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Does Bristol City have an SLO?

Mr Popodopolous

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11 minutes ago, spudski said:

I guess as a fan, if you want to liaise with him, you do it directly.

Why do it on a forum, where everyone else gets to know your business?

I certainly get why the Club wouldn't want to interact on here.

On to a lose lose situation every time, as there are always some people who will disagree and like to stir.

The poor guy would be badgered 24/7.

Just my opinion.

Just don't get why if you have a problem and want to liaise with the Club, you would want to do it on a public platform and share with everyone.

Guess it's the world we live in. Everything it seems has to be shared.

Ask the SLO sub forum?

Have him on here regularly but for personal matters do it by DM? For announcements and general matters, do it by sub-forum, or if appropriate, main forum.

There are ways around it certainly. Stirring can be mitigated by the above, disagreement is normal and can better promote open dialogue IMO.

Badgered 24/7? Perhaps it can go OTT at times, but on balance I'd call that necessary accountability and scrutiny tbh.

Get the feeling the club don't like that very much...and let's be fair they aren't unique in this, most professional football club, perhaps all, would rather not I suspect!

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4 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Ask the SLO sub forum?

Have him on here regularly but for personal matters do it by DM? For announcements and general matters, do it by sub-forum, or if appropriate, main forum.

There are ways around it certainly. Stirring can be mitigated by the above, disagreement is healthy and promotes open dialogue.

Badgered 24/7? Perhaps it can go OTT at times, but on balance I'd call that necessary accountability and scrutiny tbh.

Get the feeling the club don't like that very much...and let's be fair they aren't unique in this, most professional football club, perhaps all, all would rather not I suspect!

I guess I'm old fashioned and prefer such conversations to be private and direct.

I don't need a forum to discuss such matters.

I guess it's positive when people share the good things the guy does.

Imo the forum tends to be very polar and for 'Fanatics' for want of a better word.

I don't think it's a true reflection of the average City fan.

Most go to the game, have a beer with mates, and chat with mates. They don't feel the need to divulge their thoughts with anonymous people they don't know.

Not knocking the forum or those on it...as I use it a lot. But most City fans I know don't use it.

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14 hours ago, Badger08 said:

I know I was bantering a bit before, but is it really that big a deal? I know we like to bash the club at every point, but do we really need a SLO to come on here? Really? 

If you have a problem, surely you can just send an email or call? 

Thats the end, surely? Do we need to make a massive deal about it? Or is it that we just want a moan as we haven't had anything to blow out of proportion for a while.

It's because it's within their obligations and shuts down a useful communication channel. 

Email and telephone are all very well - but if you want to reach as many fans as possible as SLO; it makes sense to utilise social media and other popular websites. Otib is a really popular forum with loads of readers who aren't even members. If you're an SLO and want to share important information or answer a FAQ, Otib is a logical place to do it.

It just seems a bit odd because over the years we've had David Lloyd, Mark Kelly and Matt Parsons on here and it's largely functioned well. The vast majority of the time the discussion was mature, sensible and fair and everyone benefited. The club were able to share info, appeared interested in fan questions/concerns and allowed people to get to know the people behind these roles.

To suddenly come out and stop all that, with no clear reason or incident as a cause, seems a bit strange and counterproductive to the SLO role.

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An explanation should be provided by BCFC/Bristol Sport why the club no longer communicate with fans on forums when it is something they have done on Otib, Ziderheads, and WTMS on and off for well over a decade. Think about it a means of open communication that existed for fans over a decade has gone.  The opportunity to ask the club questions via a moderated sub forum on Otib came about because of the above. it was an improvement to some where possibly thousands of fans could read the information shared.   

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On 30/09/2019 at 22:20, Blagdon red said:

My understanding is that our SLO is under instruction NOT to engage with fans on OTIB.

Of course, if I'm mistaken, I'd be more than happy to stand corrected and engage with him in lively debate on here.

Disgusting. Maybe I should just post his telephone number here so people can phone him direct... 

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4 hours ago, spudski said:

I guess I'm old fashioned and prefer such conversations to be private and direct.

