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Posts posted by robin_unreliant

  1. I have no stats on it and my perception may actually be totally wrong, however I always feel we score more goals at the South Stand end. So I worry if we aren't ahead and attacking the Atyeo in the second half. At least we didn't lose, even if we didn't score in the second half, I guess. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Harry said:

    I think he’s been distinctly average - even in his loan spell which everyone seems to laud. He was average during that spell too. Just that no one likes to ‘call out’ average when it’s a new player. 

    No-one wants to pick on one of our own but the elephant in the room is his height, a feature which he can't be blamed for or improve, but which is just too big a disadvantage for a defender. 

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  3. 7 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    This is the problem when people jump on snippets of a post about an interview and take it out of context.

    here is someone ⬆️⬆️⬆️ that took the time to listen / read the interview post-match and not spin an agenda onto it.

    I’d copy the link to the club post-match interview and the James Piercy transcript in here, but it’s futile when people have made their mind up that all blame lies at Nige / Coaching Staff’s feet….and virtually every post finds a way to further spin that agenda.

    I am definitely not absolving them of responsibility, but to think it’s “one thing” is naive.

    I don't claim to have your depth of knowledge and analysis of our game sir. For what it's worth I like Nige and still want him to succeed. However important the culture of the team/club is, it just seems common sense to me that the coaches must take some responsibility for our current woes. 

    We see week after week how easy it is to get crosses in against us. Full backs too narrow, coming out late and often facing up to two men with no support. I certainly don't see other teams allowing us to do that to them. Is that attitude, lack of ability, or not following instructions? I honestly don't know, but it seems a basic weakness which I would hope could be addressed by the coaches. Maybe they DO set out with a plan to prevent this and the players don't follow it, who knows. My perception is they aren't set up to stop it but maybe I am being naive. 

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  4. There's an article by Piercy in BL today where CF says our problems are nothing to do with formations and all about attitude. 

    If both NP and CF feel formations and drilling the team on ways to organise themselves aren't important I'm not surprised we are in trouble. 

    All well and good to say the players have to man up. If there is no game plan and no organisation that surely will undermine confidence. I'm all for players having freedom to express themselves but under pressure surely they need the security of knowing what to fall back on.

    It just leaves me feeling more worried about what NP/CF are doing beyond trying to get some sort 'culture' in place. Surely it needs  more direct input on team shape etc so they all know their role and how the team is supposed to function? 

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  5. Does this mean no international breaks up until November? To be fair I'd rather have one long break like this than having multiple blank weekends in the autumn. It's frustrating to repeatedly interrupt the league, then cram in loads of mid-week games to catch up. 

  6. 1 hour ago, exAtyeoMax said:

    I guess it really boils down to whether we (the fans) have faith in CF? I think that’s what’s concerning most people, as well as Nige’s well-being.


    I don't recall the exact wording but Gould suggested our recent run of defeats has coincided with Nige being unwell. I think he was making the point that the team have been missing his influence for a while and were doing OK up until he got ill again. 

    Good points for supporting a case that Nige will sort this when he's back well. Pretty damning of CF though as it suggests he has been filling in for weeks now and just look at the results. 

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  7. 5 minutes ago, chinapig said:

    Perhaps under orders from Steve because he thought it would shut the fans up? In which case a serious error of judgement.

    I think that's a good shout. They were worried about the crowd reaction on Saturday and felt the need to say something. Normally it would be the standard backing for the manager. It is an extra messy situation due to Nige's illness and nobody really knows where it will go. Not an easy gig for RG. 

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  8. Seems to me they don't want to push Nige but aren't sure if he will jump. They are at least saying they are still behind him to get away from the twitter rumours. If Nige is genuinely unsure how his health will be then what more can they say. They either make the call or wait for him to decide if he's up to coming back. 

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  9. 1 minute ago, Bs4Red said:

    Still saying press conference is on as far as he is aware. Unless they have cancelled due to the leak. 

    Wow, can see the smoke pouring off those tyres as the u-turn starts... poor attempt at saving face. 

  10. Still no specifics on when this press conference is due. I'm still hoping this is just a wind up. Or perhaps the club coming out to publicly support Nige until he recovers and letting us know what's going on. Which contradicts what I just said. Don't take any notice of me, I'm just mentally ****** after last week's trauma. 

  11. I'll be gutted if Nige leaves. It hasn't gone well but I still believed he could sort us out long term. No idea who else could sort out this underwhelming squad. Please god not Warnock, that would just finish me off. 

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  12. 2 minutes ago, spudski said:

    A very interesting thought.

    I've never been a follower...part of the ' tribe'. I hated it. Always made my own groove so to speak.

    I think most people would feel that they plough their own furrow and hate to think they are just a sheep. The reality imho is that humans have deeply engrained instincts that drive our actions and a lot of people are in denial about it. 

  13. I think the obvious answer is that deep down I decided that bcfc is my 'tribe'. Humans are programmed to form groups. It's our equivalent of a shoal of fish. It gives us a better chance to survive and is deeply engrained over many thousands of years into our DNA. 

    I'm just unlucky that I was born in Southville and my family were city fans. I never had a chance. 

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  14. 1 minute ago, The Gasbuster said:

    Ashton ensured no aggressive players were brought in during his tenure.

    Only “good humans” (pussies) for BCFC

    Who was it wanted 'unpleasant' non family-friendly players like Luke Ayling out of the club? I think it was more likely the man at the very top. This is down to the Lansdowns setting the standards for what they want this club to represent. Nice squeaky clean, well spoken lads like COD - who haven't got a nasty bone in their bodies. 

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