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Posts posted by Charliesboots

  1. 6 minutes ago, Coombsy said:

    Think the next 3 or so months are crucial, as if there's no agreement during that time with the UWE then you have to fear yet another new stadium has fallen by the wayside. If it does it could be years before land is found, plans approved and finance put in place for another staduim.

    Think it would be easy to finance with a "Billionaire" owner eh?

    Like to see their bodge job 'Staduim'


  2. 1 hour ago, Philgas said:

    Great view chaps

    Phil, even you must concede that our respective stadiums cannot be compared in any way other than there is a football pitch in the middle of both. 

    For the record your picture of the view in our west stand has unobstructed views of the pitch and goal line, I'll also add this is a stand that holds 11000 supporters which as you know is just shy of your entire stadiums capacity. 

    When your lot have completed the pay and display car park come back on and tell us when the diggers move in to break ground for your pipedream. 

    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, Monkeh said:

    nope they will sell him before the end of august, its so the club can get money they are hoping for around 40 million for him so they can fund a cash shortfall

    Not far wrong, the quote was "we've both agreed it so we get something back and he gets a bigger signing on fee for the next move"

    • Like 1
  4. 59 minutes ago, Fordy62 said:

    Why has no one picked up on the fact that Matty Taylor's contract length is undisclosed?

    not sure I've ever heard of such a thing before. It smacks of being a one year contract!

    It's a one year extension, so they can sell him come January if he's proved himself in L1....I've asked. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Wally's Family Wealth

    Apparently Dad Wally owns less than 20% of the bank with Wallys Junior holding smaller percentages.

    Guesstimate the family wealth to be under a hundred million. Wealthy collectively, yes. Able to fund a new stadium and invest significantly on the training ground, academy and first team?

    Probably not.

    I've got shares in Lloyds Banking Group....

    Guess I'll go out and 'buy' a non league football club now. 

    Anyone know any Downs League teams that need a generous owner?

    Have any sags worked out Wael has zero cash available and has been laughed out of every investment bank in the City of London yet?

    • Like 2
  6. 7 hours ago, richwwtk said:

    This says they need to begin work by October....


    "There is a requirement to start work on a car park on that site by October and that is our next target. UWE have 30,000 students and because they are building in other areas they are losing car parking space. That is the next definitive target and would really be the first smoke signal of real progress on the project."
    Have they started now and I missed that news or is this still valid?

    They are waiting for someone to knock on their door and offer their services "Would you like your drive Tarmacked?"

    Until this point no ground will be 'broken'. 

    Who'd be a Billionaire eh?

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, StGeorge said:

    Mmmmmm,        suggest your friends in the city are of the living rough type , as stock markets are higher than last week, and low pound means cheaper for foreign investors!

    (still agree that no one sane would invest in Blue few)

    Agree cheaper for foreign investors...if they could raise the funds their end, but they cannot.

    Volatility means what's being lent is to sound investments and as we  all know this isn't one of those. 

  8. The plan is...............

    There is no plan. 

    He has no money, his family will not front him the money, he cannot raise the funds. 

    Even more so now the currency markets and stock markets have bombed, nobody wants to lend to a minor - insignificant football club. 

    "Thousand Foot Bargepole" is the most overused comment.

    How do I know this? Numerous associates in the City have been approached and revel in telling me knowing I take a passing interest in a shambles of a (and I put this loosely) 'football club'. 

    Oh and a very disgruntled, senior figure who's at the end of their wits with the situation. 

    As a fan of football, I urge once again their supporters have to start asking very searching questions, it's going to end badly. 

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, bert tann said:


    You are getting mixed up with Sir Geoffrey Hower.

    Our Chairman is actually Sir Stephen Hamster with a "t" as in toilets..




    I'm afraid I'm guilty of 'make sure you proof read your post before you go on a self righteous rant' syndrome. 

  10. On 24 June 2016 at 13:12, Iron Man said:

    Been a while since I've checked on this, my favourite thread and what do I stumble upon...more comedy gold. 

    Who the fxxk does hower think he is? More to the point, why would he even comment?

    I guess Wally was sat there in his leaking portacabin and thought "I must reassure the Bank of England, The IMF, The European Central Bank, The Federal Reserve, The UN, BBC, ICI, M&S, The Sportsman, St Catherine's 181st Scout Troop and Golden Fleece Kebab Shop with an in depth statement on the EU Referendum"

    I'm sure they are all eternally grateful that his sage like wisdom has been imparted unto them and they can now move forwards with their lives.

    It really is the end of fxxxxxg days.


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