I don't need a forum to discuss such matters.

I guess it's positive when people share the good things the guy does.

Imo the forum tends to be very polar and for 'Fanatics' for want of a better word.

I don't think it's a true reflection of the average City fan.

Most go to the game, have a beer with mates, and chat with mates. They don't feel the need to divulge their thoughts with anonymous people they don't know.

Not knocking the forum or those on it...as I use it a lot. But most City fans I know don't use it.

Fair enough, but typically club issues affect the many and not the few. 

There should always be scope for "community" dialogue. 

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5 hours ago, spudski said:

I guess as a fan, if you want to liaise with him, you do it directly.

Why do it on a forum, where everyone else gets to know your business?

I certainly get why the Club wouldn't want to interact on here.

On to a lose lose situation every time, as there are always some people who will disagree and like to stir.

The poor guy would be badgered 24/7.

Just my opinion.

Just don't get why if you have a problem and want to liaise with the Club, you would want to do it on a public platform and share with everyone.

Guess it's the world we live in. Everything it seems has to be shared.

One reason - things barely get a look in, unless you share it on here and shame them into doing something. 

Even then, on some issues they are shameless. 

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19 hours ago, Badger08 said:

I know I was bantering a bit before, but is it really that big a deal? I know we like to bash the club at every point, but do we really need a SLO to come on here? Really? 

If you have a problem, surely you can just send an email or call? 

Thats the end, surely? Do we need to make a massive deal about it? Or is it that we just want a moan as we haven't had anything to blow out of proportion for a while.

I'm going to revisit your post.

Two words- frankly bollocks.

Actually, the club 'bashing' to which you refer is probably exacerbated by club stances such as this- they are giving people a reason to 'bash' them- rod for their own back basically.

They don't help themselves at times.

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10 minutes ago, CotswoldRed said:

I won't do that. I'll contact him and give him the (further) opportunity to come one here first. 

Seems fair- I wasn't being entirely serious about sharing the number but it would be a big boost for transparency! Still not altogether sure I'd advise it.

Maybe best to let SC&T do their thing before any drastic moves like that?

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11 minutes ago, CotswoldRed said:

One reason - things barely get a look in, unless you share it on here and shame them into doing something. 

Even then, on some issues they are shameless. 

You've obviously had run ins with the Club?

Why not phone them direct...or email.

Tbh...I can't think of anything the Club are doing massively wrong.

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It's not so much that the club evidently want to disengage as far as the Forum is concerned that bothers me, it's more a case of the club posting useful information on here will likely reduce the pressure on the ticket office/customer services.

It would just make the lives of everyone a bit easier.

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16 hours ago, spudski said:

You've obviously had run ins with the Club?

Why not phone them direct...or email.

Tbh...I can't think of anything the Club are doing massively wrong.


I won't go over it again, but let's just say when I've spoken to them it normally boils down to "we're looking into it" . Or "it will be discussed at the next meeting". That sort of thing. 

Generally, you know you'll have to chase again and again. 

They want us to be customers, not fans, yet they don't treat us like customers in my view either. 

Your last point underpins the sentiment on here. The very reason they don't come on to OTIB is because knowledge of issues is confined to small numbers of people. If it's kept quiet then they're less likely to have to do anything about it!

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24 minutes ago, CotswoldRed said:


I won't go over it again, but let's just say when I've spoken to them it normally boils down to "we're looking into it" . Or "it will be discussed at the next meeting". That sort of thing. 

Generally, you know you'll have to chase again and again. 

They want us to be customers, not fans, yet they don't treat us like customers in my view either. 

Your last point underpins the sentiment on here. The very reason they don't come on to OTIB is because knowledge of issues is confined to small numbers of people. If it's kept quiet then they're less likely to have to do anything about it!

Fair enough.

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23 hours ago, spudski said:

I guess I'm old fashioned and prefer such conversations to be private and direct.

I don't need a forum to discuss such matters.

I guess it's positive when people share the good things the guy does.

Imo the forum tends to be very polar and for 'Fanatics' for want of a better word.

