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Everything posted by SecretSam

  1. Presumably a nice little sell-on bonus for Brum Grauniad article
  2. If only I had time after banging your wife
  3. Maybe the defender was wearing granite boots.
  4. SecretSam


    I don't think he's alone in that...
  5. I've never tried the wheelbarrow, but at my age I don't think my back's up to it.
  6. yeah, if there's one team that us and the Slags mutually loathe...
  7. I think that's how it works with Councils, you elect the one local to you - I mean, I'm no expert, but... It was the Bountyhunter, I have the same edition
  8. It's a more complex argument and model than that - you are presumably just as capable of doing your job for the next 2-3 years as you are now; you may even get better. That is not the case for Kalas, or any other footballer. Also, you are presumably paid a decent market rate for your work - again, Kalas is out of phase with current salaries. Kalas' profession is time-constrained, and his value diminishes over time. He depreciates, effectively. I love economics.
  9. Not being funny, but it's not like AG was a secret project, that popped up overnight. You live near a football stadium, it's going to get a bit chaotic on matchdays, particularly if there's no parking control (which there should be, fair enough). As for cars vs public transport - Bristol's public transport is clearly just as shocking as I remember it back in the day. I can't believe I'm thinking of moving back...
  10. Please not purple and lime again. Those of us who were there when it was unleashed back in the day remember it was greeted with derision. "What the f--king hell is that", I recall was the chant. A nice, classic white/black/white or something new. Last season's Hummel third kit was pretty good. And the Hummel white away kit was a truly beautiful thing.
  11. Delighted for our old boy Moyesie. Not the world's biggest West Ham fan, but well done to them. But mostly pleased for Moyesie.
  12. An interesting appointment, having been rejected by almost everyone out there (Cotts was still in a job at the time), it may be that Spurs have found their man. All this bo11ocks about a 'big name manager' for a 'big club' ignores the fact that Conte and Mourinho both failed, and Spurs have won nothing for over a decade. From what I can see, the top 5 problems at Spurs are: Levy Over-reliance on Kane's goals Levy Poor, demotivated squad Levy
  13. Welcome on board, Ross, well done for calling us 'City', you're off to a flier
  14. Oh well, move on, wish Joe well wherever he ends up. No room for sentimentality in football.
  15. You clearly never saw the all green kit at west ham, c.1994 Or the Auto Leyland pizza vans paint final one against Stoke, gold and blue Or the champagne one in the noughties
  16. Have you got a heatmap for that, @Davefevs?
  17. What's lame is that you actually bothered identifying the players' clothing, rather than the players. #Shallow
  18. I have it on good authority that it's "Pugh, Pugh..." and they are twins
  19. I'm not. Everything I say is a lie. Except that. Or am I lying?
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