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BS4 on Tour...

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Everything posted by BS4 on Tour...

  1. The modern world ain’t all it’s cracked up to be! I used to love strolling into Ashton Gate, saying hi to dear old Beryl, buying an away ticket there and then with cash, being given said ticket immediately, putting said ticket into one’s wallet then strolling out of Ashton Gate - zero transaction stress, maximum excitement at having a ticket for following the chaps away - and Dean Court was always a good one!
  2. “smoother than a fox’s cravat” ... ?? - bet he was called Sebastian ... ???
  3. To be fair, back in the 70s, 80s and early 90s I knew a fair few proper Chelsea fans - their away support was phenomenal and they were very loyal fans - traipsing around all the hellholes of England to support the likes of Kerry Dixon, Gordon Durie, Ken Monkou, Steve Clarke, Peter Rhoades Brown, Mickey Droy, Ian Britton, Mike Fillery, John Bumstead, Clive Walker, Colin Pates etc etc - rather like the Man Yoo fans of the same period, Chelsea fans back then were proper, staunch, loyal, vocal and manic - especially away from home - they didn’t have much to shout about, but they travelled everywhere to support their team ... their stadium was much better back then too - old school, intimidating and real. Modern Chelsea fans - well, I’d rather not say ... ??
  4. Fair play - either way, an astoundingly good return for a £2.60 bet! Well played ?
  5. Hopefully you’re gracious enough to realise that if anyone on here posted the reverse of that on your club’s pitiful forum they’d be banned within hours due to the sensitive, paranoid incumbents of said forum ... you’ve been welcomed on here, and rightly so, don’t you think it’s a pity that it just doesn’t happen in reverse?!
  6. I remember when my dear old Dad and grandfather bragged about Roverzzz beating Man Utd 4-0 in the Cup - how times, and your expectations, have changed ... ?? - thrashing the mighty Sutton 2-0, good grief ...
  7. It’s a good question - apparently Newport is a city and county borough in South Wales ...
  8. Well, my post, to which you replied above, mentioned Corbyn, Abbott, Thornberry and McDonnell - and your reply says they “would have made a darn sight better job of it than the current shower” - just a few points on that: Dianne Abbott - during an interview with Nick Ferrari on LBC Radio said police officers should be paid a salary of £8,000 a year and in an interview with Andrew Neil on the BBC’s “This week” programme said “Chairman Mao did more good than harm” - he murdered up to 60 million people. And as everyone knows, there are zillions of other examples of Abbott’s incompetence while appearing in interviews, including her supporting the IRA and other terrorist organisations - she would have been Home Secretary if you’d got your way. Emily Thornberry slagged off normal working people on Twitter by posting a derogatory comment and photo about “white van man” and then, as Shadow Foreign Secretary, she appeared on the Dermot Murnaghan show on Sky TV to discuss the real prospect of a global conflict and was totally exposed as she didn’t know the name of the French foreign minister and she didn’t know the name, or gender, of the South Korean President. Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell “praised the bravery of the IRA” and said “IRA members should be honoured” - he was forced to backtrack and issue grovelling apologies even though he had a plaque on the wall of his office “honouring IRA martyrs.” Corbyn - exposed as having sympathy for, and empathy with, terrorist organisations around the world as well as alleged links with them whilst supporting anti-UK organisations. Delivered the worst election result for the Labour Party since 1935. There is plenty of evidence for all the aforementioned - yet you’d want them in charge of our country. None of the political parties give me much hope - but we have really needed a very strong opposition over the last few years and it just hasn’t happened - the sheer incompetence and treachery of the Labour Party has been exposed over and over - yet you’d have wanted Corbyn, Abbott, Thornberry and McDonnell at the helm. Oh well, we’ll have to agree to disagree.
  9. I meant Starmer threatened to expel 11 Labour MPs who held the same views as Corbyn - he’s obviously an independent now ...