I don't think it's a true reflection of the average City fan.

Most go to the game, have a beer with mates, and chat with mates. They don't feel the need to divulge their thoughts with anonymous people they don't know.

Not knocking the forum or those on it...as I use it a lot. But most City fans I know don't use it.

Spudski, you have a point there.

@TomF How many active posting members does the forum have? It would be interesting to see even as a % agaisnt season ticket holders for example.

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Apologies, this went on a lot longer than expected - a summary of my points is: If a BCFC official posted on here, you would read "a spokesman for bcfc said" before you actually read every post. They can't be on top of everything & I think we're moving to a world (hyper-critical, increased accountability) that doesn't make it possible to cover all bases, unfortunately otib looks like it will be an uncovered base. Otib is no where near as extreme but could you imagine the Royal family or the BBC commenting on the Daily Mail website, regularly, it would add fuel to a fire they have no control over.

First of all, I hold the forum in very high regard, it is a great place to hear the views of other fans. Occasionally there are some ridiculous posts and some posters revel in the "wind up merchant" role which can be tedious. For a platform run completely outside the club it is fantastically run, it is an established place for City fans (and rival fans) to discuss football, mainly. But, as previous posters have mentioned, it doesn't represent the majority of City fans &, just because there is a lot of good debate, it doesn't make it any better than any other platform. I'm saying OTIB is still a relevant target group, but most otib users will be on social media, we are part of a much larger target group that are engaged with, on the clubs terms.

BCFC, Bristol Sport or the SLO have no control over the forum (and what is said on it) & I can totally understand why there is no official representation on here. In representing the club on here, it makes this platform a go to place to contact the club - I don't think there is time for 1 individual to be engaging with fans on all the official platforms as well as the (better) unofficial ones. Besides, there is an implied responsibility for what is said in a discussion when you are a party to it.

Forgive the metaphor but isn't this the equivalent of City sending an official, Mr X, to chat to fans in one pub [otib] pre-match, when there are 3/4 other pubs [Ziderheads, WTMS, unofficial facebook groups] they "could" attend but have chosen the better one. They will do all the meet & greets in the 'supporters bar' [bcfc facebook, bcfc twitter & bcfc Instagram], they don't control entry but they will deal with anything that happens under their watch and can ask people to leave if they are acting inappropriately.

I think this is a sign of the times, a reflection of social media and the responsibilities of the club as a trusted, public facing organisation. Because they control the facebook page, Instagram page & the twitter account there is an implied responsibility for what is said on them, for example, you would expect the club to report & act on any racist abuse posted on these platforms before it is reported to them. Being an active user on the forum, they have to trust the goodwill and expertise of the admins to keep people in line - that trust would not be misplaced right now but (as you are volunteers) they can't devolve the accountability for what is posted - ie. they are not going to re-organise otib high-command if there is a faux-pas.

Whether we like it or not, the club has to operate as a business off the field, for me it makes more business sense to focus on the official "pages" in wider used sites [facebook/twitter/instagram] than expecting people to stumble across otib. There is an elitist mentality among the otib users "it could be worse, you should see the rubbish that is posted on facebook". I think it is justified in most cases but at the end of the day, any nutters could be running the (or setting up their own) forum and the club.

The lines of communication are very open and very public. I do prefer forum discussion to social media, I expect a lot of posters do, but it is much less efficient way of engaging with supporters. I think a lot of posters have taken this as a personal attack on them, we have benefited from a special relationship with the club on here, and have an equally special relationship with the police through Julie (policing is one element of football, the club could be considered responsible for 10x the activity the police are). I think we've lost sight of the good will that this gesture was meant with.

My final point is that, under no circumstances should a job description contain "going above and beyond". It's a ridiculously vague statement wide open to abuse and misinterpretation. By all means recognise people for going above and beyond but it encourages really petty behaviour in the workplace (I genuinely experienced someone being nominated for a £20 voucher once, from work, for going above and beyond - they had gone to the chip shop, at lunch time to collect the team's order. I'm glad the manager that nominated them wasn't approving these nominations).

