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Posts posted by ChippenhamRed

  1. 11 minutes ago, Fordy62 said:

    I think the sell out jibes are mainly in response to the jibes we've taken re Lansdown. 

    But I agree. In the short term this is excellent news for them. Going out of business looked a not too distant reality.

    And am I the only one who thinks a rebrand to Bristol Black Arabs would be pretty ******* cool? I think it's genius. 


    10 minutes ago, Dark Wood Covert said:

    I think its more to do with their hypocritical stance and how they'd never be taken by a rich owner... always the peoples club ;)

    I get what you're saying but I still don't think relabelling the thread "sell out" does anything other than make us look bitter, because it doesn't really describe the situation. Not a clever call by the mods, in my opinion.

  2. Why are we labelling them "sell outs" and renaming the thread as such?

    They've negotiated the sale of the club to a wealthy owner which clearly makes their future look more promising. Exactly how wealthy this person is seems to be debatable, but it would appear to be undeniable that this financially strengthens the club. I don't see why that's selling out? They haven't given up their blue and white quarters or compromised the identity of the club in any way that I can see?

    If they're sell outs for welcoming a wealthy new owner, were we not the same when Lansdown arrived?

    Seems to be a lot of comments on here trying to find reasons why this is bad news. It might be, depending on how the wealth is used and the club is run from this point forwards, but let's not deny that this looks to be - in very broad terms - good news for Rovers. If we pretend otherwise then we justify their claims of bitterness.

    • Like 5
  3. 1 minute ago, funky monkey said:

    There are so many fickle people out there. Everyone was loving sc last year. Give him and the team a chance. The season is far from over. Do we really wanna be a club who constantly gives the manager the boot. Even if we did get relegated there isn't a better manager available to get us back up. 

    If we manage to stay up this year our squad will be the better for it and with the lessons learnt this year in the transfer market who knows what could happen.


    You don't think 26 games and an entire summer to assemble a squad worthy of the Championship is giving him a chance?

    • Like 4
  4. A turning point for me tonight. If we can't beat Preston at home off the back of a confidence-boosting performance against WBA, then what hope have we got?

    I don't care if we're in the middle of the transfer window; I would be on the phone to Neil Warnock tonight. He is one of the few people I can think of who has the strength of character to attract the players we require, and give the whole club the kick up the backside we so desperately need.

    • Like 3
  5. 4 minutes ago, Loco Rojo said:

    If we cant even get a loan keeper in for the game then that just highlights the sad situation we're in - Who the hell doesn't want to send out back up keepers to get first team experience????

    Anyway, good luck to O'Leary tonight if he's called on. Grab the opportunity with both hands.

    Always worth checking the facts before launching into a rant Rojo!

    • Like 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, EDoubleD said:

    I think we need to give cotts money to spend. We bought the lowest number of players of any championship club this season - and that's in a division that includes Blackburn and forest who were on embargoes plus Bolton and Birmingham city who have no money. 


    we're in a league with 9 (I think) teams that have been in the prem in the last 5 years, and Add to that Brighton, boro, Wednesday, Derby and Leeds who all have a net spend for this season of over £4million. This is a tough league, but the manager has not been supported to improve the team.


    If he doesn't improve it in Jan then he should go. spending money paying him off then giving the new manager money would be an even bigger gamble. We'd be better letting cotts spend the money.

    Why do we keep hearing this "manager has not been supported to improve the team"?!

    The board sanctioned enormous bids for players last summer, bids that shocked us all at the time. Very few other clubs in the division were bidding those sort of sums. Furthermore Lansdown has gone on record since to say that wages were not the issue with Gray, it was his preference to join a rival with realistic promotion prospects. 

    If that isn't support, what is?

  7. Unless we already have someone lined up, there would be absolutely no point in dismissing Cotterill now - though I completely understand the temptation. We simply cannot have a period without a manager with the transfer window just days away. On that basis I think we will stick with him.

    My biggest concern therefore is how do we expect a manager who had an entire summer and the momentum of a title-winning season to buy players, and failed, to now sign players in a single month with the side in the relegation zone?

  8. 4 minutes ago, BCFC Jordan said:

    Well done on being a happy clapper.

    23 games on from our god awful summer and our position is no surprise, even though the small amount of players we do possess are reasonably talented. No reinforcements, no confidence, mismanaged by the higher-ups. We've brought it all upon ourselves.

    I stated there are 23 games to go and we are in the relegation spots on goal difference. Which bit of that makes me a happy clapper? If quoting the facts makes me a happy clapper, then I guess that's what I am.

    Those who have read my previous posts will know I try to offer a realistic perspective without gravitating to either extreme.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Ivorguy said:

    Please remember the stadium is not City's it but Bristol Sport's

    To make the stadium work as a business will not require City above third division

    I don't believe the high million bids  were serious - just window dressing

    If they were serious it was even worse


    Still talking rubbish. The stadium may still work as a business with City in the third division, but it'll work better and make more money with them in the Championship. So obviously that's what they will be aiming for as a minimum.

    As for the "window dressing" comment...laughable. They were serious attempts to recruit that didn't work out, simple as that. No need for conspiracy theory nonsense.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Ivorguy said:

    Oh dear another two points lost

    Again faults in coaching (missed penalty). Again complete ignorance of use of subs

    AgaIn inability to defend a lead at home

    Again inability to use possession 

     No good arguing for new manager, obvious two months ago, as owner won't move on that

    It is time for Lansdown to consider his position if he won't address that of the manager

    It is clear, as I have been saying for months, that the club is happy with third division football and have based their business plan for the stadium whatever they say on that

    Suppprting City is so so frustrating

    Sad to say our club is badly run 

    Yes you're right, the business plan for a £40 million 27,000 seater stadium is no doubt based on third division football and does not show any ambition to reach higher at all does it.

    Just like bidding huge sums for the likes of Gayle and Gray shows how they are "happy" with third division football.

    What complete and utter nonsense you are talking.

    • Like 4
  11. 3 minutes ago, TheCulturalBomb said:

    Midfielders who cannot score.

    Pack should not be taking penalties.

    We need a new striking coach.

    Pathetic and almost exactly how our season has gone in lots of games.


    Better possession, better attacking, better shots. SPINELESS PLAYERS WHO ARE LOSING US THE GAMES AND CANNOT SEE WHERE THE GOAL IS.

    The usual reactionary nonsense. These players may lack quality but "spineless" they are not. Spineless implies a lack of effort and that is not the issue at all.

    • Like 2
  12. 1 minute ago, MC RISK77 said:

    This is looking every bit as dark as the last couple of seasons in our last stay in the championship.  We are sadly lacking enough quality and we won't be able to rely on teams below us for much longer....

    i really do hope we have a couple of jokers up our sleeve in January

    oh and PACK, just because he is PACK

    We can't rely on teams below us now, because we are 22nd

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