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Everything posted by MarcusX

  1. Tbf it was the smallest effort of singing for him - couple of minutes at the start and even less near the end (that I could hear at least). Ground full of fans singing his name it certainly wasn’t
  2. This is a ******* shambles. I hope there’s a plan, otherwise this is pathetic. Someone must be lined up, we can’t afford to spend weeks searching for a replacement.
  3. They’ve worded that intentionally on twitter I think! First line of the actual article says this: Nigel Pearson has left Bristol City with immediate effect after being relieved of his role as manager
  4. His legacy will be a fantastic stadium and facilities, and the base for someone else to come in and take us to the next level.
  5. When a chairman / owner comes out and “backs the manager” publically, it’s usually seen as the death knell
  6. MarcusX


    Player manager in their promotion season wasn’t he?
  7. I’m referring to your last 2 seasons in the Championship, the ones you were fined for?
  8. MarcusX


    He couldn’t have been any less effective than Bell tonight, was worth a go IMO
  9. Bit of a frustrating night, wasn’t a bad performance just as someone else said a bit desperate in front of goal. Thought their fans were decent first half and at the end but definitely quietened them for much of the second half. Wasnt much in the way of Pearson support from us though, 5 mins at the start maybe and a couple of goes near the end
  10. Agree with this, we’ve done alright just a bit sloppy for the goal - and poor goalkeeping
  11. Leicester are the epitome of what can happen if you just flout all FPP rules and the gamble pays off - and then failure of relegation is rewarded with parachute payments
  12. Tomorrow night will probably have more effect
  13. Presumably it’ll be another minutes silence on Wednesday for Sir Bobby Charlton
  14. Well yes that was my point, it was a few idiots not “wasn’t observed at all” and the ref didn’t blow early. I didn’t mean to get so pedantic over it I just don’t think people realised the cock up by the announcer. As I say, it’s clear as day on channel 4 (you can still view it online) the whistle goes to start the silence THEN the announcer talks over the first 30 seconds. The second whistle is a minute after the first. I feel like I’m arguing over a minor point, sorry! I just didn’t think it was as bad as it might have been. Don’t think it helped there were Italians amongst the home ends, one group near me were one of the shouters during the silence.
  15. It was made clear over the tannoy but only after the ref had blown his whistle. The ref didn’t blow it early, the announcer talked through half the minutes silence. Then a few idiots decided to shout out and it felt like the boos were aimed at those people shouting not the silence. This video kinda proves my point, the announcement in English and then Italian says it will start on the referees whistle - then there’s no whistle because he’d already blown. And if you watch the game back on channel 4 you’ll see there’s exactly a minute from first whistle (before announcement) to second whistle.
  16. I quite like the “weve got super Nigel Pearson” that’s been sang a few times at away games, but preferably without the sarcastic “will he ****” after the take us to the premier league line.
  17. Didn’t help that the announcement was botched. It was obvious something was happening because the players gathered around the centre circle - the ref blew his whistle to start the silence then the announcer proceeded to tell us about the silence, and repeat it in Italian. I wouldn’t say it “wasn’t observed at all” though, was only a few idiots trying to ruin it.
  18. He’s not wrong though. Definite booing when Henderson came on. Still a stupid thing to do. It can ONLY work to demoralise the player - there’s literally zero benefit to booing your own players. Wow, I think we agree on something? He was also in the team of the tournament at the Euros
  19. Yea but that’s mostly the clowns who stay quiet and disappear when we’re doing well. Anyone with a modicum of sense knows how well Pearson has done here. He had his blip after the WC when it looked like we’d gone horrendously backwards and he fixed it. The fans need to be heard in support of Pearson on Wednesday, especially for a game we’re not likely to win anyway (let’s be honest!)
  20. Problem is that 99% of us are far less qualified, and have far less knowledge of the players than Southgate and his team (or most managers for that matter). Football isn't played on paper or a computer game, there's many factors that go into team selection - even down to who's turned up with a bad attitude on the day, not feeling 100%, didn't get enough sleep etc things we'll never be privvy to. The fact that the players who aren't getting as much game time as they'd probably like, still appear to be happy in the setup probably tells us there's a good morale in the camp. I've played and managed several teams for many years at various levels. I've yet to be involved in one where everyone's agreed with a team selection.
  21. You're initial post said never played in the Premier League, that's why I responded
  22. It’s impressive how quickly they got the away shirt in though, I was sure it was gonna be the yellow one. Apparently Ashton Gate will be added because of the women, do you know if this is true @TBW?
  23. No doubt it was far worse back in the day, and I’d agree in my recent trips it’s actually been pretty sterile - the last one before this season the ground was half full. This season was a little “spicier” didn’t help being penned in the car park so the little ***** could throw rocks etc from the walkway - then some idiot dropping one off the bridge as we walked under it. Police did a decent job with the escort back to the station, it no doubt would have got nasty without them. All the way to the tube there were pockets of Millwall fans at each corner / crossing waiting to see if they could get through. As I say I’m sure that’s very tame in comparison, but worse than my last 3/4 visits before that.
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