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Everything posted by grifty

  1. What are you watching it on? I can't find it anywhere. EDIT: found it!
  2. Imagine thinking so much of yourself that you demand the club plays the football you desire.
  3. When was the last time we were 4-0 up?
  4. Your comments/views in this thread are worrying.
  5. People who don't agree with other people showing their support for the fight against racism?
  6. Imagine a group of sportsmen standing together against racism and your problem is that some of them might not want to kneel down for it and they shouldn’t have to if they don’t want too… rather than caring about fighting racism… Priorities.
  7. It is left to the individual, which is why some people kneel and other don't. The issue is actively booing people who decide they do want to support it. For example, some of my family are religious so during Sunday meals/Xmas time, they say grace beforehand. I am not religious in the slightest so do not believe in what they are saying, but I do not boo them while they are saying it. I sit there in respectful silence until they have finished.
  8. Ah ok, that 8 is £8m that we paid for him, not the wages. I believe Kalas is on £20-25k p/w. I'm not sure which thread it's on but there's a list I think @Davefevs provided that has the top wages earners for about 8 players.
  9. I'd be happy to swap salaries if we are paying them that poorly! Out of interest, how much did you think we paid them and how much do you think we should pay them to be able to compete?
  10. No-ones thought of the idea that we screw FFP and the EFL, spend an absolute load on wages and transfers buying great players, get promotion and hope we never get relegated!
  11. That's confusing. I just googled Dragan Solak and the first Wiki entry is about a Chess Grandmaster. I was wondering how you could make such money from chess!
  12. Are you suggesting someone should have hit her or shouted abuse at her so it was 'like it used to be'?
  13. The last two games when watching have actually felt like we may create a number of chances in one match rather than 1 or 2. I think the next 7/8 games will be interesting because Fulham aside, they are teams I would be expecting us to compete against.
  14. I thought Towler looked very good in possession of the ball, much more so than say Baker, but obviously his positional play and decision making was poor yesterday, but those two things improve with experience. Regards to Atkinson, I don't see him as being aggressive enough. When he goes up for a header it's almost like he lets the ball fall on to his head rather than attacking it meaning he doesn't get much distance on any clearance.
  15. Imagine one of our players scores a hat-trick that wins us a match and complaining that his first goal wasn't good enough!
  16. He made a block/tackle at point point in the 2nd half and I said "Well done Kalas" but then realised it was Cam which is probably the biggest compliment he can receive. Another one who puts in his body on the line to clear/block the ball.
  17. 100% disagree in this instance. We all know the personal tragedy that Benik suffered while he was with us, and the support the fans gave him. His 'celebration' wasn't because he used to play for us, it was because of what happened.
  18. 7 academy/youth players? Nige setting an example for the older players not pulling their weight?
  19. I though up until the penalty incident, the referee had been excellent. Was not falling for all the little dives and appeals from both sets of players, kept his cards in his pockets, kept the game flowing and it was a great match to watch. Then VAR got involved...
  20. Elite dangerous is amazing, but certainly not something you can potter about in haha
  21. I also think the rate that managers lose their job is crazy too.
  22. They shouldn't 'lose' their jobs, there should be more transparency from officials as to why they made or didn't make decisions on the pitch, whether thats by a brief interview after the game or a meeting with the two managers where the transcript is made available. I'm not entirely sure what sort of review/training goes on with a ref after each match but it doesn't seem to be thorough enough!
  23. grifty


    And going down the tunnel at half time. And coming back out for the second half. It was a little bizarre. He hardly touched the ball the whole game!
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