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City oz

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Posts posted by City oz

  1. On 02/08/2022 at 00:25, iain837 said:

    I'm Iain I'm from Glastonbury 53. I have lived in Somerset since 2001, I am from Lancashire.

    I decided to make Bristol city my team, 4 seasons ago, I followed Everton as that was my local team but being in Somerset I don't get up to Lancashire that often and I have been to Aston gate  more then I ever went to goodison.

    I try to get to Aston gate as often as I can but due to work I can't get to every game, I did contemplate get a season ticket but as work gets in the way ? it wouldn't be cost effective. I am going to the first home game of the season 


    Have a great day iain.

  2. On 03/08/2022 at 18:11, RudiRed said:

    Despite being only the 2nd game of the season I can't help but feel this is a big game - momentum is so important in this league. I worry about our attacking threat without Semenyo.

    I know its early but could be a massive turning point. If we are down by 2 at half time all the critics and most of the Dolman stand will leave before the second half. 

    Last week I predicted 2-1 for us but we all know it went the other way. The result was not fair. However it is what it is I-am afraid.

    My prediction is a 2-2 draw today. 

    It would be a great day at BS3 with other 20K cheering the red army on. If it does not work to day with a massive home support it will be down hill from now on.

    • Hmmm 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, East Londoner said:

    I did the tour when i visited Melbourne years ago and after about 5 minutes suddenly realised what the hell am i doing I’m taking photos of houses 

    The whole sadness thing is interesting though, despite people not having watched it for 10 years plus it’s taking people back to that point in their life and they’re saying goodbye to it 

    It is a programme that probably our era but more importantly those that are now in their forty or fifty years as it was part of what you watched on tv when growing up. I remember when I came to OZ in 1989 and internet is not what it is now and all my mates in the UK wanted updates on neighbours. The only thing I do not like about these soap programmes is that neighbours like others gave everyone else in other countries a false interpretation of what it was like living in OZ. 

    Trust me it is not all what you see on TV and the years especially in the early 90s were extremely tough for me and my wife with a young son. It took me almost fifteen years to have enough money to get back to the UK for a visit. Now though with me turning sixty things are now getting easier in OZ. I still miss seeing my team at Ashton Gate and when I do go back I make sure I get a home game in. 

    Let us hope this season will be a good one.

    • Like 2
  4. On 12/07/2022 at 05:20, East Londoner said:

    For those of us of a certain age watching neighbours was an essential part of growing up in the slot just before the six o’clock news and these twos wedding was very much of its time. And almost time to say farewell 

    Sorry to break the sad news to you mate you have lived a sheltered life. Neighbours is not real. Around my place neighbours bring beer around at about 10.00am on a Saturday morning and we then fire up the barbie.

    The TV show was actually filmed in a suburb about 20 minutes east of Melbourne and is always a major attraction to pomms visiting OZ.

  5. 2 hours ago, PHILINFRANCE said:

    We had one first game of the season against Sunderland back in the 1970s.

    An absolutely fantastic game.

    At home 4-3 to us. Sharpe 2, Skirton 1 and Wimshurst 1. In front of 17,554. The City bible showed a great start to the season with two wins and a draw for the first three games. Then everything went bad from then on with a finish of 19th. Top scorer that season was John Galley with 12 followed by Chris Garland with 8.

  6. On 27/07/2022 at 00:01, Gazred said:

    They've certainly made some interesting signings.

    I suppose everything points to them struggling early on but who knows. I think it's a great time to be playing them away personally.

    I think Hull may do well towards the end of the season. Yes a great test for us playing away. I would expect it to be a close game and a narrow win by us Hull 1 City 2. 

    Hope you 1,000 or so traveling away have a great time. 

  7. 6 hours ago, BrizzleRed said:

    Do you what BS4, I can’t even remember the result now!  

    My enduring memories of that day was a great piss up in Aldershot, staggering through the park to the ground and that fantastic reception for GR.  

    Made me super proud to be a City fan that day and you could tell how much it meant to Glyn.



  8. 12 hours ago, Red Army 75 said:


    Obvious pre structured questions for Steve to have time to get his PA to assist him on responses. Typical interview with nothing new. One thing though I do admire him and he is great for the club and he has great asperations like we do for future success.

  9. 10 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    That is potentially an improvement on matters- Audited accounts are documentary evidence, but whether the EFL agree with the analysis from us and other clubs is a different angle- a strong regulator pushes back as we have seen with other clubs who included certain items in their accounts, you don't just take audited accounts at face value even if I agree with the point about evidence-- maybe it would be up for an IDC to adjudicate on it, or would it be up for clubs to vote on the player add-back rule...I reckon that nebulous one aside, our true Covid losses are in the £15-20m bracket over the 3 years, the bulk coming in 2019/20 and 2020/21- quick sums make me think it would knock £3m off the size of a potential hole to be filled, much more manageable.

