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Everything posted by MarcusX

  1. I think the point was about the size of the clubs, fairly obvious those teams don’t have international players off to England, France or Italy ?
  2. 10th in the first season (takeover was September) 5th in the first full season and top 4 ever since
  3. MarcusX


    Why else would you sing Engerland in that situation? Hilarious, you might care to remember this didn’t happen at a football match…
  4. MarcusX


    We’re back to that conundrum that sent Cowshed and the like into silence and killed the thread in the politics forum. You can’t argue that taking the knee is intrinsically linked with BLM and it’s political meanings and cannot simply mean something non-political, and then argue that you can say “All lives matter” in response to a BLM protest and claim that it has no link to BLM and means something else. Either both can be removed from their “political” or wider meanings, or they can’t.
  5. MarcusX


    Yes, why wouldn’t I? What purpose is there to chant “England” ? To me it comes across as antagonistic towards people who “don’t belong here” (and several people in the area at the time said they felt intimidated by it). City fans don’t sing “England” at football matches unless it’s against the Welsh. Or used to be heard often after a “small town in Asia” chant at places like Leicester and Bradford. You'd be incredibly naive or deliberately ignorant to argue against the purpose of that chant when sang by football fans in particular, IMO.
  6. MarcusX


    As good as saying “I’m not racist but…”
  7. MarcusX


    Again, All Lives Matter is a direct “response” to BLM so I call bullshit
  8. MarcusX


    Do you have proof that not a single person there was far right or racially motivated? That was the question posed, not that everyone there was racist. Again, adding “all lives matter” to that banner says a lot.
  9. MarcusX


    Well it is if you believe their side of the story. displaying a banner with “all lives matter” is not about protecting the cenotaph, that plus getting pissed up and singing Eng ger land chants is antagonistic at best. As for their statement that they’d have supported the democratic removal of the statue, did they actively add their support to this whilst people were trying to get it removed? (Honestly don’t know, but if there is evidence they did then fair play)
  10. You can take sponsorship money without renaming the ground - especially when the owner owns the company too. We still play at Ashton Gate not the Lansdown Arena. Just a thought on that, don’t know enough about the rest to comment
  11. I think you better look into what day to day things Saudi invest in before beating Newcastle with the morality stick. It’s sad to see this level of investment ruin our game, but you’d struggle to get by without using something linked with the Saudi PIF.
  12. Tommy Doc was a bit of a "lad" by all accounts, used to get about with a couple of non-league footballers I knew. I;m sure that's not really news to anyone though! Not City but Wes Foderingham was a pest when at Swindon. Used to message any randomer he found on Facebook and his first line was always along the lines of "I'm a pro footballer, fancy going for a drink" My friend simply replied "Sorry, never heard of you" and he got abusive
  13. I expect some people rely on SM for work/business but I'm sure most don't really care. A slight annoyance if trying to get hold of someone, but if you've got them on whatsapp you must have their phone number. My phones on do not disturb after 8pm so didn't really notice much different myself ?
  14. It's amazing it's the same people who assume it's something "bigger" going on. Doesn't matter what the story or scenario, always think it's a conspiracy
  15. MarcusX

    TV tonight

    It said that in the OP
  16. That lad up top for Millwall looked good, Ben someone
  17. Forgot about that, needs to be pinned up in the changing room!
  18. There’s a few in the shipwright, just outside the station
  19. Brett Pitman? I think? Is Mark Little still there? And I know the Father of their CB, couldn't name anyone else I don't think
  20. Any idea if the tickets are "e-tickets"? I could onlyt confirm I could go now that I've managed to get fuel (else I cant work the rest of the week!) If I buy a ticket its obviously not going to get to me and I dont fancy trying to locate a ticket office at Millwall (not even sure you can because you are tunnelled into the ground?) Any thoughts from anyone? Still spare? I could meet you at london bridge or anywhere else. WOuld pay the full amount just saves my hassle of whether it's e ticket or not etc
  21. Think he’s just quoting the article A phone?
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