  10. It’s been a widely covered story - he blamed the UK’s and NATO’s ‘aggression’ and ‘provocation’ for causing Russia’s actions - he had to backtrack when Keir Starmer threatened to expel him and 11 other labour MPs from the party for holding these views
  11. It’s the modern world mate - the younger generations wake up every day now and their first thoughts are “Right, what I can be offended by today?” - “Who can I implore others to ‘cancel’ today?” - “Who can I encourage others to ‘pile on’ people on social media because their views and opinions are different from mine?” - “Whose career can I attempt to ruin because they stand for different stuff than my views?” ... and they go through the day full of angst, pent up anger and misery because the world doesn’t necessary agree with everything they think and say - they can’t handle it, even though they’ve populated our planet for less than 20 years, yet in their eyes everyone who has been through loads of real life stuff and who have proper perspective on the real issues, should be cancelled because their views don’t necessarily reflect the stances that the loud leftists have been taught to believe at universities etc ... I fear for this country over the next few decades - the generations coming through are weak and indoctrinated... and if they had their way, we would have had to go though Brexit, a global pandemic and the Ukraine / Russia crisis with Corbyn, Abbott, Thornberry, McDonnell etc at the helm - and true to form, Corbyn has already blamed the UK and the US for the horrendous situation in Ukraine ... I need a Malbec ??
  12. Did you call in to Radio Bristol on Saturday NTTDS? I listened to a re-run of the Geoff Twentyman post match bit from Saturday and a caller who rang in made the exact same suggestions you’ve made above, pretty much word for word. Geoff’s reaction was “who would score if you drop Semenyo and Weimann?” ...
  13. I went to a pub called The Fiddle - it was a vile Inn ... ??
  14. Your first City game was a Cup Final at Wembley?! How privileged and entitled do you feel?! My first game was a miserable 0-2 home defeat way back in the dim and distant - weather was rubbish too - but feel free to begin your journey on this ridiculous rollercoaster under the twin towers at the home of football ... obviously I’m only joking chief! A mate of mine has this shirt I think, so if you’re struggling I’ll tap him up - cheers
  15. Fair play Dave - I suppose he could have got a bit stale at the Hornets and signing for the club he supports has probably galvanised him and given him a new lease of life - adrenaline can do amazing things! Have you come down from cloud 9 yet after the ‘pool league cup victory?! ????
  16. You say that as though that makes a club important enough to dislike ... if being a ‘founder member of the Prem’ is a reason to wish ill on a club then we must also dislike Coventry, Oldham, QPR, Ipswich, Middlesbrough, Blackburn and both Sheffield clubs ... not sure why we should dislike clubs who were ‘there at the start’ though ?!
  17. Wow, many now emphasising the importance of Ayling, yet there wasn’t much maligning when we sold him - and Pep Guardiola waxes lyrical about Bielsa and his abilities, so I guess the guy has something - I don’t know enough about Leeds, or watch them enough, to comment further
  18. You really aren’t a Deeney fan are you?! Remember you saying he’d fail at Birmingham cos ‘his legs have gone’ - this season Chris Martin 34 league games, 9 goals, - Nahki Wells 24 league games, 2 goals - Antoine Semenyo 17 league games, 6 goals - Troy Deeney 18 league games, 4 of those as a sub, 4 goals - given the goals to games ratios that’s an awful lot of ‘legs that have gone’ ... TD is still a very capable Championship striker ...
  19. It was never hatred Dave - just surprise and bemusement about how you can be so passionate about a football club to which you have zero links - just because they are successful and ‘good’ ... you’ve even interacted with Geoff Twentyman about your love for Liverpool FC - just found it all a bit strange - still, congrats on your club winning yet another trophy - you’ll sleep soundly under your Robbie Fowler duvet tonight ... ??
  20. What if he had been wearing a long sleeved shirt? How does the rule cover that?
  21. Apologies TIn - I got a bit too passionate about this debate - have a good Sunday
  22. He didn’t look over at LJ and “smiled” - you made that up - my ST at the time was behind the home bench in the Lansdown Stand - it was an horrendous penalty but he didn’t look over at LJ and “smiled” ... why make that stuff up?! And you know he “missed it on purpose”?
  23. I reckon the time it would take for a pro footballer to transfer the ball from his right foot to his left foot would be about a tenth of a second ... nothing to see here ...
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