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Everything posted by MarcusX

  1. But we're giving the ball away more So you have to weigh up which is better? I don't understand why ball retention is so demonised by some - although I accept there's a fine line between ball retention and the frustration of not taking risks and making key passes (e.g. England in the Euros at times)
  2. That's brilliant Really enjoyed those years in the East End, used to just go along on my own but you didn't feel like you were there on your own once you got in the stand. I've been to a lot of games as a neautral and not seen many home atmospheres like that in the modern era
  3. I’m not as old as some, so my most prominent memories are being an ST holder when the East End was reopened. Used to love when the east end would sing I am a cider drinker in full from start to finish Ive missed away games so much through the pandemic, hoping to get to millwall this week as it’s local for me
  4. It’s very open to interpretation like most things in football but a save is exempt from the “deliberate attempt” rule. I believe a block/deflection also doesn’t count if it just hits the defender, but if he swings a leg or tries/reaches to make a clearance, block, pass etc then it’s a deliberate attempt. Taylor Moore / assambolonga is a good example of it
  5. Very impressive finish there, thought Martin’s shot was a bit poor? Great touch but then just sort of swing at it rather than hitting it with any conviction. Should have scored himself really. How did Mitrovic miss that at the end though?!
  6. I don't necessarily agree with this bringing up of old posts (depending on the content) but if I was a footballer, or any celebrity / public eye I'd have made it an absolute priority to pay someone to clear any trace of any inappropriate content from my social media accounts. Or delete accounts and start again. For anyone who's wondering it's so easy to search on twitter for someone's posts and just use a range of particular slurs or "keywords". It's not someone literally sat trawling through posts from 10 years ago There's no reason now since the first few people fell foul of this that people continue to get caught out. There's probably companies now that offer social media "cleansing" as a service, people probably do it for job interviews and such
  7. The flip side to the cant wait 45 mins argument is that if people didn't have to wait til half time to get a drink then queues would be shorter at half time. It's impossible at the moment to get out, get a drink and get back without missing any of the action. I'd at least just like the option to finish my drink at my seat rather than have to rush it down in the concourse
  8. Ban gambling, encourage drinking Brilliant ?
  9. I'll try not to get too involved in this as it's a personal subject for me, I've seen gambling and alcholism ruin my family - the combined were the symptoms of underlying mental health/depression issues but anyway... The way I see it is gambling is actively pushed at us far too much, many adverts before during and after the game and it does influence people I don't think alchohol sponsor has quite the same affect because if you didn't have it in the house you'd still have to go the shop and buy it - a small thing I know but it's very different to reminding you or encouraging you to place that bet just before kickoff from the device that's probably already in your hand Also, all the free bets and promos are further encouragement. Of course, you get deals on alchohol at the shops and pub but that is outside of the scope of footballs controls. Do I think a betting company on a t shirt will encourage anyone to gamble? Probably not, but it's part of a culture within the game that there is far too much encouragement to place a bet Lastly, the increase of betting shops and/or access at stadiums has increased and made gambing easier. You could argue the over inflated prices of alchohol at football have done the opposite for drinking. And that, probably badly explained, is why I have more of a problem with gambling sponsorship in football over alchohol. The only benefit I'd give to Thatcher's is at least they are a local company over say Mansion Bet but personally would prefer neither
  10. No chance, it's further than QPR a bit of a pain to get to. Be lucky to get 1k, probably 7/800
  11. That interview is pure comedy gold. Won the second half… The boys tried they just ran out of time (first shot on target was the penalty on minute 92) Still talking about promotion Brilliant, used to hate Joey Barton now I love him
  12. What will come first, Pearson sacked or people getting Chris Hughton’s name right?
  13. Probably when he’s been able to bring in some quality and not just freebies
  14. You miss the Cardiff game? Theres definitely improvements. Not tonight so much obviously
  15. In the first half ? Another player who has come here and any quality he had been stripped from him somehow!
  16. They had a couple of first half chances but felt we controlled most of that. Think we did enough to win except a shitty mistake. Bentley has to be stronger there
  17. Lovely shithousing from Martin jumping up as soon as Lansbury gets shown the yellow. On that note, what a surprise Lansbury gets booked
  18. Isn't that more likely to happen in the current setup? If you can drink at your seat you'd just buy a couple and have them with you til half time At the minute people need to leave 10 mins before HT to beat the queue - and if they don't drink during the game will potentially drink more before and end up going to the toilet more often
  19. Well this isn't true either, after the Swansea game they let everyout out the same time. I exited the Lansdown with my Dad and had to walk towards the station surrounded by them
  20. Agree it's bigger on Champion's League nights but it's still better than most in the Prem
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