    What kind of business plan would we consider okay- as a points deduction would entail a 2 year business plan in the year following the breach unless the rules change markedly- a lot out of contract in summer 2023 would help of course but would restrict just what we could spend, capped to £13m P&S losses with principle of reset kicking in.

    For example (and you and some others know this already of course) if we hit or exceeded £13m in 2021/22 and the same this year then 2023/24 would be £13m and if at £13m the same again in 2024/25...if exceeding £13m charges for a second breach, if falling below say an £11m P&S loss then that adds a bit of headroom to 2024/25. Reading decision of course had both a squad total and perhaps a player average for salary cap under their Business Plan.

    Gees Mr Pop.

    That is a great concise over view of something I do not understand or have a clue of what you are talking about. However it sounds good. I have too do my tax return soon, how much do you charge ?

    • Haha 3
  10. 1 hour ago, Betty Swallocks said:

    Would rather be playing on a Friday night rather than Monday. Monday must be the worst day of the week to have a game scheduled for.

    Yeh I usually have a hang over on a Monday and a full belly from the Sunday roast. ?

    Oh and wind from the Brussel Sprouts

  11. 24 minutes ago, Tinmans Love Child said:

    Yet at the Liam Gallagher gigs recently, one of which was inside the Etihad, there were countless smoke flares/pyros going off throughout and there was no issue at all with this.  

    Why are pyros not allowed in a football ground when football is on but they are allowed in a football ground for a concert?  Surely H&S is the same regardless of event?

    Depends if it is controlled by experts in a controlled environment or idiots pissed in a close area where there is danger to those in close proximity 

    • Like 2
  12. 27 minutes ago, Major Isewater said:

    Perhaps he’ll break his holiday, fly in for the medical and then rejoin his wife and kids afterwards.


    KP is a rich man, great player, wished we could keep him, but wow he must be on some big money of which would be good to off load.

  13. On 17/12/2021 at 21:38, RedM said:

    Ouch, those prices. But I guess if it's your thing you will pay, apparently it's their only UK show.

    Watched the a few years ago in Darwin. Fantastic show. it is not like the evil kineavle crap. The crusty demons do things on motor bikes you would not beleive (hope that does not promote some lucid thoughts in some of your minds ) 

    They fly through the air off of a ramp on motor bikes and undertake some mind boggeling tricks. They fly through the air off of their bikes do some some somersaults while the bike is still flying just in front of them in the air and then land on the bike. 

    They are amazing and well worth watching.

    I remember the next day seeing them at Darwin airport Qantas lounge and all of them had some kind of evidence of surgery and bent legs where they have fell off of their motor bikes.

    It is a very American production with loud music and they give plenty of crusty demons stuff out too kids.

    If you can afford it go and see them




  14. 23 hours ago, exAtyeoMax said:


    It does make me sad when I see a pub converted to a supermarket or flats, or ripped out and renovated.

    I used to go hang out in Bath (late 80s - early 00s) and most of the pubs in the city centre then, were scruffy with their own unique character. It's a real shame that particular vibe has disappeared. *Many of those pubs have been "Farrow & Balled" with their dark wood panelling painted cream and turned into a gastropub. 

    *Apart from The Bell in Walcot Street, of course.

    How about this exterior of a pub in OZ.


    See the source image

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  15. 16 hours ago, Bristol Oil Services said:

    What was yer last game? And why you haven't been arsed since?

    Mine: Man City in the cup. Previous to that, Man Utd. Been busy, tbf. Won't go again until Kasey "Ken" Palmer is bombed out.


    My last game was 14/12/19. City 0 Blackburn Rovers 2. I was back in the UK because my dad a City supporter for all his life passed away that year.

    The pastor of our great club presented  at my dads funeral a few days after this game. Me and my son had a couple of great seats in the Lansdown stand next to the press box. What a great stand and great stadium. Even though it was a sad visit I still appreciated the warmth of people in Bristol and the ones associated with out great club.

    Previousely to that every time I went back to the UK apart from family catchups my priority was to see our great club Bristol City play.


    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  16. 2 hours ago, MattWSM said:

    With Jubilee in mind, how many years service for Citys longest serving fans 

    Taking it from the first time you attended a City game at AG or away, how many years are you at now.

    My first game was v Liverpool at AG in Dec 78, so Im at 43 years 



    December 69 home against Huddersfield. I was 7 years old. I rarely missed a home game after that.

    • Robin 1
  17. 9 hours ago, The Dolman Pragmatist said:


    Anyone who can remember the Revie team of the 70s will always hate Leeds.

    Only good things out of Leeds are two of my and our great heroes. Norman bites yer leg Hunter and Terry Cooper.

    • Robin 1
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