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Everything posted by PHILINFRANCE

  1. An excellent post Dave, as ever, although I must say it was all a bit too complicated for me, hence the reason I deleted your written tactical explanations when responding. I prefer to think of football as a simple game and, not that I am suggesting this applies to you ? ?, but, as the late, great Brian Clough once said: 'Players lose you games, not tactics. There's so much crap talked about tactics by people who barely know how to win at dominoes.' Anyway, on the subject of players rather than tactics being important, and I suppose this is what prompted me to post, I couldn't help but notice that the City team in your diagram appears to have only ten players. Do you think it might help if we used eleven players like our opponents? ?
  2. He is still alive, aged 92 now. He appeared in some Carry On films, but he was also very good as Mr. Hutchinson in Fawlty Towers. I shall try and post a link to Right Said Fred, if I can find it.
  3. I suspect it may have been mentioned on here previously, but does anybody see the resemblance to Luke Freeman, (fairly) recently of this parish?
  4. With hindsight, an excellent choice, as the presenter was not the best either.
  5. Not only was the pitch awful, but did you hear the awful monkey chants when Worrell Sterling broke before crossing for Watford’s equaliser? Those were the days, Eh?
  6. Well, there's your reason. If Ronaldo is constantly droning on about 'Just one Cornetto', what do you expect?
  7. Jonathan Wilson doesn't seem to rate Ronaldo, does he?
  8. Thank You for the link to a very interesting and insightful article, as ever from The Guardian. Never has a truer word been spoken.
  9. That would be quite amusing if it were not, potentially, quite a serious matter. To be fair, though, the majority of security guards are on minimum wage with little, if any, training for a potential terrorist attach and, as has been mentioned, seem to be undertaking a mere tick box exercise. We have the same here in France, where security guards in the large supermarkets ask women to open their handbags and, after a cursory glance, wave them through.
  10. Look up Newcastle and Sunderland; River Tyne and River Wear; Tyneside and Wearside. They are not the same.
  11. Really? Ah, I see I am not the only one to have spotted the geographical error.
  12. Thank You for your interesting post. Whilst I do not envisage being in any 'trouble' that might warrant my computer being seized, I was intrigued by your comments concerning proxy servers, particularly TOR. For several years I used HOLA to gain access to mainly UK sites with restricted overseas access, e.g. BBC and SKY Sports, but have recently found it to be quite poor so removed it and have been looking to change my VPN, and TOR is one I have considered. Are you suggesting I should steer clear?
  13. It’s currently right below your post.
  14. No. The father’s name is Widdrington, or similar, and he has a more direct footballing role; head of loans or something of that nature.
  15. From the Greek, like many medical terms.
  16. To be fair, you can understand why they are angry: Did you forget all the circumstances regarding his sale? The context of it? The release fee? The fact it was deliberately left as late as possible in the window to prevent us signing a replacement - purely to get one over on us on behalf of his new employer? Yes, he’s a footballer earning a living. He was a footballer who could have comfortably got a deal probably at plenty of other clubs, and he chose to totally betray everyone who had helped him in his journey, from DC who plucked him out of forest green reserves to the fans who stuck with him despite not scoring for about 12 games. Then, after all that he openly mocks us and tries to wind our fans up, Yes, commercial decision. Defrauding pensioners is a commercial decision - those fraudsters have families to feed too. Hell, Judas had mouths to feed when he picked up those pieces of silver. It’s only football at the end of the day, it’s a game, but Taylor knew full well what he was doing, and chose the money. It wasn’t his one chance, he had years of decent contracts ahead but he chose the one thing which would completely screw all his team mates and supporters - all the little kids who got Taylor shirts and idolised him. He had a right to play for whoever he liked but we have a right to dislike him, and I fully intend to exercise that right. After all, we paid his wages for about 4 years
  17. Scared of the Rovers fans' abuse according to their forum....?.
  18. A season or so ago, he was on loan at Doncaster and either scored or assisted with a goal against Rovers and was abused for his apparently exaggerated celebration.
  19. Lots of calls for MV to receive a 5 place grid penalty for Qatar next weekend. Surely, if MV is to be penalised, and, based on this new footage, I am not convinced he should or will be, a retrospective 5 second penalty for this race would be more equitable and, ironically, more beneficial to Mercedes as it would demote MV to third, thus depriving him of three points and giving Bottas/Mercedes three extra points.
  20. I’ve not seen the TV article to which you refer, but I assume they made no comparison to the French handball against Ireland.
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