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City oz

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Posts posted by City oz

  1. 4 minutes ago, TomF said:

    Coach has to go, expecting root to resign probably 

    England cricket fans across the world and in OZ now lament on social media on how bad the team are. Including comments from ex players.

    We are the laughing stock of world cricket unfortunately .

    We have a Sydney test next and then due to the Western Australian Covid sanctions the 5th test is now being played in Hobart Tasmania which if any of you know is a fantastic place to live and weather close to the Pommie climate. If we do not get a win in Tassie at Hobart then the whole bloody team should get the sack.

  2. 2 hours ago, Posset red said:

    So how come we are so shit ? 

    Apart from a bit of a show on the 2nd day we then gave up. The team now has an extra two days off and the plan was probably we are not going to win this 3rd test and the ashes so we may as well have some time off and party.

    A bit embarrasing being a Pom in OZ at the moment. ?

  3. 10 hours ago, chucky said:

    City 54% possession. 

    City Total shots 17 hudd 11

    Shots on target 6 a piece 

    City 8 off target 

    Passes City 408 hudd 351


    We created more it seems. 

    I just watched the highlights or were they the low lights. The goals we conceded were poor and almost like school boy defence stuff. 


    Apart from a great start, a very god penalty save by Bents and Massengo coming close a couple of times our defence and what it seemed like some players just giving up over all it has too go down as a frustrating performance.

  4. 11 hours ago, City Rocker said:

    No, what we clearly should be doing is forming some kind of union with our fellow European nations, enabling free movement so that we have a chance of recruiting enough skilled and qualified staff to the NHS. And while we're at it, maybe we could have a go at frictionless trade?!

    European nations have not got the volume of extra nurses and doctors. They are probably worse off than the UK. It is a dire situation across the world. I appreciate your comments but to me they are like taking my dog to the beach and by the way my dogs name is shark. 


  5. 11 minutes ago, Never to the dark side said:



    Hi Never to the dark side, gees mate I put me glasses on, tried to expand the computer screen. Looks 6/4 for either so the bookies are saying a draw, Can not see any of the real stuff though on goal scorers, half time score etc. 


    What is the odds for a 2-1 win to us at full time. What is the odds for a 1-1 at half time. Does also Messango have any odds of scoring. This young lad is going to get one very soon.

  6. 3 minutes ago, City oz said:

    Watching it constantly from home at Perth. Had planned to be in Adelaide for the test but had to cancel. Can go to SA from WA but cant get back to WA without 14 days quarantine.

    I visit Adelaide usually six times a year with work. Stay always at the Stamford Plaza in North Terrace. The rooms look over the stadium with the river end in front of you. Great City, Great infrastructure, good pubs and everything in walking distance and probably one of the top 5 cricket or sporting venues in the world.

  7. 44 minutes ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

    50 for Root now. Scoring quite quickly.

    Watching it constantly from home at Perth. Had planned to be in Adelaide for the test but had to cancel. Can go to SA from WA but cant get back to WA without 14 days quarantine.

    • Sad 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Numero Uno said:

    For 90% of that game Weimann had a total shocker yesterday. I think he would admit that himself if you spoke to him.

    well he did not get good service. it was a lucky 1-0 win. In years gone buy we would of been 3-0 up at half time.

  9. 2 minutes ago, cidered abroad said:

    Alex Scott is showing a maturity beyond his years. He scored the winner, he battled all the time but my abiding memory is when he took the ball off a Derby player near the touchline close to the Dolman/South corner in injury time. And then bought a free kick by stopping with the Derby player right up his back.

    Result? Free kick which used up at least a minute before Bentley took it.

    These younger players are leading the older ones by example to safety!

    Great comment. I think the young guns are playing to impress and are a great talent for our future. They seem to play with less pressure than the old guys.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 hour ago, MelksRed said:

    Watching the game yesterday there were a couple of times that Vyner stepped away from his man to enable them to attack. That (and the fact that he seemingly watched as much of the game as I did at times) suggests that he no longer has any interest in being here.....thoughts?


    Some what disagree on this . He is still quite young at 24 years old. He has a great build and stature and is around 6 foot 2. Not sure what we originally bought him before but it would be a lot less than what he is worth now on the market in the next transfer window. Most sites have in valued at 1.9 mill.

    He could be playing in a position a bit out of his comfort zone. NP has faith him and he is playing the lad in these positions for a reason.

    Please do not right him off Melks and I do not think he would be playing if he was not being interest in being here. The team around him has a major factor as most of the 8 out of 11 seem to be in limbo at the moment.

  11. 48 minutes ago, Real Red said:

    The latest issue of One Team In Bristol will be on sale today at the Derby game, usual outlets. Look out for us amongst the queues for security scanning near the KFC rbt, also between the houses on Ashton Rd entrance to the Dolman.

    New Badges have arrived !!

    Going to be cold and windy so pick up one of our fanzine winter beanies or bobble hats (there that's Christmas presents sorted!!)



    Sounds good to me but what is this all about. I would love to have more info.

  12. 11 minutes ago, City oz said:

    reading these posts has bought tears to my eyes. Bloody hell what is going on around the world.

    Might be prudent for the mods to take this one out. It is too upsetting for me and posts by fellow OTIB supporters are all shocked. We do not need to attract any  liability where our valid comments around the devastating events that took place in regards to this young lad can be interpretated by any legal team in favor of the scum that did this hidious task.,

  13. 2 minutes ago, RedRock said:

    …and do you know what, the final insult to the child - no doubt parts of this monster of a woman’s ‘human rights’ - was that she didn’t attend the final day victim’s statements and judge’s summing up and was allowed to stay in her cell.



    reading these posts has bought tears to my eyes. Bloody hell what is going on around the world.

    • Robin 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, TomF said:

    34-5 in reply. 

    Has the Essex groundsman got a job for India over the winter months?

    Well the last of the five test matches between OZ and us Pomms is in Perth. Can not buy tickets though as the venue maybe called off due to the restrict WA travel boarders with other states.

    Those of which may of visited OZ years back and attended the WACA ground that ground is gone and dusted. Google Optus Stadium and the pub called the 'shag bar" Perth over looking the Swan river. There is still memoribala around the bar from the barmy army

  15. 2 minutes ago, old_eastender said:

    I thought NP was a great appointment, just what we needed, but losing faith fast now. If we don't get at least the 4 pts that you suggest the clamour for him to be sacked will be massive.

    I do not think it will eventuate but the pressure on NP poor bloke must be building. The clubs expectations and the supporters expectations are and always been quite realistic that promotion was always going to be two seasons away. But we are always two season away.

    NP will never get the sack and most likely leave on his own terms. After all he is one of the best we have had.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 4 minutes ago, RedRock said:

    Firstly, may you rest easy little one. You will be a shining star in the sky.

    As far as City oz comments, yes, a symptom of the Society we live in. Blame the State first. 

    Feel it is inappropriate, when so closed to the outcome of this wicked event, to go into a long debate about parenting. Suffice to say, my view is that if people decide to bring something so precious and vulnerable into the world, those same two people need to take responsible for their decision and nurture that child until they are strong and fit enough to make a positive contribution to this planet. As a society, we should make that clear as part of basic education. 

    Always strikes me as odd, we have a ‘fit and proper’ test to take on something as inane as a football club, but there are no tests on adequacy for bringing in and ‘managing’ something far more important and precious to the world. 


    To torture a child, anything that is totally defenceless and dependent on you, has to be one of the worst, if not the worst crimes possible. In this instance, the just punishment, hopefully, will be dispensed while they are incarcerated.  



    Great words Red Rock you summed it up. So tragic all round 

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