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italian dave

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Everything posted by italian dave

  1. Positive: playing Preston for the first time in a while without having to endure the scrote that is Greg Cunningham.
  2. True! Except that it certainly won’t get given !
  3. Vyner impressed today. I thought he was the only City player who didn’t allow himself to be bullied, and a few times he did the bullying. Not what you’d have seen from him a couple of years ago.
  4. I think we’d have been screaming for it if it had been a Preston defender!
  5. Can I just say, amongst all the noise about digital tickets, Robins TV audio, shirt collars and Scott’s injury………….. The dolman PA is still as shite as ever ??
  6. Odd isn’t it. I went in the same entrance and it worked before I’d even thought about how I was holding it!
  7. Likewise at the school. Since I’m spending almost as much on a car parking pass as on my season ticket, should I demand that the club fulfil my entitlement to have something physical in return for my money? ?? Seriously, it does seem a bit ironic that at the same time as we move to digital wallets for matchday season tickets we revert to a bloke with a list for car parking season tickets!
  8. Funny, but also - having had a look - remarkably accurate!
  9. When you say ‘read between the lines’ I assume you mean in relation to the cash. On the “injury” it feels more like a case of reading the bleeding’ obvious! I do understand why they do it, but they must think we’re daft. I hope it’s an indication a deal is close, not that he’s worried that Alex’s head is elsewhere. The speculation isn’t going to go away however long he stays now.
  10. Not half as wrong as @Official_brfc was ???
  11. Ha ha! You have to admit it makes a change to be about wind and rain for the opening game though! More often than not it’s one of the hottest days of the year and we’re talking about getting hosed down at Gillingham!
  12. Looking at both Meteo and the Met Office it’s going to be windy, and the strongest winds from about 3pm! The heaviest/most persistent rain looks to be over by then though. So who knows!
  13. It’s a common misconception that “the world” revolves around England!
  14. Sharp Dressed Man……..ZZ Top
  15. Well, it bodes better than staying as Birmingham!
  16. Their worry is that there’s nowhere to sit either ??
  17. Just wow! Entitlement barely begins to describe it! The ‘snag’ in the planning application is 100% Bristol Rovers incompetence. And thereafter, apart from the complete garbage about City, it’s simply about everyone else having to change their ways and speed things up simply because it’s Bristol Rovers. Kind of makes you hope that consent, eventually, is refused
  18. I think “ambiguous at best” sums it up perfectly! As a contract, it’s a jackpot for the lawyers! There’s even a couple of sentences that make no sense at all!
  19. Possibly. As I said, debatable whether it’s a blanket permission, or whether it’s explaining when permission might be given.
  20. @Sleepy1968 @phantom these were the ones I found. Look like the above but under the “Bristol sport” banner. Permission of the club seems to be the starting point for me - even to ‘lend’. I suppose there could be a debate about whether what follows constitutes - granting permission in those circumstances, or - giving guidance/examples on when permission might be granted But that’s probably one for the lawyers! https://tickets.bristol-sport.co.uk/usercontent/documents/html/tsandcs.html
  21. I’ll try to dig out what I found yesterday. That clearly said non transferable (including not lending) without permission. I know that wasn’t what happened!
  22. Cardiff fans do quite well out of that if the usual away areas are involved. They are down one of the sides at Leeds. At Cardiff, Leeds will get that shitty corner. Standard of the opposition ?
  23. I’m sure you’re right and it will get sorted. I guess the family section was always going to be less straightforward in terms of transfers. But, yes, that should have been thought of.
  24. Ah, seen it! To be honest, there’s currently so many places and thread on this I’m losing track. And see your problem. And I don’t recall seeing that limit before either. Good luck: hope you get it resolved. Watching the news tonight, you’re in for enough problems in the US in the next 9 months without adding this to it!
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