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Bazooka Joe

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Posts posted by Bazooka Joe

  1. 17 hours ago, RedLionLad said:

    I think it's great that both Bristol football clubs are upgrading their stadiums to accommodate their loyal fans... 


    C'mon let's be fair.....at least theirs is portable, and warrants special atTENTion, as they can transport it to away games...or better still, the local tip (oh sorry my bad, that's where it is already).


    • Haha 1
  2. 8 hours ago, BobBobSuperBob said:

    I hope Darrell and his rabble realise they spoilt this poor Sags evening


    Just home in darkest Somerset and in a foul mood. Pretty awful performance against an Accrington side who were well up for it and deserved their win. Cancelled my evening out with the good lady and decided to stay at home. Will spend my evening looking out of the lounge window and shaking my fist and mouthing obscenities at the passers-by. I will feel better by Tuesday.

    This was probably poated by Darrell himself.

    • Haha 6
  3. 8 hours ago, 22A said:

    Humour is breaking out over there on the fourth post down; 




    The new stands are to be installed at the beginning of August. The delay in this is due to planning consultation, although there appears to be no problem with planning. The stands are bespoke and are being constructed in France once imported into the country they will only take a few days to install. They are all made of a hard material with a hard roof, one is to replace the south west tent the other two are to go either side of the centenary stand. Season tickets are being printed they will go to the mailing centre to be sent out by the end of July. Info came direct from the club.

    I'm interested to see what these stands are going to look like. I hope they don't look like the stand Eastleigh have at their ground, behind the goal, but then, beggars can't be choosers, and if they increase seated capacity and draw higher attendances, we can't complain too much in the short term. As long as they proceed with a firm plan to perform a full scale redevelopment or new-build, these temporary stands can't be a bad thing.


    You can't knock their ambition - Full size replica of the Tote End now available for £39.99 from What! (the fck)




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    • Haha 3
  4. 6 hours ago, Cheesleysmate said:

    If you listen to the deluded fewers where I live they are “As big as City”, “One of the biggest clubs in League One”, In fact they are “Too big for League One”, their fan base is “Huge”, but some have just become a bit disillusioned, have lost interest a bit and, “Don’t bother to go down anymore”, but they still “Hate the ******* shit”. Their away support is one of the “Best in the land” and they believe that they are the “envy of a lot of other clubs”, all of which “Hate the shit” and have a “Soft spot for Rovers” as Rovers are a “Proper club”, unlike the “Franchise Shit”. Dean Windass is still their biggest legend. It used to be Ricky Lambert, but he went to Southampton and didn’t mention the Rovers as being one of his former clubs that helped his career to get him recognised to play for England. Didn’t stop them masturbating over him when he played and scored for England, but it severely dampened his legend status. FTG FTS!

    Oh come now.

  5. 13 hours ago, JamesBCFC said:

    Some may remember Rovers getting excited about signing Ghassan Abu Hassan (picture provided to jog the memory)


    The excitement being in some part because of him being the first ever Jordanian player to sign for a U.K. club.

    Well, while we have young prospects playing at clubs aiming for promotion from the same league Rovers are in, they have shipped young Ghassan out to Bishops Cleeve, the whipping boys of the 8th tier who have managed a massive 11 points in 27 games (0.41 ppg) and have conceded 71 times, while managing a massive 3 wins this season.

    He better be good if he's to help Bishops Cleeve stay up as they need to overturn a 13 point gap to safety and still have to face a team who have scored 6 past them twice already this season.


    No doubt Ghassan likes the Bishop's Cleeve as much as the Bishop likes Ghassan.

    Say no more.


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