between their passenger door and your driver`s one because they need about ten feet to open theirs.

they boil my piss too, how often do brits need 4x4s in this country? they close the schools when anything happens yet theres loads of them every day dropping the kids off. they stink the roads out with their disgusting dangerous nox fumes along with all the other dirty great diesel engines on the roads.

id ban all diesels if i could,soon sort out all those pollution issues


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2 hours ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

Ignorant gits who park their stupid great oversized 4X4s in the space next to you leaving about six inches between their passenger door and your driver`s one because they need about ten feet to open theirs.

I feel like leaving a note saying ‘Next time, leave a tin opener and I’ll get in through the roof!’ ….morons 

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I hate plummy, middle class arses on the BBC (and other places) emphasisng the word huge...huuuuuge. Christ, that gets on my nips.

There is also a bloke on R4 who reads the shipping forecast. He sounds like a generic BBC blando, but rolls his Rs, when saying "moderate". He makes me feel quite extreme!

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