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South Bristol Red

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We needed defenders and midfielders we got strikers who dont play a winger who plays in the reserves no defenders we turned our nose up to Amougou and didn't replace Cissee except to bring in an over the hill midfielder who has added nothing to the fist team

AND YOU DONT BLAME McInness....He was brought into fix problems not make them..

And he's not fixed the problems. But I don't really see how he's made them. He joined a team that couldn't score or defend and we're still a team that can't defend and (at the moment) can't score. So he's not fixed anything. But I don't really see that he's responsible for the fact we couldn't score or defend in the first place.

We're where we were a year ago. That's definitely bad and McInnes had failed to achieve things and I suspect will leave the club this week. I completely understand that. But, as we were at the bottom when McInnes arrived, and getting thrashed every week, it's hard to actually say the existence of the problems is his fault - just that he's failed to fix them. So I don't blame him for the fact we are bottom of the league.

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As unacceptable as results are, I think people need to take a step back and think about this 'Del is clueless' nonsense. We didn't score enough goals last season (since we came back to te championship actually) so he went out and got strikers. Aside from a few people who questioned the use of resources, no one complained about the signings of Baldock and Davies. We needed a left back, he went out and got a damn fine one. He seems to have tried his damnedest to get a centre half (Elliot Ward) but ultimately ended up with McManus. We needed a new keeper, he got one that everyone was very happy with. The form on the pitch has been poor and I think Del has made some poor decisions trying to fix it, but to say you'd tater have Millen or Tinnion? Nonsense. At least Del identified the problems even if he hasn't successfully remedied them. Something needs to change and it may well be McInnes, but I can't help thinking the number of managers we've had in recent years is a big part of the problems we're facing now

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His job, and he knew what his job was, was to improve us, he hasn't, he has not carried out his side of the bargain. He knew what needed doing, he hasn't. We can blmae it on players. But if you cannot coach a defence to do the basics right, what hope do you have. The bloke is no coach or manager if he cannot even get the basics right.

Sorry but the players are pros They should know the basics

Its the PLAYERS who are getting the basics wrong

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You always stick with mates. I am talking about the manager.

I am much the same, i really don't care if he stays or goes, the club itself looks like its losing interest from Lansdown down,, I have really become numb to what happens over the past few years. What happens, happens, I really couldn't give two shites

I watch my lads play Football and Rugby at weekends, it gives me far more enjoyment than watching City nowadays.

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You always stick with mates. I am talking about the manager.

I am much the same, i really don't care if he stays or goes, the club itself looks like its losing interest from Lansdown down,, I have really become numb to what happens over the past few years. What happens, happens, I really couldn't give two shites

i feel exactly the same after 60 bloody years of watching mediocre shit apart from a couple of years in the top league :dunno:

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Nah...like Del unproven at this level

So was Gary Johnson. But Mellon has turned a shit side into a good side, and one of the most improved teams in the country, on a very tight budget and has founds some really good buys. He seems clued up and comes across like a guy who won't stand for any shit. His teams football is not attractive but they get the job done.

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As unacceptable as results are, I think people need to take a step back and think about this 'Del is clueless' nonsense. We didn't score enough goals last season (since we came back to te championship actually) so he went out and got strikers. Aside from a few people who questioned the use of resources, no one complained about the signings of Baldock and Davies. We needed a left back, he went out and got a damn fine one. He seems to have tried his damnedest to get a centre half (Elliot Ward) but ultimately ended up with McManus. We needed a new keeper, he got one that everyone was very happy with. The form on the pitch has been poor and I think Del has made some poor decisions trying to fix it, but to say you'd tater have Millen or Tinnion? Nonsense. At least Del identified the problems even if he hasn't successfully remedied them. Something needs to change and it may well be McInnes, but I can't help thinking the number of managers we've had in recent years is a big part of the problems we're facing now

Spot on.........

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His job, and he knew what his job was, was to improve us, he hasn't, he has not carried out his side of the bargain. He knew what needed doing, he hasn't. We can blmae it on players. But if you cannot coach a defence to do the basics right, what hope do you have. The bloke is no coach or manager if he cannot even get the basics right.

You're right - he hasn't improved us and he's failed to do what needed doing. That's pretty clear. But I still think the bulk of the responsibility lies with the people who got us to the bottom of the table in the first place. I've worked in places before where the whole culture's so fundamentally flawed that even someone with good ideas and good leadership qualities struggles to turn it around.

