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Everything posted by Swede

  1. 60 years since they last built a stand and those saddoes are celebrating the fact! Truly astonishing. Why on earth would you want to bring to everybody's attention 60 years of abject failure. Still, why build when you can just pitch up take advantage and steal.
  2. Ha, ha, is that a trick question as in we'll do well to stay in League 1 this season with the fact they can't compete with Forest Green on the pitch and all those tents [that makes them the laughing stock of the entire Football League] their wonderful owners provide off it.
  3. Aha! Were you the one who coloured in that white board on the saddoes stand at UWE
  4. Unbelievable. Terrorism, Isis. Obviously this is just a cretin without the ability to think about what he is writing. Seriously, in the world we live in, from whichever side of the devide you are, nobody should be using those two words in throw away comments. Absolutely appalling.
  5. They are stuck in the 1970's as in the last century, much like their weird kit, going on about how big a club they are & on a par with the likes of Norwich City but in reality its more like Northwich Victoria. Keep believing how great you are; meanwhile, in the real world, every other club is moving on and leaving you far, far behind.
  6. Yes I know, all those changes but what makes me laugh is one of them is a ******* chair!!! Talk about extracting the urine.????
  7. I am all for passion in a derby but there were one or two of them "overstepping" the mark that day. To this day I am extremely surprised how swindle didn't get in trouble with the Football League or the police for that matter considering the behaviour of their players & that crass fat controller owner. Absolutely disgusting. That match underlines why I detest that 5hitty club and that picture sums it up for me.
  8. With all those tents it must be the No Camp
  9. Not half of them I suspect what with "duplicated" season tickets and the gateman pocketing a cheeky back hander
  10. The other channel was showing Babestation
  11. Tiny penis always sets up to defend first. Frankly, with the players at his disposal, playing 5 across the middle with 1 up front I'd be pretty cheesed off being a Boro fan. A colleague who's a big WBA fan refused to go because of triffic's lamentable tactics when he was there. He's been the same everywhere he's gone. The only difference is the amount of transfer money at his disposal. He'd sign Lurch or Jaws if he could. Perhaps no one's told him that size doesn't matter or is he hiding another secret, eh Tiny?
  12. From the pits to the Ritz. They will be amazed at seeing an all seater stadium with four stands, yes FOUR stands, that's not a cricket pavillion, half a stand, a few tents, a selection of white plastic garden furniture and a few odius looking garden sheds that they're used to. They'll be expecting the Queen and other dignitaries to be introduced to the players beforehand and of course Her Highness will be presenting the Watney Cup afterwards. The reality is however, for Championship teams, is that this is a cramped little stadium that's been left behind by most clubs at this level. It's still incredible that they advise that you can't see the touch line thinking that as long as they've told the long suffering away fans then its alright. Still, the sags will have plenty in common with them, they too have a massive chip and think they are chelsea when the reality is they're more like a Barnet.
  13. Is it me or do those silhouettes on the wall look like zombies, typical sag I suppose
  14. I thought the training ground pitch was looking good by sag standards. Just need a few more nettles and weeds to stop the ball rolling freely.
  15. I have a friend who's not in to football but a few years ago wanted to do the Dad thing and take his son to see the sags at Wembley, I told him to get a refund and I'd take him to a proper football match watching City. He got a refund and he watched a proper football match. I took great delight in saving someone from a lifetime of lower league ramshackle misery and false dawns!
  16. That's more like it, such a shame its not real (too many fans)
  17. Ahh, it makes sense now, "GL" stands for gas logic as in we can build a football stand in four days or we are now the sixth richest team in the country or it's not feasible to build on the mem or we need a 20,000 stadium yet can never sell out a dump half the size.
  18. Those shitheads can crow and strut, but I've never known a single ted that hasn't begrudgingly admired the fact that as sh** as we always are, we still love the Gas. Er no, I & many thousands like me think you are just pathetic. I have lost count at all the times I have laughed at gaslogic. Do I really want to walk around in a pathetic jesters uniform or watch kick and rush with a fake copied season ticket on a turnip patch in an old rugby stadium resembling Chernobyl littered with more tents and temporary buildings than a gypsy's caravan site with painfully outdated facilities whilst abusing any opposition player 1970's style singing a zombie like Plymouth argyle dirge about suicidal fantasies, knowing that even the nickname was a derogatory term given by your neighbours. Owned by a couple of shady characters with monopoly money who can peel an orange in their pocket and make the Riddler look like Benny from Crossroads. I believe it was 1958 the last time they built a permanent stand. Like I said, pathetic
  19. I don't know why they bother with tents as they have plenty of tin and loads of pots
  20. Sad little club being left behind in the dark ages. Just look at the place. What a disgrace. It's laughable that some of their fans criticise other grounds when their place resembles a refugee camp in a scrap yard. I would be ashamed to watch football there. Then there's their small minded bitter fans who get more satisfaction when we lose as opposed to when they win.
  21. As it stands the sags will soon be passed by Forest Green Rovers. At least they own their own ground, live within their means & have an astute and passionate owner who is continually investing to improve his club. Unlike some faceless foreign owners who use other people's money to try to exploit a situation. Still, as the old saying goes; never look a gift horse in the mouth, try punching harder.
  22. So, reading into the near future the club will announce plans for ground sharing with Bath City whilst the rugby ground is developed. This will run into problems and will go on indefinitely until all of a sudden an announcement is made that the ground has been sold for housing leaving the fake sheik to disappear like a mirage back to watching football at Stamford Bridge.
  23. Listening to the show it was all depressing from the sags view. Anything involving the training ground, budgets and player recruitment , basically anything involving expenditure he skirted around. Any manager will meet with the board to discuss budgeting and resources to assist with forward planning for the forthcoming season. He made a few light hearted remarks but that was only glossing over the cracks and lack of any real business plan moving forward from his board which is astonishing. I actually felt sorry for him. With LJ and Way talking fondly about old Yeovil days & the positive sharing of ideas with the Bears in state of the art surroundings it must have been quite surreal for Clarke looking in. I would imagine he will be quite angry when he shifts the bucket to catch the rain in his portukabin office tomorrow wondering why he didn't take the Leeds job. Considering what he has to put up with and the way he has been treated I don't think he'll think twice next time.
  24. hmmm, there's something not quite right about Bradshaw's Snackbox
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