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On 02/10/2019 at 10:12, Norn Iron said:

It took me a few posts to realise that SLO didn't stand for Steve Lansdown Organisation!

Thing is that’s exactly what we’ve become. Almost by stealth we are part of the Lansdown empire. 

@BobBobSuperBob has it spot on. Where was the ****** in 82? I don’t recall him riding across the Downs on his white charger then....

The club so many support is simply a cash cow to ultimately increase the family’s wealth. Be that financial or emotional and everlasting gratitude from they who he made proud.

The man at the top sets the tone throughout the organisation. And sadly we’re only engaged with when the organisation wants something. Rarely for any other reason.


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1 minute ago, Robbored said:

Go directly to the club - a simple phone call.

Not always. I had a query last season with season tickets and the ticket staff could'nt help. I got help in the end from the SLO and pointed me in the direction of someone who could.

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2 hours ago, Robbored said:

Go directly to the club - a simple phone call.

An example just from me

Earlier in the week the Direct debit never got taken for this months season ticket so tried numerous times to phone - got no answer

So sent an email - got no answer

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5 minutes ago, phantom said:

An example just from me

Earlier in the week the Direct debit never got taken for this months season ticket so tried numerous times to phone - got no answer

So sent an email - got no answer

Can anyone from the SC&T assist with this type of query?

If she were interested in the SLO role Dolls would do a cracking job. 

Well known by pretty much all the officials the club, heavily involved in the SC&T........perfect candidate imo.


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5 minutes ago, Robbored said:

Can anyone from the SC&T assist with this type of query?

If she were interested in the SLO role Dolls would do a cracking job. 

Well known by pretty much all the officials the club, heavily involved in the SC&T........perfect candidate imo.


Ha god no! Enough of them there already don’t like me because I’m not afraid to speak my mind! Wouldn’t toe the line enough for them and wouldn’t therefore last 5 minutes :D 

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8 minutes ago, Robbored said:

Can anyone from the SC&T assist with this type of query?

If she were interested in the SLO role Dolls would do a cracking job. 

Well known by pretty much all the officials the club, heavily involved in the SC&T........perfect candidate imo.


I think you are failing to understand the SLO have to do as they are told as they are employees of Bristol Sport.

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1 minute ago, Dollymarie said:

Ha god no! Enough of them there already don’t like me because I’m not afraid to speak my mind! Wouldn’t toe the line enough for them and wouldn’t therefore last 5 minutes :D 

That’s a shame Dolls - someone who is prepared to ruffle a few feathers would be an advantage in breaking thru the bureaucracy at AG.

Next time you see the main man put yourself forward as a candidate for the job. With him on your side things will be much easier.

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8 minutes ago, AshtonPark said:

I think you are failing to understand the SLO have to do as they are told as they are employees of Bristol Sport.

They should be a bridge though, shouldn't they? Not just taking one side- admittedly that of their employer!

(Whether it actually works like that in practice is of course, very different thing).

What I'm saying I guess, is the appointee should have more autonomy and freedom than they do.

@solihull cider red

Who said anything about just this forum in isolation? Yes they should be on here, but also FB, City Till I die being the main one, WTMS and any other FB groups IMO.

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1 minute ago, Robbored said:

That’s a shame Dolls - someone who is prepared to ruffle a few feathers would be an advantage in breaking thru the bureaucracy at AG.

Next time you see the main man put yourself forward as a candidate for the job. With him on your side things will be much easier.

I’d happily ruffle feathers, problem is the club don’t want someone who will do that. They have a named SLO to meet the UEFA requirement, but they have absolutely no interest in actually properly listening to fans concerns and comments, nor acting on them. Stuff the SC&T have been banging on about for years in some cases. They’re quite happy doing what they want, how they want, and don’t actually want to have any kind of meaningful liaison or interactions with the very fans who keep them in jobs.  Sad state of affairs really. 

