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Posts posted by supercidered

  1. 4 minutes ago, ralphindevon said:

    I know what you mean, looking at the map it should be a piece of cake from here in south Devon. Truth is I could drive to a few midland clubs quicker.

    I’m taking the train this time as I can’t be arsed with that south coast road.

    I live a few miles from you. The train to Southampton is an @rse ache. Usually about 3 hours at least one change. What time do the trains run until coming back?

  2. 7 minutes ago, RedRock said:

    Andy King I reckon will be Assistant Coach, with Eustace (or similar) as Head Coach. The King appointment would tick many boxes, including 'reaching out' to the many Pearson lovers.

    Let's face it.

    Whoever it is and whoever the assistant or coaching team is. It will polarise the fanbase. The main reason being there are no standout candidates apart from NP and they and he would never have that.

    And so, my long suffering fellow City fans. We will ultimately, accept whoever the new incumbents are and get behind the team. It's what we do and I can't see that changing unless the hierarchy go full Nuclear and make a Pulis type of appointment. 

  3. 8 hours ago, AshtonGreat said:

    Then again, Pearson only had 32% as BCFC manager

    That may be true. However, lets have some context with those Stats.

    I won't go over the same facts that so many have posted on here since Sunday. However, you can't compare a 63 game ratio versus NP's ratio without acknowledging the sh!t show NP inherited. It's nothing short of brilliant work to get the 32% ratio under those circumstances. 

    We will never know what that ratio would be looking like if he was allowed to have finished off the work that he had done to date i.e. at the end of a contract extension.

    • Like 6
  4. *When a new manager is rumoured, you can frame any set of pros and cons to suit your argument, but none of us know how they will do.  Some click, some don’t.

    I've copied and pasted your last sentence above Fevs.

    I totally agree but even agreeing with this it just shows how much of a gamble and massive (wrong IMO) decision it was to sack NP. So we are banking in the hierarchy at the club to firstly, make the right choice of Manager or Head Coach. Then once they have done that, make the right choices moving forward to back it all up. 

    I'm sorry but it is too much of a leap of faith for me to think they will do any of these things.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Tafkarmlf said:

    You of course get, that was a paraphrase of the videos where the Board have been quite clear about getting to the Prem. They've have taken action about wanting more by sacking Nige and both videos suggest they wanted) expected more.

    We're not starting from square one and haven't been for sometime. Reckon it started after LJ left and then we've been building this way for ages . It's basically a return to the five pillars loosely after massive over spends with LJ .








    As I said. You, they and anyone can talk about wanting to get to the Prem. Talk is cheap. Very cheap in the case of the Board, JL and Tinns. They haven't been clear about it, they have just talked about it. The action you speak of has nothing to to do with action to get in to the Prem. The action was taken because they didn't find NP to their liking because he knew and knows that this lot are clueless.

    5 Pillars !!!

    I think I need to log off for a while before I start posting stuff that I will regret!

    • Like 8
  6. 1 minute ago, Tafkarmlf said:

    Because the board didn't feel it was working 

    With about quarter of the season gone we've won 5 and for each of NPs Seasons we've ended on 15 wins 

    Board wanted more, they're really gunning for the Prem, overly ambitious tbf 8th 12th would be a step up for me, but hey ho

    However that's what they believe we can achieve.

    Clear from Tins vid this isn't a start again, and would tie in with the sometimes it isn't the person who does the dirty work to get things altered that gets the glory, quite often it's the next one .

    Of course we all have our points of view, it's the whole purpose of OTIB.

    How on earth can anyone hold the view that we are 'gunning for the Prem'. That just isn't true. Saying it doesn't make it true. There are no indicators of gunning for the Prem. None.

    'Board wanted more'. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. If the Board wanted more then back your Manager not throw him to the dogs. We were doing just fine and I think it was only going to get better under NP. We didn't need anyone else but now we need to replace him and I can't see any upgrade on NP.

