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Southport Red

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Posts posted by Southport Red

  1. 21 hours ago, PHILINFRANCE said:

    The final paragraph of the article.

    Despite recent attempts to cool things between him and the City fans, Ian Holloway remains public enemy number one at Ashton Gate with only one rival for the crown. But that’s another story…….

    Who is that then?

    Is he referring to the recently departed Mr. Ashton?


    MUST be Pulis,surely?

  2. 1 hour ago, Reigate Red said:

    So many loans.  

    Didn't Bishop Auckland win the first world cup - I seem to remember a film about it.

    Yes, I remember watching that. England refused to enter a team and somehow BAFC got entered and won. In the film, the BA captain does a team pep talk, I seem to remember the phrase “Give ‘em Iron” (think a lot of the team worked in a iron smelting factory). 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, BS2 Red said:

    "I would like to say that they are treating us well and we have access to food and water.  They've said that if you send the money then we will be allowed to leave unharmed. I love you mum, please arrange for the cash to be left in the prearranged location....."

    The Democratic People’s Republic of Whorefield are good people who have been oppressed by they gert teds for too long. Unless the gert teds cease immediately, we will be forced to play in front of The Glorious Leader, Wael and his oppressive Scouse Monkey. 

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  4. 31 minutes ago, Rob said:

    On your suggestion, i read the whole thread. What is amazing is on that sad excuse of a fan forum is that the moderators are the worse rabble rousers. Normally its the other way around, the moderators trying to instil calmness and reason.  But not on Asschat. No.  And the worse is that Owl moderator!  What an amazing set of people. 

    I felt sorry for harrystokegas, he made a argument saying the club is going down the pan and maybe someone else should run it.  Not an unreasonable opinion if you were a Rovers supporter to be thinking that at this time. But he's obv. very naive to the forum and the type of posters on it, and how they react to anything not on the party line.

    Indeed, if we had just been relegated to the fourth division, I have no doubt there would be many ‘Lansdown out’ posts and really can’t imagine people being vilified if they did post that

  5. I think, from what we have seen so far, that giving Special Agent Dick Barton total Obenfuhrer status is a marvellous idea. He has able to take them from fifth worst team in the Division to easily worst, whilst being hampered by a DoF. T’will be wonderful to see what ‘magic’ he will weave when totally unfettered. 

    Down down, to the Downs has a nice ring to it. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Numero Uno said:

    You can add completion of the detailed design, agreement of contract documents/engrossment of contracts (it will no doubt surprise the Gas hordes that a "successful" Contractor will negotiate on Contract terms and amendments notwithstanding the fact they have been handed the chance on a plate to build a stadium for the Worlds most loved club) and a period for contractor mobilisation (it will no doubt disappoint a few in #gaslogicland but they don't just turn up with their site offices, Bob the Site Manager and a digger the day after you tell them they have been successful in the tender).

    Contractors wouldn’t negotiate terms. Just being told they had won the right to build the Stadium of S**te would bring, honour, prestige, fame and riches beyond the dreams of avarice alone!  Negotiate! Pah!

  7. 3 hours ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    Thank you.

    That was the point I was trying to make in reaction to anyone (although it’s usually Gasheads) who accuse clubs like Fleetwood and Accrington of being ‘tinpot’ based on attendances.

    In a City with a population of around a million (when you take into consideration the surrounding towns where many City and Rovers fans come from) both clubs are poorly supported....Rovers especially so, which is amusing as they in particular have massive delusions of grandeur when it comes to their fan base. We can come up excuses about students and amateur football but those factors aren’t unique to Bristol.




    Something that you can factor in is that the West Country is big Rugby territory. The Bears, Bafff, Gloucester all within the catchment (and all well supported). Off the top of my head, the only place that seems able to get good support for Rugby and football is Leicester. 

  8. 43 minutes ago, NOTBLUE said:
    4 hours ago, SirColinOfMansfield said:

    If Joey told him all this before he signed, then it must be true ....

    "What was big on bringing me down to Bristol is the fans, the club and how massive the club is. Obviously I have played at Fleetwood and Accrington and no disrespect to them sides but the fan base here is unbelievable"



    Slight error,it should of been,basement fans.


    I suspect the lad (quite rightly) assumed there is only one team in Bristol and thought he would be playing at Ashton Gate.  That would explain his comments.  Finding out the reality would explain the expression on his face.

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  9. 35 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

    It certainly makes you appreciate the team who run our site. While there may be very isolated complaints about bans on here, I reckon they do an amazing job and all credit to our mods in the standards they keep.

    Which is why everyone should pay their fiver. ?

    46 minutes ago, sticks 1969 said:

    Would people on here say a lot of things face to face that they post on here ?

    I would you deluded nut job! ?

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  10. 12 minutes ago, Calculus said:

    Shepherd Neame - now you're talking. Lucky enough to go round the brewery a while ago and then on to Whitstable for fantastic seafood.

    Particularly liked their Spitfire related advertising. All banned by the Advertising Standards folk for some odd reason, but still produced as souvenirs by the brewery.

    Those of a nervous (or German) disposition look away now:


    Brilliant!  Can’t imagine why they banned it ?. Managed to offend almost everyone, awesome ????

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Maesknoll Red said:

    Was that ‘the pint that thinks it’s a quart’……   Actually, that’s wrong, I think it’s just come to me, Whitbread Trophy, I’m sure that was ‘the pint that thinks it’s a quart’   More fizzy muck……

    Never could understand how that keg pasteurised muck got such a foothold into pubs, I have been a CAMRA member since the 70’s - when the Bristol branch met in the Stonehouse (miss that place) and always had a guest barrel at the meetings, that we had to finish before we could leave…. ?

    Whitbread Trophy used to have a TV ad with a buxom blonde barmaid saying to a punter (about the beer), "Oh I don't like it, but I like the men who drink it".  That was good enough reason for my dad ?

  12. 9 minutes ago, cityloyal473 said:

    They will lap this sh!t up.  He's not attended any games with Slag fans present yet has managed to inform an opinion that they're World Beaters.  He plays to the crowd as a way of hiding his own deficiencies.  

    I agree. His behaviours are quite ‘Trumpian’ in that every utterance is to pander to a small but vocal minority, often the subject is quickly turned to him, as in “not my relegation”. Contrast that to NP, a manager, in many ways in a similar situation (I.e can’t buy a win, new defeats every three days or so), where the emphasis is on issues and problem solving and tries his best toAVOID talking about himself. 

  13. 39 minutes ago, cityal said:

    The last time the delluded morons had a season average ABOVE 10K was over 40 years ago in 1976!

    • The last time Reading had an average BELOW 10K was 2000
    • The last time Swansea had an average BELOW 10K was 2005
    • The last time Brighton had average BELOW 10K was 2011
    • The last time Hull had an average BELOW 10K was 2002

    So in most cases its been nearly 20 years of these clubs being bigger - so I'd argue that in every instance they have been left far behind and history means very little.

    I'll acknowledge that in those previous 40 seasons there may have been cases that those clubs had lower attendances (especially when brighton were at a low ebb), but it's been a long time since that, and ALL of those clubs have far outperformed the gas attendance wise. How "historical" do they want to get?

    The other conclusion of course could be that they are actually bigger, but their fans are just shit and fans of other clubs are far more loyal and actually turn up to watch their team play.

    Agreed. Plus, if you REALLY want to go THAT far back, why not go just a bit further?


    The Royal Engineers, by FAR the greatest team, the world has ever seen...

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