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Posts posted by TRL

  1. If you are an atheist then the blessing of meat is someone talking gibberish to an animal. Hardly something that warrants offence.

    Who are you to say it is not offensive?  Offence is taken by the individual, not your say so!


    A person blessing something he she is killing can be just as offensive as calling a religion backwards!

    • Like 2
  2. It offends you that someone talks to the animal as he dies? I really cannot understand why it matters.

    No it doesn't offend me, I should have said it was hypothetical, but as people get offended when someone calls their religion backward, then surely people have the right to be offended if their meat is blessed and they are say, a atheist?  And in turn surely the meat should be labelled as halal, as to give such atheist the chance not to buy such meat?

    • Like 1
  3. Then why would you worry about which imaginary deity has been invoked before your meat was killed? Serious question.


    It would be very difficult to live in this country (or most western societies) and be offended by Christmas presents, Easter eggs and St George's day.

    Not really, as you choose to partake in Christmas, Easter etc etc, any foodstuffs geared to it is clearly labelled, so you know what you are buying.  When you are buying meat and it isn't labelled, then the choice has gone.

  4. I'm not defending religion. I'd like to see a debate about the humane slaughter of our meat without resorting to name-calling.

    I think it is going to be very hard to prove animals are humanely killed in any abattoir., you would need monitors in every abattoir all the time to guarantee that.


    I don't particularly want to offend any abattoir workers now, but, I think imo, there has to be something slightly worrying that anyone would be happy to spend their time killing animals.  I know i couldn't, although I am a massive hypocite as I will happily eat them!  Something not quite right when you can happily kill a animal and do it every day.

  5. Most halal meat is from stunned animals. I think that's been proven now. The whiners can move on to the next thing to moan about.

    A lot of moaning nowadays it seems.

    Some is, just like some meat is stunned in normal abattoirs, many abattoirs regularly mistreat animals.  


    What  if Religion offends me and I do not want to eat Blessed meat?  Serious question.

  6. What you said is offensive. Calling someone's religion "backward" is insulting. I'm sure you didn't mean to be rude and simply dislike animal cruelty. You may consider all religions to be out dated in a modern society, but the way you have phrased your post is not making that point.

    no more insulting than getting killed for leaving it though eh? Heaven forbid become a Christian!   :)  In the circumstances I think Backwards is quite generous!

  7. I think you have it backwards. The Subway shops have chosen to introduce a halal menu because there is a demand* for it in the area. This means that the shops feel that they will make more money by having this menu. You could argue that this is freedom of choice, and it is a cornerstone of the British way of life.


    *Demand in this case is an economics term, as in supply and demand.

    The key here is choice, if there really was choice, there would be two preparation areas.  


    Likewise  at supermarkets, there should be Halal Counters and standard meat counters.  What we have here is a lot of meat products not being marked as  Halal (why hide the fact?  because many many would probably not buy the product if they knew!), the reason in all likelihood, because it is too expensive to install separate service and product areas, so many people get what they are given, and there is no choice.  It is so much easier to get Halal meat, then sell a section as Halal meat, knowing full well you don't have to worry about cross contamination as it is all Halal meat.  Choice it is not!

  8. I'm not sure if some people who are complaining about halal meat are aware of how non-halal meat is slaughtered.

    RSPCA Animal Slaughtering Factfile

    RSPCA Religious Slaughter Factfile

    I'm with you on the need for a humane method of slaughter for our meat. Nearly 90% of halal meatis stunned before slaughter and the RSPCA continue to campaign to improve this figure.

    However, I firmly believe that the great majority of people who are offended by the existence of halal foods in the UK have little interest in the welfare of the animals.

    I agree with you. Many people dislike it because of it's Muslim background rather than what happens to the animal.

    Having witnessed a halal slaughter in Egypt. No stun involved.. That was my mind made up.

  9. Did you know Domino's only offers halal chicken.

    Does it matter?

    No I didn't. But. Then I don't use domino's. Do they publicise it Widely? As i have never seen one of their adverts saying now with only halal chicken. That said I have just googled this and it seems if people are buying domino's pizza because it is halal, are in for a shock as it seems young kids they employ regularly cross contaminate the meat as they don't wash their hands. So a few pizza lovers maybe going to hell and they don't even realise it!

    Personally i don't think halal should be forced upon you, there must be choice or you end up pandering to a minority. Time business used both types of meat. I would not eat halal meat if I knew it was halal. I don't like the way the animal dies. I am fully aware that many slaughterhouses badly abuse our meat products. But many don't. I can only hope I am getting meat from one that stuns properly. What I won't do is choose meat which I know has been slaughtered in such a way. So as much as it may seem hypocritical' it is a choice I make.

  10. Oh yeah....forgot that. Olympics branding wasn't it

    I think so, had loads of athletes doing it.