    The Board should be taking the heat for this and they aren't. We are starting from square one or worse. The only way that isn't the case is if they recruit from within i.e. someone who already knows the club ethos. God forbid that happens because what we have within is just a disaster waiting to happen.

    • Like 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, cidercity1987 said:

    Funny how new signings videos are released at peak time after the working day.

    This deliberately publicised at 8.30 in the morning to limit the engagement ?

    Cidercit1987 you are giving this lot far too much credit!

    There is no way they would have ever thought about that.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Tafkarmlf said:

    Looked nervous but excited

    Confirmed that were buying to fit system ala money ball

    New coach will work in those parameters

    Mentioned player care and health 

    Youth pathway to continue.

    Failing to see what the brouhaha is about tbh


    I remember NP saying most of this recently i.e. within the last couple of weeks.

    So if all of this was already happening and over 2 years in to that work. Why then start again with somebody that hasn't got a clue about the ethos of the club. whichever way this is dressed up, it is complete rubbish. 

    • Like 3
  9. Just now, Bazooka Joe said:

    Another horrifying Lansdown car crash.

    But, don't worry, the only victims were Pearson, the team and the fans.

    Junior needs to attend a snide awareness course.

    I'm sure Mark Ashton could give him details of some of the courses that he has attended.

  10. I won't regurgitate my previous posts since Sunday, suffice to say I and most on here are furious.

    However, I would have had some respect (just some) for Jon Lansdown if he had done a video and said something like:

    We knew NP was very popular and respected by City fans but we probably underestimated this and the level he was regarded at. It was a difficult decision but we feel at this time that short term pain will mean that we get to where we want to be.

    He could have acknowledged the work NP did across all age groups and the mentality within those age groups. Acknowledged that its a better place than it was when he arrived. There are loads of things he could've and should've said but he didn't. He has just skipped over NP as if he was never here!

    Show some empathy, show some class, show some balls, give credit where credit is due. 2 days after sacking NP and that was the best he / they could muster!

    Even give the above, I still don't think he can square this circle because whatever happens next in this car crash of events I can only see this getting worse.

    • Like 8
  11. Whoa there Jon.

    So everything you are after in a new Coach / Manager is what you already had in NP. Makes no sense because whoever is on your list won't be anywhere near as good as NP. In addition, whoever that man is, he will have to start all over again. Not withstanding that they will probably want to bring their own players in (not sure where the money for that will come from). That will take time and we've heard it all before i.e. 2 / 3 transfer windows etc, etc. We aren't back to square one we are in a worse place than that.

    Instead of trying to blow smoke up our asses about getting behind the team and being great supporters. Tell us why we should believe in him and the hierarchy. Tell us specifically why NP is not the right man for the job. Tell us why we have to go backwards and start all over again. Tell us why we can't even fill our bench v Cardiff and what the plans are to ensure that doesn't happen again in the future. I could go on and on but that 2 minutes of video only confirms what he and SL are. Which is inept. 

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  12. 2 minutes ago, red panda said:

    He joined Millwall, who finished in 21st place in 2017/18, in Oct 18.  He guided them to 8th, 11th, 9th and 8th place finishes, only a point off the playoffs last season.  That must be at least borderline impressive?

    The problem I have is that I don't care about any of the names that have been mentioned and that includes Rowett. Not one single name on the list is even close to being a better manager than NP. Not even remotely close.

    • Like 3
  13. 6 minutes ago, Riaz said:

    I read on a bristol live article, that they "understand" that the club are hoping to appointment someone before saturday!


    (sarcasm doesn't come across well in typing form).

    Hands up who remembers the long and extensive search for a Manager before and then we ended up with Dean f@cking Holden. Lovely human being. Great at filling water bottles and picking up the cones. Should neve be anywhere near the Manager's job. I fear that we will end up with someone of a similar ilk. God I hate Modays at the best of times but today is a whole different level.