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4 minutes ago, Dollymarie said:

I’d happily ruffle feathers, problem is the club don’t want someone who will do that. They have a named SLO to meet the UEFA requirement, but they have absolutely no interest in actually properly listening to fans concerns and comments, nor acting on them. Stuff the SC&T have been banging on about for years in some cases. They’re quite happy doing what they want, how they want, and don’t actually want to have any kind of meaningful liaison or interactions with the very fans who keep them in jobs.  Sad state of affairs really. 

Even more reason why you should put yourself forward and why you should talk to the main man............:cool2:

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2 minutes ago, Robbored said:

Even more reason why you should put yourself forward and why you should talk to the main man............:cool2:

It would be an utterly pointless exercise sadly. They don’t care enough as long as the pennies keep rolling in. 

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8 minutes ago, Dollymarie said:

It would be an utterly pointless exercise sadly. They don’t care enough as long as the pennies keep rolling in. 

BS best hope we stay on an upward trajectory then Dolly because the pennies won't roll in if people stop coming and they may have to review the approach.

Bittersweet really - the better we do (which we all want) the less fans are valued it seems.

I don't expect too much from the powers that be anyway so I don't get as upset as many fans with a greater investment in the club do.

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23 hours ago, CotswoldRed said:

I won't do that. I'll contact him and give him the (further) opportunity to come one here first. 

Perhaps a call from our local rag might get some sort of reaction, The Post must still have a bit of influence...

Organisations are very sensitive to publicity, they crave the positive and often go to great lengths to avoid the negative..  Bristol Sport are clearly firmly in that category!  … this is one issue they can easily and painlessly sort in the interests of everyone concerned.. or if ignored can leave a sour taste in the mouths of thousands of supports, tarnishing the all too important  'good will ' that's been hard earned through years of hard work... 

Lip Service is no longer acceptable to increasingly savvy and demanding fan bases, mutual respect is fundamental to continued success.. Dont lose sight of the little things.


Bristol Post.. are you reading this? :phone:   Bristol Sport, are you shaking in your corporate shoes yet. 

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On 02/10/2019 at 12:13, ChippenhamRed said:

In the interests of balance I feel compelled to share my recent experience of the SLO.

As some of you may recall from the Swansea match thread, my son Daniel and I (both members) had bought tickets for the match, but had to miss the game as he was admitted to hospital that weekend for urgent surgery to remove his appendix, having become very poorly.  He was actually in the operating theatre while the match was in progress.  Thankfully he is now on the mend and returned to school this week.

The following Monday after the Swansea match I emailed the SLO, Ryan, to explain the circumstances.  Ryan was exceptionally helpful and polite in his correspondence.  He arranged for our tickets to be transferred to a future match at no cost (we are now coming to the Reading game).  He then said he would make sure they give Daniel a shout-out over the tannoy at the Reading game.  Most impressive was that we also got a video message for Daniel from Callum O'Dowda, wishing him well in his recovery and saying he hoped to see him at Ashton Gate again soon!  You can imagine how much that meant to a City-mad 8 year old!  It was a lovely gesture.

So my experience was a very positive one.  Ryan went above and beyond to help us.

Credit where due... More of this sort of thing please Bristol Sport well done ?.. 

Lend an ear to respectful supporters on Otib too though eh? 

(the mods are committed to sortting the wheat from the chaff, minimising abusive posts and timewasters)   

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2 hours ago, Dollymarie said:

It would be an utterly pointless exercise sadly. They don’t care enough as long as the pennies keep rolling in. 

How does that song lyric go? … 'If You Tolerate This …..'  etc 

Very true lyric ….

..  it sounds like the SC&T are demoralised, brow beaten by the big boys, Stand Your Ground keep banging your heads against the wall until the cracks reappear and they have to respect you beyond mere lip service. Now is not the time to be cowed into apathetic defeatism, to meekly accept the crumbs handed down from above, keep on keeping on until you take your place at the top table and supporters voices are truly heard.. 

Appears the whole thing has been little more an organised PR campaign on behalf of the organisation to gently control the more high profile support while giving the appearance of genuine and meaningful partnership, they are winning in this deception, its clear from your comments that the SC&T have been slowly worn down... Fight for you right to parity!

