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Everything posted by 2015

  1. That's fine if they think that. If you're happy to just watch City to get results only, with not much entertainment then that's ok. However, I go to be somewhat entertained and encouraged by what I see on the pitch, if that means we don't win every game that's ok. There was many times I left AG bored out my brains with him in charge. Yes some will point to the League Cup season, but that lasted for about 6 months over his 4 year reign. Those who like putting up with a backs against the wall display every week will likely have enjoyed LJs reign. I just think for the money spent the product on display was not at all entertaining.
  2. Unfortunately LJ was given all of Lansdown's money to spend which has set us back years. Felt very tinpot with him as Manager, and dare I say it, even his Dad as Manager.
  3. As I've said on another thread - you cannot sell two proven match winners in Scott and Semenyo for 35 million and not adequately replace them. We have made signings to increase the quantity of the squad but not replaced with enough quality to replace those two players. You don't progress in the Championship for cheap and to have a chance of making the playoffs you absolutely need a goalscorer, which we don't currently have.
  4. Expect a lot of goalless draws.
  5. Our xG so far is the 3rd lowest this season. That tells you all you need to know about our current problems and it is very concerning.
  6. I like the podcast. I think some of the posters on here are being negative about the podcast being negative. Lets be fair, our performances to date this season have been poor, lets call a spade a spade and be honest.
  7. Giving the away fans the entire Atyeo has been a massive mistake. It needs to be half and half.
  8. You cannot sell Semenyo and Scott for a combined £35 million and then just get a few bodies in the door. We need match winners because at the moment we don't have any. That is what Scott and Semenyo were for us.
  9. It was. We were pretty crap, just took our chances that came our way. Sam Kerr had an off day infront of goal too
  10. England did not even deserve to be in the final let alone win it. Lucky against Nigeria, a scrappy win vs Colombia and a smash and grab vs Australia. They were not good enough. Well done the Spanish.
  11. Every game I have watched of England they have been pretty poor, I have to be honest. Spain deserve this
  12. Yawn. Getting tiresome now this bollocks. They do not garner the same commercial revenue, sponsorships nor tv viewings globally to be on the same money. Maybe international teams can do it but just look at the attendances at club matches and you'll see why they get paid less. This debate does a disservice to both the Men's and Women's game and it's just another stick to beat the Men with.
  13. We were poor today, worse than what we we were against Preston. I think we as a fanbase need to stop being so reactionary, knee jerk and negative. I could feel it around the Ground before, during and after the game. Stark contrast to the away support at Millwall last week. However, today highlighted how we really need a Number 9 up front and that there is a real lack of physicality to our team. We lost various battles today, likewise against Preston first game and I even said numerous times last week at Millwall 'Powderpuff' - because that's what we have been playing like. Too nice. We'll be ok, but it certainly has tempered pre season expectations and a big reality check has hit most of us.
  14. Well said. Have had it all week off people who don't really follow Football 'Why havent the Men won it since 1966?' - Well I don't think you have a clue how HARD the Men's game is to win a World Cup.. It does both game's a real disservice to compare the two. The Women's achievements are theirs in their own right and it is totally unfair to compare them to the Men, but I guess anything to put our Men's team down is fine nowadays.
  15. Jack Hunt has signed for them. Not saying this because he has signed for them but I didn't rate him highly. Thought Pisano was a much better RB.
  16. The disgusting this this comes down to is about money. Man Utd clearly still see him as an asset and that's all they're worried about. It's disgusting. I don't actually think he should be stopped from having any career in Football completely, but no way should he be given another chance at Man United. What kind of message does this send out to youngsters? You can behave in a disgusting way and as long as you're talented enough, we'll have you back. If they allow Greenwood back into their squad it will be VERY interesting what the sponsors do and the backlash the club will rightfully get. This isn't just Burton Albion, as Gary Neville would say 'this is Manchester United' - One of the world's elite clubs. It sends out totally the wrong message. My god Manchester United have gone off a cliff in terms of standards since Fergie left. Never respected them much even back then either.
  17. Got asked last night why have the Men's team not even made a World Cup final since 1966. Yet the Women have. I don't think neutrals understand how hard it is to win a World Cup in the Men's game. I think these kind of comments are doing the Women's game a disservice by comparing it to Men. Their achievement is their own achievement and in no way a fair and direct comparison can be made to what the Men have done/do.
  18. It's funny that he says everyone outside of Bristol City doesn't get it. All my mates do not support City and all of them think NP has overstayed his welcome and think we could get a better Manager in. They fail to understand or refuse to look into the comings and going of Bristol City for the last 15 years or so. Short termism, after short termism, success and failure not being far away. We have usually always been a side who is in a relegation battle in this League and for once we seem stable and are looking up long term instead of down. Maybe some look at Luton or Brentford and go 'Why cant City do that?' We can, but we need steady progress (Much like Brentford and Brighton endured). Maybe some people want him out at City (non City fans) because they know what NP can build long term. He's what this club have needed for absolute years and we will reap the rewards of his tenure, there is no doubt about that. The club is in a FAR better place than it was in February 2021.
  19. First time driving to AG to a game after passing my test at 18 and I came back to my stereo being stolen from the car
  20. Agreed. Very much of a reactionary, but judging by his Twitter that's not at all surprising.
  21. What's happened to 3 Lions being our song? Even World in motion ? Cannot stand sweet caroline - belongs in Rugby.
  22. Ian does actually make some decent points sometimes and is fairly intelligent. Tony Wilkins just comes across as an absolute prat imo. Might be a lovely guy, but loves the sound of his own voice. Not even sure if he even goes to games.
  23. It's becoming a one way road? Bristol has gone crazy.
  24. Went alone yesterday and absolutely loved it. Worth it for the 94th minute beauty. Safe to say the locals were not too impressed
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