I'm not saying McInnes shouldn't be in danger of losing his job. His remit was to improve us and he hasn't improved us. But what I am saying is that a change of manager in itself isn't going to be the solution here...

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Sorry but the players are pros They should know the basics

Its the PLAYERS who are getting the basics wrong

Well replace them then, don't pick them. It seems his replacement that he has got in are no better apart from Cunningham, At the end of the day, he picks the players, buck stops there, he continues to pick a woefully out of form Fontaine.. all you need to know, you do not do that. The bloke is stubborn and can't adapt at all. As was proved last season wen he lucked out when his first choice load got recalled.

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Haha I know it does sound a bit camp doesnt it but I was more on about a voice that just sounds like a man who's got authority. Husky voice which will make people listen, not some high pitched voice :laugh:

oooooooooooooo Jordan! :)
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Del has had the same probs as those managers before him. We cannot (or won't) compete financially with many clubs in this division.

Millen tried and failed to sign Billy Jones and Gareth MacCauley - look at them now with WBA in the Prem.

Del is at fault for using all of his small purse on strikers. Still think we will get a centre half in January and Stead will leave, but it may be too late for Del by then.

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As unacceptable as results are, I think people need to take a step back and think about this 'Del is clueless' nonsense. We didn't score enough goals last season (since we came back to te championship actually) so he went out and got strikers. Aside from a few people who questioned the use of resources, no one complained about the signings of Baldock and Davies. We needed a left back, he went out and got a damn fine one. He seems to have tried his damnedest to get a centre half (Elliot Ward) but ultimately ended up with McManus. We needed a new keeper, he got one that everyone was very happy with. The form on the pitch has been poor and I think Del has made some poor decisions trying to fix it, but to say you'd tater have Millen or Tinnion? Nonsense. At least Del identified the problems even if he hasn't successfully remedied them. Something needs to change and it may well be McInnes, but I can't help thinking the number of managers we've had in recent years is a big part of the problems we're facing now

I completely agree and that's kind of what I'm trying to say. McInnes isn't getting things working and perhaps he deserves to go (or perhaps he'll go whether he deserves to or not) but he sure as hell isn't clueless and, as I say, I think he'll go on to show he can manage elsewhere.

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And he's not fixed the problems. But I don't really see how he's made them. He joined a team that couldn't score or defend and we're still a team that can't defend and (at the moment) can't score. So he's not fixed anything. But I don't really see that he's responsible for the fact we couldn't score or defend in the first place.

We're where we were a year ago. That's definitely bad and McInnes had failed to achieve things and I suspect will leave the club this week. I completely understand that. But, as we were at the bottom when McInnes arrived, and getting thrashed every week, it's hard to actually say the existence of the problems is his fault - just that he's failed to fix them. So I don't blame him for the fact we are bottom of the league.

Im not sure I follow your logic! He accepted the job with a mandate and failed. He has spent millions on players that dont play and ignored the obvious frailties....however lets not fall out...we are shit and we know we are and something has to change immediately!!

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Haha I know it does sound a bit camp doesnt it but I was more on about a voice that just sounds like a man who's got authority. Husky voice which will make people listen, not some high pitched voice :laugh:

A husky voice would sort out all our problems? Is that the way forward?Perhaps Del should start puffing on the Woodbines and grargling sand....get real deep and husky
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You're right - he hasn't improved us and he's failed to do what needed doing. That's pretty clear. But I still think the bulk of the responsibility lies with the people who got us to the bottom of the table in the first place. I've worked in places before where the whole culture's so fundamentally flawed that even someone with good ideas and good leadership qualities struggles to turn it around.

I'm not saying McInnes shouldn't be in danger of losing his job. His remit was to improve us and he hasn't improved us. But what I am saying is that a change of manager in itself isn't going to be the solution here...

it might have escaped your notice DMC has had a year to clear the failures out and he hasn't in fact he has done exactly what the last 2 managers did, stubbornly put his faith in these failures, he is signing his own death warrant.

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I told you months ago the Merchant Venturers have decided the future of professional football in this area.

We're playing more like a bunch of 'merchant bankers' at the moment.

Remember, apart from Cunningham, these are essentially the same players who started the season so brightly, playing attractive football.

Confidence has just been utterly shattered.

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