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8 minutes ago, WhistleHappy said:

How does that song lyric go? … 'If You Tolerate This …..'  etc 

Very true lyric ….

..  it sounds like the SC&T are demoralised, brow beaten by the big boys, Stand Your Ground keep banging your heads against the wall until the cracks reappear and they have to respect you beyond mere lip service. Now is not the time to be cowed into apathetic defeatism, to meekly accept the crumbs handed down from above, keep on keeping on until you take your place at the top table and supporters voices are truly heard.. 

Appears the whole thing has been little more an organised PR campaign on behalf of the organisation to gently control the more high profile support while giving the appearance of genuine and meaningful partnership, they are winning in this deception, its clear from your comments that the SC&T have been slowly worn down... Fight for you right to parity!

We're not worn down, don't worry!

The SLO situation was discussed at the last meeting and, as things have not got any better, it will receive more urgent attention at our next meeting on Wednesday, to which, as Dolly says, everyone is invited, as always (7.30pm in the Supporters Bar).

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Just an observation from me. I know for a fact as supporters were boarding coaches on Wednesday to go to Brentford our Lesser Spotted SLO was looking on. He was seen amongst the crowd but I didn’t see him liasing with anyone, how could he as nobody bloody well knows him! I don’t know if he travelled as I didn’t see him again. 3pm was in work time, so I assume he was there in an official capacity. I don’t think he normally attends away games, certainly didn’t before be was appointed anyway.

Fast forward to Brentford. Ok she wasn’t their SLO I don’t think but there was at least one girl dressed in a ‘happy to help’ jacket assisting and talking to fans, both home and away. I’ve seen this plenty of times at other grounds and concerts too. I think it might be a starting point for our SLO, bloody well at least identify yourself!!!

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3 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

On the "Happy to Help" jacketed staff, didn't we have that or something similar not long after the redevelopment?

Pretty sure we did, at one stage. Matchday liaision staff, something like this seems to ring a bell.

Yes we did, but can't say I have seen them about recently

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8 minutes ago, RedM said:

I think it might be a starting point for our SLO, bloody well at least identify yourself!!!

He could actually be stood next to me at the ground and I wouldn't know him

Matt Parsons was good at putting himself around and ensuring people knew who he was

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1 minute ago, phantom said:

He could actually be stood next to me at the ground and I wouldn't know him

Matt Parsons was good at putting himself around and ensuring people knew who he was

This poor bloke is no doubt a lovely chap, but he looked scared to death that someone might speak to him. I actually felt for him as he has be placed into a role he probably doesn’t want and hasn’t got the people skills to do. He probably has fantastic IT skills, give him a PC and no people and that’s where he is comfortable. 

As for Matt Parsons, the role was only a stepping stone until he could get back to liasing with the players. He did similar for Arsenal before he took the role here apparently. 

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21 minutes ago, phantom said:

He could actually be stood next to me at the ground and I wouldn't know him

Matt Parsons was good at putting himself around and ensuring people knew who he was

Yes, met Matt in Marbella. Very nice chap who was very helpful.


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45 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

On the "Happy to Help" jacketed staff, didn't we have that or something similar not long after the redevelopment?

Pretty sure we did, at one stage. Matchday liaision staff, something like this seems to ring a bell.

Yes we did. A team of volunteers who reported to me. They got a match ticket in return for helping out before games. They were brilliant: helping disabled fans, welcoming home and away fans, pointing people in the right direction of it was their first visit to AG. . I always saw them as extra SLOs and they did a great job.

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8 hours ago, BigAl&Toby said:


@BobBobSuperBob has it spot on. Where was the ****** in 82? I don’t recall him riding across the Downs on his white charger then....


Whilst I hanker for some of the 'old days' I think in 1982, Steve Lansdown was mortgaged to the hilt, less than a year into a new business venture with Peter Hargreaves, I doubt he could have bailed out a Sunday pub team at the time, so whilst criticism if accurate is valid, that is really an out there comment.

