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Posts posted by Sleepy1968

  1. 7 minutes ago, NcnsBcfc said:

    Nov 25th 1977 - in a 4-1 win over Middlesborough.

    My first ever City game. I think we finished 17th that season (77-78), which was a good result after the previous season.

    This happended before I'd attended my first game. But it started my Bristol City scrapbook. I'm sure I remember making the 'glue' out of flour and water.

    • Like 2
  2. Never struck me as the most switched on player we've had so I suspect he relied on the BS his agent gave him when pursuading him to sign the Swansea contract. Then he's heard of what the already contracted Swansea players are on, put two and two together, ignored the last two years, and decided he's been hard done by.

    Jamie, if you're on £250 pw then yes you're being hard done by. (Blame yourself and your agent.) If you're on £2,500+ pw then no, you aren't being hard done by. I susperct you're more likely on the latter. Come live in the real world, or phone COD for validation.

  3. 25 minutes ago, brad blit said:

    I’ve been told by a friend of his that contract talks have started but there was “big difference between what was wanted and offered. COD dosnt wanna leave as happy in area, but believes he’s worth more than what Is being offered” 

    He told me about Prings new contract last sept and he meets with Callum regularly so no reason to doubt info 

    Doesn't live in the real world does he. Probably worth 60% of a Andi Weinman at most, maybe 80% of as Jamie Patterson. So £7K maybe (and I think I'm being generous). Be interesting to see what the market thinks he's worth. He'll be in for a shock.

  4. 1 hour ago, Negan said:

    But it helps keep our clubs head above water. I know they said they’d rather take a points deduction than sell our best players but if Semenyo and Scott were to go, we wouldn’t be much worse off overall but a lot better off financially. Be a shame to see them go but we’re in serious need of cash coming in. Might be a painful summer window I feel. 

    Problem is when you take the bright prospects away and lower our potential, you just erode season ticket renewal further. Lop another 1,000 off if those two go ...

  5. In a way I'm glad that COD's performances have reverted to the mean pretty quickly since coming back from injury. That at least should prevent us from making another colossal mistake contract wise. It should, but it might not.

    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, ashton_fan said:

    I have always used the built-in VPN in the Opera browser for a couple of years and has been fine up until the last 2 or 3 matches, and we have Virginmedia broadband which is mega quick

    I suppose it could still be the RobinsTV feed depending on how they distribute the video, but if your wifi & VM broadband are rock soild at all times then I'd say it's likely to be the VPN server getting overloaded. Can you change the server location in Opera? Try that. Also it doesn't hurt to get a back up VPN to try if the connection gets bad - I use windscribe. And I had to change the server location in that as the default one was getting overloaded. Good luck.

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  7. 4 minutes ago, EstoniaTallinnRed said:

    Thanks, I sorted it out in the end, although, I wish I hadn't after that result. It turned out that as Robins TV was only available for overseas the audio was only the commentary and not as usual the RB one and they did start the audio later than usual. this is the first time I have used the phone app for the commentary and wasn't used to hearing the prattle from the TV boys.

    Its bad enough with a picture to go alongside it. I doubt you had much idea where the ball was for 90% of the game.

  8. 27 minutes ago, cityal said:

    So to summarise:

    League Position

    City  - 15/24

    Rovers - 18/24

    Points from Playoffs

    City - 10 (GD deficit ito 6th is 12)

    Rovers - 9 (GD deficit to 7th is 10)

    Points from Relegation

    City - 11

    Rovers - 7


    City - Relegation dog fight

    Rovers - "Bristol Rovers are 18th in League Two and nine points of the play-offs, but with games in hand and the league table cluttered they remain in the promotion conversation"



    This is frankly embarassing from a reporter (even one from Bristol Live) - its no wonder the mutants that inhabit their swamp continually spout BS like they are "coming from us"  when the local Journo and the club is feeding them a constant diet of propaganda that would make a North Korean leader blush.

    It's more funny than embarrassing. Whilst it remains a bit of a longshot they do have an outside chance of making the playoffs, but it isn't a serious proposition unless they hit form soon and win 5 or 6 on the trot. It's more likely for them than us, but not really likley for them.

    As for City. Well, we've finally managed to get all the players kicking in the same direction. So things are looking up. I don't think we'll be in danger of a relegation dog fight this season. If Derby and Reading hadn't had points deductions I would be less confident though. We'll maintain at least a lower mid table position.

  9. 20 minutes ago, Offside said:

    And shortly after Jan Möller, who I believe played for Sweden.  He was a giant of a keeper from what I recall. 

    You're right, he was massive. For some reason crosses were not much of a problem for him :)

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