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Just thought I'd nip over to my Nan's and fair play to her, at 96 she had all the Halloween decorations up.

Cobwebs and insects in the window and a skeleton on the couch.

She always makes a big effort, but there was no answer.

I'll pop back next year.

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When a girl gets a vibrator it's seen as a bit of naughty fun, but when I ordered my 240Volt, 3 phase Shag-Master Pro 5000 blow-up latex doll with 6 speed revolving pussy, elasticised anus and breast nipple discharge, non-drip semen collection tray, together with optional built in realistic orgasm scream sound system, I'm apparently a bleedin' pervert!

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I woke up swathed in bandages, in a hospital ICU,

Tubes entering different parts of my body,

Wires monitoring every function,
A gorgeous nurse hovering over me.

It was obvious I'd been in a serious accident.

I heard her say, 'You may-not feel anything from the waist down.'

I managed to mumble in reply, 'Can I feel your tits, then?'
Edited by BigTone
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A woman went to see her doctor.


"What seems to be the problem?" asked the doctor.


"I keep finding postage stamps from Costa Rica in my vagina" said the woman.


The doctor laughed and replied "Those aren't postage stamps, they're the stickers off the bananas"

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This morning I was in luck and was able to buy two cartons of  Victoria Bitter beer cheap at the local supermarket.I placed the boxes on the front seat and headed back home. 

I stopped at a service station for fuel where a drop-dead gorgeous blonde in ashort skirt was filling up her car at the next pump.

She glanced at the two boxes of beer, bent over and leaned in mypassenger window, and said in a sexy voice:"I'm a big believer in barter, old fella.

Would you be interested intrading sex for beer?"I thought for a few seconds and asked:"What kind of beer 'ya got?"


Two Irishmen were standing at the base of a flagpole, looking up.

A blonde walks by and asked them what they were doing.            

Paddy replied, 'We're supposed to be finding the height of this flagpole,but we don't have a ladder.'The blonde took out an adjustable spanner from her bag, loosened a fewbolts  and laid the flagpole down.

She got a tape measure out of her pocket, took a few measurements, and announced that it was 18 feet 6 inches.           

Then, she walked off.Mick said to Paddy,'Isn't that just like a blonde!We need the bloody height, and she gives us the length.

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Me and the missus have been getting a bit bored with our sex life so I suggested we have a night of lust whilst impersonating someone famous.
I asked her what her fantasy was and she said it would "turn her on" if I seduced her whilst doing an impression of Sean Connery.
It was all going splendidly well until I asked if she would like to"sit on my face"

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Jenny, a blonde girl came skipping home from school one day. "Mommy, Mommy," she yelled, "we were counting today, and all the other kids could only count to four, but I counted to 10.
See? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!"
"Very good," said her mother.
"Is it because I'm blonde?" Jenny asked. "Yes, it's because you're blonde," said the mommy.

The next day the girl came skipping home from school. "Mommy, Mommy," she yelled, "We were saying the alphabet today, and all the other kids could only say it to D, but I said it to G. See? A, B, C, D, E, F, G!"
"Very good, Jenny," said her mother.
"Is it because I'm blonde, Mommy?" "Yes, it's because you're blonde."

The next day Jenny came skipping home from school. "Mommy, Mommy," she yelled, "we were in gym class today, and when we showered, all the other girls had flat chests, but I have these!" And she lifted her tank top to reveal a pair of 36Cs.

Very good," said her embarrassed mother.
"Is it because I'm blonde, mommy?"
"No Honey, it's because you're 24."

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Young lass on holiday in Cornwall with her parents. "Look mum, there's a shag on that rock".

"No dear, it's polite to call them cormorants".

"Oh, right..."

A moment's silence..

"See that cave over there, mum? That's where me and the deck chair man had a cormorant last night".

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A bride on her wedding night says to her new husband "I must admit, I used to be a hooker" He say's "That's ok dear, your past is your past, but I must say, I find it quite erotic, tell me about it"..........."My real name was George and I played for Wigan"

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A guy is watching TV when he hears a knock at the front door. He goes and opens it, but looks around and sees nobody. By chance, he looks down at his feet and sees a small snail staring back up at him. He kicks the snail clear off the front porch and into the front yard and slams the door shut. Two years later, the same man watching TV hears a knock at the front door. He goes and opens it, but looks around and sees nobody. He looks down at his feet and sees the snail staring back up at him. The snail says "What the fig was THAT all about?"

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