I realise that the stadium and other things had to change, to compete in the world of Championship (and maybe above) football, but the loss of the characters, who will never be replaced is a huge downside.  Could we have a worse owner, undoubtedly, could the club (or is it Bristol Sport?) handle the PR better, again, undoubtedly.  Do the people in charge have it right, probably if you look at the bottom line, but along the way there has been some disgruntlement or even alienation of some of the traditional fanbase.  Could a better balance be achieved?  No idea, its not my area of expertise, but I would imagine there could have been some way of creating a more harmonious move into the money driven world of modern football.

For me, I am no where near as enthusiastic as I used to be, still enjoy watching football, but its morals and greed have numbed my desire to be involved day to day, to feel part of it, shame really, as I have enjoyed some good times following football, hope I enjoy some more in the future, but it will be without the near fanaticism I had once.


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8 hours ago, BigAl&Toby said:

Thing is that’s exactly what we’ve become. Almost by stealth we are part of the Lansdown empire. 

@BobBobSuperBob has it spot on. Where was the ****** in 82? I don’t recall him riding across the Downs on his white charger then....

The club so many support is simply a cash cow to ultimately increase the family’s wealth. Be that financial or emotional and everlasting gratitude from they who he made proud.

The man at the top sets the tone throughout the organisation. And sadly we’re only engaged with when the organisation wants something. Rarely for any other reason.


Pretty sure this club isn’t a cash cow. More likely a money pit I suspect.

Fully willing to acknowledge it if I’m wrong here but my presumption is that Lansdown’s investment over the years - not least of all the stadium development - has not left him money-up.

Anyone got figures to back this up / prove me wrong?

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3 hours ago, RedM said:

I think it might be a starting point for our SLO, bloody well at least identify yourself!!!


3 hours ago, phantom said:

He could actually be stood next to me at the ground and I wouldn't know him

Matt Parsons was good at putting himself around and ensuring people knew who he was


Basically what the club are saying to a section of the fan base is mind the gap.

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11 hours ago, Dollymarie said:

I’d happily ruffle feathers, problem is the club don’t want someone who will do that. They have a named SLO to meet the UEFA requirement, but they have absolutely no interest in actually properly listening to fans concerns and comments, nor acting on them. Stuff the SC&T have been banging on about for years in some cases. They’re quite happy doing what they want, how they want, and don’t actually want to have any kind of meaningful liaison or interactions with the very fans who keep them in jobs.  Sad state of affairs really. 

Didn't you try to get someone from the fan base to get the SLO job after Dave Lloyd stepped down in 2016? But the club employed Matt Parsons instead. Hope you get some answers.

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35 minutes ago, T R said:

Didn't you try to get someone from the fan base to get the SLO job after Dave Lloyd stepped down in 2016? But the club employed Matt Parsons instead. Hope you get some answers.

Yes, in February 2016 we said the following:

Club & Trust call on Bristol City to appoint SLO from the fan base

Following the news that current Supporter Liaison Officer David Lloyd is to stand down at the end of the season, the board of Bristol City Supporters Club & Trust calls on the Football Club to see David’s decision as an opportunity to take a fresh look at the supporter liaison role, to work with us to define precisely what it should entail going forward and to seek applications for this important position from among the fan base.

“It is a Football League requirement that all clubs have a Supporter Liaison Officer and while the League itself does not specify in any detail what that person should actually do, UEFA have issued best practice guidelines, which we would like to see City follow,” said Club & Trust board member Jon Darch. “The SLO should ideally come from within the active fan base and be in constant dialogue with fans on the issues that concern them not only through supporter group meetings, social media, correspondence and face-to-face discussions between matches, but also by mingling with fans and being available as a point of contact before, during and after games both at Ashton Gate and away from home. David’s other duties as tannoy announcer and matchday hospitality host have unfortunately made it impossible for him to fulfil that latter part of the role.”

The concept of a Supporter Liaison Officer was born in European football, primarily in the German Bundesliga, where some clubs employ three or four fans in this role to represent supporters’ interests to club management, safety authorities and the police. It has been a requirement for clubs in England and Wales to have an SLO since the start of the 2012/13 season.