    Reckon I should go in and ask for a BLT my way :)

  11. If we are being pedantic, the previous slogan used by Subway it the UK was "the way a sandwich should be", which was used until 2000.


    "Your burger, your way", was a Burger King slogan.

    It was also Subways years ago, probably before it arrived in the UK, but it is a well known slogan that has stuck with the brand.




    and here is a slogan they were running in the UK not that long ago, not your but my, all the same thing really, which they have now gone and undermined



  12. Sorry, call me pedantic, but the Subway slogan is Eat Fresh.

    I'm only bringing it up as it was also previously mentioned by another user.

    I agree with all of your points though apart from that.

    You are quite correct, it was their old slogan, but I guess slogans stick, so best stick to what the advertising man is selling you :)

  13. When did that ever come into commercial concerns?  If it means they can sell more franchises in high Muslim area's which is what I expect is behind the thinking, I don't think its right but they are a profit machine.  I give it 12 months before the number of halal numbers drop and new ones open.


    Out of interest ever go to a halal curry house and demand pork chops?  They are just changing their offerings.

    I'm not sure you would go to a curry house to buy a pork chop.  Likewise if you go to most curry houses you know your choices are going to be veggie, lamb, chicken fish, or meat!!!


    If you go to a sandwich shop, I would expect to be able to buy novelty and experimental fillings as well as tried and trusted fillings, which do contain pork,bacon etc.  And in a shop who's Slogan is "Your Way"  I would have thought this would be crucial


    Now if the Sandwich shop was per se a Muslim sandwich shop selling food that is appropriate for a Muslim,then fair enough.  But a national chain?!  No I think they have got this so wrong.  if you cannot handle products from pig, or non halal meat (which is one suggestion I have seen posted elsewhere) then maybe you shouldn't be applying for a job in a chain that sells these products!

  14. The expression 'taste of one's own medicine' springs to mind.

    I'm sure you understood the point about good and bad law I was trying to make using a hypothetical example but you chose to ignore it and twist it around to further your own point-scoring agenda.

    Indeed. And I believe he is now misquoting you by putting the word mumble in a lot! Odd line of attack
  15. Funny the amount of losers that keep stating they are winners, you don't often hear winners stating they are winners,they don't need to, because they are, losers need to make you think they are winners.


    Just standard BS soundbites from a okay manager

  16. TRL, it might have already been mentioned but I believe Marv is doubtful for Tuesday as he has a massive lump on his head after clashing heads and then fell awkwardly on his ankle. So not as bad as feared maybe, but could be better.

    Thanks for this, judging by some posts he may have broken his leg in 3 places, his neck and maybe even broken the record for most injuries in on incident! 


    Anyway hope the bloke is okay, not had much luck in recent years.

  17. He was okay, but no better than that. Some nice passes but gave the ball away cheaply on a few occasions too.


    Marv was having a very good game until he had to go off.

    Seems a strange signing to me.  Not really a winger anymore, not really a central midfielder.  Not entirely sure what he is supposed to give us.


    On commentary they said Marv was sat on the bench after being stretchered off, is this right?  Hope so, because the way they were describing it it sounded like a serious injury, then all of a sudden he is sat on the bench applying ice!


    So fingers crossed

  18. Just back home now.


    A well-earned point in horrible conditions. Oldham might feel hard done by if we'd nicked all 3, but we slightly edged it in terms of chances and never really looked like losing the game either.


    The defence looked a lot more solid in a flat 4. Flint in particular was excellent, and El Abd had a good game too. I hadn't seen him in the flesh before today but the comments from those who had were that it was his best game for us by some distance. Williams looked a bit out of place at left back, he defended well enough but certainly didn't provide as much threat going forward as Cunningham does. I'd have to see the goal we conceded again, but from my angle I thought Moore could have got nearer to it. Other than that he looked very solid, didn't have too many saves to make but much more commanding of his area than Parish. That said, the goal could have been prevented if we'd attempted to close their player down.


    Going forward we created a few chances but nothing really clear cut, and I can't recall their keeper making a save of note. Barnett holds it up well, but seemed a bit lazy when we didn't have the ball. Burns was very lively but we didn't get the ball to him enough, especially in the 2nd half. The midfield were a mixed bag, some nice passing and battling tackles, but also a hell of a lot of squandered possesion.


    In isolation, that's a decent result. Unfortunately we really need to start winning these types of games and bar the odd moment, we didn't look that likely to do so today. If he sticks with 4 at the back, then I'd be confident we can pick up enough points at home to be alright. It was 4-3-3 today and it looked solid for the most part, the problem is how you get JET into that formation. He came on for Burns on the right of the front 3 but didn't look entirely comfortable there.

    What was Wade Elliott like,  never heard him mentioned in commentary!

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