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Everything posted by MarcusX

  1. In the cold light of the next morning, I’d largely write this one off as “there’s another team on the pitch”. They were shit, ugly, physical, long ball and they crowded out the midfield. They truly stunk out the game in my opinion and it stifled us first half. Sometimes it’s hard to implement change mid game and we just needed to get to half time and sort ourselves out, which largely we did. Second half was much better and we were able to move the ball quicker and pull them about. Taking hugill off was a big changing point for me, they lost their target and didn’t really rhreaten then other than the goal. I can’t say we really looked like winning it, but after half time I was never worried we’d lose it. I thought Dickie was decent, Naismith had a tough night and the ref gave him nothing at all. No one really stood out as having a great game, but sometimes you have to win ugly.
  2. Why would you want to move Knight who’s been probably our best player so far this season?
  3. Couldn’t see a thing of the first half incidents but on the highlights the bell one looks clear cut
  4. That goal just gets better and better the more I watch it. As you say what a reaction
  5. change last 2 lines to: been with us since he was seven tommy Conway scores again or Another one of City’s own Tommy Conway scores again
  6. He seemed to let a lot go tonight, hugill git away with assault
  7. I can’t believe someone said Bell is a better finisher than Conway. Wow have we missed him and what quality. I hadn’t wven spotted he was on the bench til he came on
  8. Definitely a foul, bell pushed the Rotherham defender into the keeper
  9. Rarely did anything with it though, Hugill definitely had the better of Naismith first half but he was getting fouled most times. Much less effective second half and now he’s gone off
  10. Ain’t it just Left at 5 and just got my hands on a pint in the concourse, not too bad!
  11. Mixed views on this. Other sports have already done similar and allowed Russian athletes to return. I’d hope there would be no punishment for any team refusing to play them / refusing to travel to Russia. Theres a part of me that thinks other countries have done things and not received such sanctions but that’s not for here. Ultimately though if you’ve taken the decision to ban them because of the war then I don’t see the justification for going back on that while the war shows no signs of ending. What was the point?
  12. Yet Diaz got his first yellow for the slightest of touches knee to boot to cause a trip
  13. Just about to set off now, one of the closer trips for me (albeit 2 hours up the A1) Not a new one for me though, I went up in December for our fairly convincing lunch time win ahead of the WC quarter final with France. Probably won't be as straight forward tonight, but should really still be a game we're winning
  14. One of the worst things in football. There’s few more pathetic things than watching a bunch of pissed up blokes spending half the game threatening each other behind the safety of an invisible wall. Not just us, that goes for any team. Millwall and Hull home fans were embarrassing on recent trips. As for bantering Vardy, all part of the game but have to take it back as well. He’s known for it and by all accounts thrives off it
  15. Fully agree with this. He’s done a cracking job here, I can’t remember the last time I looked forward to each game so much. Even when we lose we’ve usually been competitive or an entertaining game. Even the 0-0 against West Brom was a decent watch
  16. Glad someone else has seen this, I thought wells has been very good in his link up play
  17. Again. I don’t mind that though, good desire to make up for the error. He’s been good again tonight, Plymouth commentary saying MOM
  18. I thought they’ve been very down on themselves, like watching us under Holden ?
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