“Our understanding is that many of the best SLOs around the UK and abroad have a background in the active fan scene. They experience interaction with the club from the outside looking in, like any other fan, not from the inside looking out, like members of club management staff. Only by having such a background are they able to understand fully the concerns and issues of the ordinary fan and to convey these from a supporter’s perspective to the club’s executives,” explains Club & Trust chair Stu Rogers. “While we like to think that we at the Supporters Club & Trust do our best to represent fans on many issues, we are a group of volunteers and there are only so many hours in each day that we can devote to ensuring supporters’ interests are looked after properly. A Supporter Liaison Officer employed by the Football Club and fulfilling as far as possible the job specification set out by UEFA would supplement our own efforts and guarantee that the interests of supporters are at all times fully represented within the corridors and meeting rooms of Bristol City Football Club.”

The Club & Trust has taken the UEFA best practice guidelines for a Supporter Liaison Officer and drawn up an example job specification for the role at Bristol City. We urge the Club to review this, to work with us to refine it further and to seek applications from fans keen and able to take on this demanding role from season 2015/16 onwards.

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The having more than one person to carry out the role is an interesting point. If its done to an optimum level both online and offline, it may require more than one anyway.

@RedM mentioned how the current SLO may for example be fantastic online, but not so great in person.

Perhaps utilise it then. Have him exclusively deal with this forum and others, FB groups and of course Twitter and email. Phone too?

Have a second one to go and see fans on the day, pubs, liaise with groups etc. Have 2 fulltime employees in it, one online and one in the 'real world' I guess would be my suggestion here.

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11 hours ago, T R said:

Didn't you try to get someone from the fan base to get the SLO job after Dave Lloyd stepped down in 2016? But the club employed Matt Parsons instead. Hope you get some answers.

Between Dave Lloyd and Matt Parsons they gave the role to two club employees, Adam Baker ( who was at least a fan like DL) and Rachel Lamar who worked in ticketing I think. Neither had time for the role on a matchday, or during other times it seemed. Maybe the interest wasn’t there either. I believe the current SLO to be in a similar position, full time employee who has been handed the role with little time or interest, certainly not the role demands anyway.

Matt Parsons was appointed by the club with no fans involvement at all as far as I am aware. He was ok at the role but soon did must less liasing with fans as his time got more and more taken up with the players, travelling with them and staying in hotels when the fans were travelling on match days for example. He couldn’t be in two places at once I guess and the players needs were deemed greater than the fans, so he now has a PA type role with them on a full time basis.

Now we find ourselves yet again with a club employee, as I said with no time or interest in particular. Okay things are ticking over at the moment, no real dramas. But it only takes a big FA cup draw or people with problems due to disability access for example to need someone to liaise and help sort things. 

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26 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Wow, look at this!!

An SLO actually engaging on a platform with a wider issue that maybe just a little controversial for relations between club and official body.

Couldn't imagine Ryan Corrigan doing (or being empowered to do) this, could you! ?

"Hello Hello!

Who is our SLO!" :bounce:



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On 04/10/2019 at 15:29, RedM said:

This poor bloke is no doubt a lovely chap, but he looked scared to death that someone might speak to him. I actually felt for him as he has be placed into a role he probably doesn’t want and hasn’t got the people skills to do. He probably has fantastic IT skills, give him a PC and no people and that’s where he is comfortable. 

As for Matt Parsons, the role was only a stepping stone until he could get back to liasing with the players. He did similar for Arsenal before he took the role here apparently. 

I think all of the above with him being scared to talk to people etc. It’s a prime example of a job being forced upon someone who I highly doubt actually wanted it. 

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2 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

I know it's touched upon on another thread but we now have official confirmation it appears via @Blagdon red from the question being put at the SC&T that the SLO at the INSTRUCTION of the club, will NOT be joining this forum.

Wonder what the way forward now will be.

If the SC&T are unable entice a sufficient answer from MA

Its press and publicity time I’d suggest 

National Radio And Eve Post a starter

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