  14. I've tried to stay off OTIB since I heard the news about NP.

    The reason being that I was so f@cking angry that I may post something that I would regret 'as the dust settles'.

    However, I'm still absolutely livid. I'm old enough to have been around watching us in 1976 and then being relegated all the way to the bottom of Div 4 but I've never felt like a feel now.

    I've just seen the list of potential managers to replace NP. I'm now feeling even worse! Nobody is going to convince me that anyone on that list is even close to being a better option than NP. 

    Just when I thought that I could never be surprised at how inept the hierarchy could be. They have gone and proved me wrong. Again.  

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  15. 39 minutes ago, WessexPest said:

    That’s a damn shame, he was making the Rent Boys into the biggest laughing stock / hateful bunch of slugs going, which is some feat given their history in the past decade.

    But I’m sure we can now look forward to him turning everything he’s got on the club, saying what a two-bit outfit it was, how everyone associated with the club is useless / clueless, because it’s never his fault. 

    So long, Sherpa Sharton, and congrats on getting the Gash to the promised land before the red side.

    Bring on the next clown - I’m sure the peasants from Whorefield will be clamouring for a certain *skeleton to leave the Halloween displays and ride to dA mIGHTY qWARTERZ rescue! 😆

    EDIT: It is pronounced:  Skelington


    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, Silvio Dante said:

    Early days at Birmingham for Wayne Rooney, who replaced a manager blues fans didn’t want to see sacked. But the fact is that in such a circumstance the new boss is rarely afforded time, and this is pretty much the anticipated reaction.

    Now, what does the Blues scenario remind you of?


    A little bit of context here.

    It isn't just the 2 loses in a row. The blokes shouting at Rooney are still upset from when Rooney was firing in to their Nan.

    • Haha 6
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  17. 10 minutes ago, petehinton said:

    The most blatant handball you’ll ever see for their equaliser, funny that won’t get mentioned by R Joe

    I haven't seen the 'highlights' but I listened to the Jaily Barton interview. The bloke is unhinged isn't he? Apart from the 'fat weeble' remark. he had the temerity to go on about Evans and his 'effing and jeffing'!

    It also seems that he expects a penalty and or a sending off is needed / warranted to win a football match. The bloke is a fraud and a blight on football at any level. Suffice to say, I hope he stays at R@vers for a long time to come!

    • Like 2
  18. 10 minutes ago, red panda said:

    Indeed - I've given up saying this.  Lots of fellow City fans speculating over what might be happening, and then driving themselves into an unnecessary rage because of these made up stories.

    Sorry if this has already been discussed, but yesterday's Post story said "He is also out of contract at the end of the season and no formal talks have taken place. Pearson's words at the weekend are also not thought to be linked with that particular situation." (my highlighting).  Is there a chance that we've spent 42 pages and untold fury barking up the wrong tree?

    I guess we could be barking up the wrong tree.

    However, I don't think we have been.

    In any case, if there were any lingering doubts for the hierarchy as to where the overwhelming majority of the fans stand. Then it has been worth the 42  pages.

    • Like 1
  19. 9 minutes ago, bcfc01 said:

    Seems he may have serious input to it and its telling that NP bigged him up massively !

    Bottom line is it will have to be given the green light by SL though.

    Absolutely, but maybe Tom as a go between / mediator may be the best way for SL to see sense and or not lose face. Even SL must've seen or at least heard the overwhelming level of support for NP.

  20. I've just watched the Presser for the Ipswich game.

    NP talks so well. That is all well and good but it isn't just talk. The bloke knows what he is talking about and more importantly he backs it up. 

    I also feel a little more positive following the gloomy comments regarding NP's future. Let's face it, the problem is not NP it is the 'hierarchy'. Hopefully. Tom can be the one that brings the hierarchy to their senses. Give NP what he wants by way of a contract and start some serious and informative dialogue with us as long suffering supporters. 

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