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Everything posted by Ivorguy

  1. Oh surely not. They have only had two decades. Give them time to get it right. Only fair.
  2. Please not another set of dropped points after holding the lead for the best part of a half Two more goals required before I can relax
  3. Do we all feel this will be the day for a 3-0 victory? COYR
  4. Well we have one clear answer to all the briefings of the last 7 days. NP places blame for Swansea result firmly on Pring and Vyner. Guess both will be on their way come summer. As said above marks end of Simpson’s career. Really hope young Bell comes good immediately.
  5. This would be a sports management audit not a financial one. Plenty of academic sports management people around for a start. If I was a potential investor I would require something like this to be done, especially in the, now public, light of manager’s comments.
  6. If NP is still seething when he selects the team then we may expect a similar reaction to that of Cotterill when he saw through the shambles at Ashton Gate. He refused to fill the bench. Nige’s response maybe to name a tranch of untried youngsters on the bench and in the team. We’ll see. To repeat myself from years back, we need a full audit of the club; whilst I recognise that the Lansdowns don’t favour criticism of any sort. As they say it is our club. They simply don’t get Bristol City, and never have. I cite Bristol Sport and SL’s latest comment about bringing sport toBristol when sealing the advertising deal. I am not very interested in anything other than Bristol City and would like to see aBoard totally focussed on that. Thinking about it, I would just like to see a proper Board!
  7. How much longer until Lansdowns lose the true fan base? Until Nige walks or is sacked, I guess? Really and utterly browned off by the whole ongoing mess at Ashton Gate. One day of Old Harry in the chair would sort this shambles of a club out.
  8. Where he says we are underperforming. A direct criticism of Nige made in interview and not man to man behind closed doors. Appalling man managment style. Moreover many, like me, think we are over performing given the mess he and his father have created and Nige is slowly rectifying.
  9. Again NP has shown he is the best manager we have had under the Lansdowns. He speaks his mind and knows what he is doing. JL needs to think before speaking. Disgraceful comments. I’m backing Nige
  10. It is blindingly obvious that the SL business model would in all likelihood , bar some huge fluke, fail. Always sell your best players before they give us an opportunity of making real progress, then rinse and repeat. So unlikely, that some believe it was even set up to fail and to concentrate resources on rugby, leisure and business use of Ashton Gate - the plan all along. The time to invest was when we did have a fluke season and reached play off final and had momentum. Can’t see that happening again soon. Typical of City over last century, with only one exception (and that went well!), lack of true ambition will always hold us back. Who seriously thinks the next league we play in after Championship won’t be the good old Third Division - our spiritual home
  11. Reported on Twitter if memory serves.
  12. What will be we shall see PS I think you failed to read the word ‘if’ by the way in my last contribution which you comment on
  13. I suspect if we see wholesale use of youngsters, NP and SL have agreed, after Saturday and their reported meeting, that relegation isn’t the worst option facing the club for next season
  14. Something has changed. NP is reported to have said whether I am here, or a new manager is, next season. Has he been given a warning/target by SL? Or is he thinking of calling it quits? His health has not been good over last 12 months, so perhaps feels he has had enough, or his wife does whatever it is certainly a change in tone, and if he is right in his analysis of players the problems at City must run very deep indeed.. I am backing Nige. City’s last chance saloon under present ownership
  15. personally wouldn’t worry how many went or who they were as long as we saved on wages and got some cash sales. Nige needs a complete rebuild. And as said before quite happy if that has to be back in Division 1. We need a complete reset.
  16. In the state we are in as a club - and we know where the blame for that lies - we have no choice but to stick with Nige, a quality of manager we have seldom seen at Ashton Gate. I am as certain as I can be that he will succeed in stabilising us, whether that be in The Championship or Division 1. When he does will be the time to make him DOF and bring in a young talented manager - not now, we are in too much trouble as a club, in all departments save that of Manager.
  17. Oh dear. one step forward, and two back Little consistency
  18. Is there radio commentary on the match other than local radio?
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