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Posts posted by Pezo

  1. 39 minutes ago, phantom said:

    Maybe not directly but the venue is clearly used for more events than just sport 

    It is but the point (that the poster didn't make) that the stadium is owned by Bristol sport or Pula or that we are equal partners in the stadium with the rugby team has been proved to be wrong a lot.

    If we are paying rent in a stadium that is owned by the football clubs and the stadiums parent company and (if I've got it right) of that structure only the parent company have shares and produce accounts then I will be surprised that we pay rent. So genuine question - is there something in the accounts or somewhere else that I have missed?

  2. 8 minutes ago, Pieman said:

    This has nothing to do with Bristol City FC. It’s an Ashton Gate Stadium decision. The football club is a tenant that rents the ground on match days, which is why they are reluctant to do any modifications or ‘improvements’ for football as this could upset the next event.

    Any evidence for that?

  3. 2 minutes ago, supercidered said:

    I've not seen anything from Derby fans on here. There was one in particular that was bleating on about it all being unfair and got right on my t!ts. I think he was called Another Derby Fan. Have they posted since the new points deduction verdict? 



  4. 1 hour ago, alexukhc said:

    Not the ******* pillars more like bollards 

    Shouldn't they though, shouldn't they constrain directors and management into particular style and strategy rather than giving them the freedom to decide our strategy on who we've just seen beat us?

    Part of our problem is wanting to be Southampton then Swansea then Fulham then Brentford and a plethora of other clubs in the middle - and just being the second rate version of them.

    I would like to know what we are working towards as a club - at the moment that seems to be a team that does a high press when it can.

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  5. 18 hours ago, CiderCraig said:

    You specified 'ever', so without trawling the archives of games prior to my existence, these spring to mind:

    2021: 4-0 (at half time!) Watford (away)

    2008: 4-1 Reading (home)

    2005: 7-1 Swansea (away)

    1989: 6-0 Tranmere (away)

    1982: 7-1 Northampton (away)


    In context, a 3-2 away defeat to a team in the top 4 isn't really embarrassing, just a sh!t result.

    I did specify ever - I also specified "one of", I also specified "games" rather than results. In the context of forever I would put it in the top 10 embarrassing "games" since I have been watching (so since 90) making it "one of" the most embarrassing "games" ever. Might be Symantec's but I think it's up there, happy to agree to disagree if you think it's the same as all the other losses we have had this season.

    21 minutes ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

    City 0-6 Cardiff 2010

    City 1-4 Wolves 2012

    City 0-4 Leicester 2013

    Those were all embarrassing days.

  6. 1 hour ago, CiderCraig said:

    Yes, I wouldn't have commented otherwise.

    We weren't great, I'm not disputing that fact, but it wasn't one of our most embarrassing games ever, far from it.

    Conceding 3 goals in one half against 10 men. That's worse than drawing with Sunderland 3-3 and that was the last time I can remember a game anywhere near as close to embarrassing as that.

    After that we're going back to games under SOD and McInnes. Losing to Cardiff at home under GJ or Wolves under Ward?

    I would like to know what games you have found more embarrassing?

  7. 15 minutes ago, Redrascal2 said:

     The club has lurched from one crisis to another in the last couple of years with results and performance constantly heading downwards. There cannot be a coordinated and coherent plan/project being undertaken. I cannot see how this club is doing anything else but fire fighting at the moment.  Desperate for stability and some consistency. When and if we achieve that then would be the time to have some sort of realistic plan to move the club forward. When we reach that point I have no idea and whether it is possible under Lansdown I have considerable doubts.

    Yes it does feel that the only plan in the last 3 years was just to get promoted by whatever means necessary, we believed that we were only 1 or 2 signings away so strategy went out the window and tactical signings were made just to try and get us that one step closer.

    combine this with the players that got us close being sold then you soon realise we we were taking 2 steps backwards and 1/2 a step forward in terms of quality and 2 steps forward and 1 back in terms of quantity for about 3 seasons - we've now gone so far backwards there is a strong chance of relegation.

  8. 4 minutes ago, 054123 said:

    Let’s be honest, it’s a fashion shoot for Arena. 

    He’ll be wandering his house in flip flops and shorts this weekend!?

    I don’t understand the ‘concern’ in this thread.

    I tried to reply to this but kept writing what I wrote in the first place. Happy for him, no "concerns" with the gender swapping. Challenged over the adult wearing a children's school uniform - probably because I have young children.

    So I guess I don't understand the concern either but I empathise with some things I find slightly challenging which is different than a concern. I guess we've all had different experiences that have shaped what we are concerned about.

  9. If this is what makes him comfortable in his own skin then crack on, I don't see that he is inflicting it on anyone else so why not.

    If I'm honest I find it a bit weird/more challenging that it's a school uniform more than a "girls" uniform. While I'm being honest I would certainly be a bit more concerned if I saw my children speaking to someone dressed like that, obviously my inbuilt bias and stereotyping but not sure what else I would base my judgement on.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:


    The basic truths being: the team is in turmoil, the manager is ill and we don't know when he's coming back and we have no plan other than to expose a recently appointed assistant by putting him in sole charge of the situation.  


    • Sad 1
  11. 29 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

    If that was the reason, I thought RG was surprisingly lacklustre.  It felt like a PR own goal to me and did nothing to allay fans’ concerns.  

    If we didn’t know otherwise, it felt far more like RG had been dragged in reluctantly and was doing hs best polititian impression of giving very little away with his answers, rather than having requested the interview to clear up uncertainty.

    That interview left me with the conclusion that we’re in far deeper shit than I’d realised  before and judging by comments on here, I’m certainly not alone in that.  

    If the club were trying to reassure fans with this interview, I fear they’ve failed dismally. RG seemed extremely uncomfortable and I saw no reason to think the club have this situation in hand.

    Extremely worrying times!

    Then it has served it's purpose because we are ******.

    I don't think he was trying to reassure fans - he was trying to say nothing while at the same time fill the void of rumour and misinformation that is currently going around and lay out some bare truths.

    • Like 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, Keepers Ball said:

    Just listened to the Richard Gould interview.  

    Wasn't really inciteful was it?

    Told us what we already know and obvious replies every single time.

    And regarding Nigel Pearson illness, I'd have sooner Gould told us the club didn't wish to go into detail as to the nature of the illness but instead banged on about the effects of Covid which doesn't really tell us what the real problem is. It just leaves us assuming or guessing. And the problem is how long is this going to keep Nigel away. The knock on effect can be disastrous for us as a club

    Waste of an interview to be honest.

    Watch his YouTube interview.





    If you want to waste time, it's exactly the same.

  13. 11 minutes ago, Hampshire reds said:

    I feel nigel and his family and his agent could put a statement out to let people know how he is and if he is returning anytime soon.(i know its a private matter) Best wishes to nigel and his family.Stay safe

    He doesn't strike me as the type to put any effort or especially respond to rumours.

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