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Dolman Block A


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So you defend Suarez for being a racist and for biting people yet slag off your fellow city fans for having a swear word on their tops. Sorry but your morals truly are ****** up!!

I have not defended Saurez for biting. Not once, you are clearly a very stupid person.

The only thing I'm slagging off is the lack of class in emblazoning a swear word across yourself. It's tacky IMO. I'm entitled to that.

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Your thick?

I have not defended Saurez for biting. Not once, you are clearly a very stupid person.

The only thing I'm slagging off is the lack of class in emblazoning a swear word across yourself. It's tacky IMO. I'm entitled to that.

Oh the irony of it all, the two posters claiming to being classy are the two using abuse to try and make a point.

Well classy lads, well classy :D

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According to Adam Baker - The stewards received a raft of complaints from fellow supporters, not just families.

They were politely asked to either cover up or turn inside out.

Those that refused were ejected.

Me personally, although not something I would wear - would not be particularly offended.

People that were offended complained then the stewards have a decision to make and one way or another it is going to upset people. If they do nothing - it upsets the complainers.

Crap end to a crap season.

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From twitter:

@AdamBakerBCFC: @Blake_bcfc @dave_backwell the t-shirts received a raft of complaints from fellow supporters. Fans were politely asked to either cover up the shirts or turn inside out. Some did this, others refused point-blank and were escorted out.

Some then asked if it was only a few complaints and the club have spun it..

@AdamBakerBCFC: @Petermoth1 @Blake_bcfc @dave_backwell no several more than that actually. It upset more than just families too.

@AdamBakerBCFC: @Petermoth1 @Blake_bcfc @dave_backwell no several more than that actually. It upset more than just families too.

It does carry on...

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Im more worried people WITHOUT children complained.

It never fails to amaze me how offended some people get about something psssive that they can just ignore.

Blair's children. Thatcher told everyone what they must do; Blair told everyone what they must not do. Canutes, both of them :grr:

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Fine sentiments but it seems the kids were ejected because of their behaviour , not what they were wearing. But don't let the truth get in the way of an angry thread on OTIB.

Stewards do a job, they are there for a reason.

Changing your stance now are we, its the behaviour that offends you not the t-shirt :rolleyes:

I dont think one person would argue that ejection from the ground because of behaviour is wrong but thats not whats being debated, but hey lets not allow the truth to get in the way of a angry thread. :D

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I'm shocked so many people think its ok to wear them. What do you say to your children when they ask what they it means?

I would tell them.what it means just like the chants they hear in stands.we are the city's boys isn't real either, just words. This has been about awhile the phrase creeping into chants and pub talk City as, hard as,cool as, it's just words. Not much difference between it against the manager saying keep supporting your local club here fans were when city were bottom.and out.
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From twitter:

@AdamBakerBCFC: @Blake_bcfc @dave_backwell the t-shirts received a raft of complaints from fellow supporters. Fans were politely asked to either cover up the shirts or turn inside out. Some did this, others refused point-blank and were escorted out.

Some then asked if it was only a few complaints and the club have spun it..

@AdamBakerBCFC: @Petermoth1 @Blake_bcfc @dave_backwell no several more than that actually. It upset more than just families too.

@AdamBakerBCFC: @Petermoth1 @Blake_bcfc @dave_backwell no several more than that actually. It upset more than just families too.

It does carry on...

Why do you think the club have "spun" it?

I can quite imagine that more than a few people would complain about it.

People love to complain.

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A couple of things to clear up here.

1) For those that aren't aware of the origins, the "City As F.***" mantra has developed over recent weeks. Mainly in a reaction to the poor old gasshole neighbours of ours taking an incomprehensible delight at our relegation, even though we are going down to a league they can only aspire to be in.

The reaction to our doom and gloom was to say, "F.*** It. I love City. I don't care what division we are in or what ballsack players we've got prancing around for us, I'm City, and always will be. In fact, I'm not just City, I am City As F.***!!"

It's designed to say "I belong to this club - nay I AM THIS CLUB." It's a term of passion, loyalty and yes to an extent - extremism.

The 3 Lions printed a number of t-shirts, which sold very well on Tuesday nights St Georges party and again today at Flag Day.

I might add at this point - there is NOTHING illegal about these t-shirts.

2) I was in the East End and saw an incident occurring in the Dolman and wondered what was going on. After the Dolman, it started kicking off in the East End. One of the Robostewards decided he was going to throw a young lad out for wearing one of these t-shirts, so word had clearly got round to the stewards that this attire was not suitable for a football ground.

This incensed a lot of lads in the East End and there was a 2 minute period where it was kicking off a tad with the outsourced security cun company.

Basically the stewards created trouble for themselves by reacting to this t-shirt - it's laughable!

3) I have been to many places and seen many "offensive" t-shirts. They are NOT illegal on the main street, at gigs, in pubs etc. Why should the stewards decide all of a sudden that this is not an allowable practice at a game of football (supposedly the most working class of arena's?)

4) At half-time in the Dolman bar, I saw a 5 year old kid wearing one of these t-shirts. Ok, so maybe you can question the attitude of the parenting, but why was this 5 year old not also thrown out along with the other displayers of this apparel?

5) In regard to people finding it offensive, we all have different tolerance levels. Personally, I hate the kids these days that wear their jeans half way down their legs that you can not only see the state of their pants but almost what they had for breakfast. If I see such a thing down the Gate in the future, am I within my rights to complain to a steward and get them thrown out. I honestly see no difference. The F-word might be offensive to some, but to me, seeing the all-encompassing shape of a lads crackhole in his spiderman boxers is something I'm not too keen on. Can we ban it please.

Overall, something that was meant to be a bit of a laugh, has ended with the club looking like nobbers again and not really understanding the humour of our support. Sad really that a lot our fans on this thread also don't seem to understand the intended humour, even though, judging from the comments, a lot of you haven't even seen the damn shirt!!!!

My mate used to walk around with a t-shirt showing the picture of the long-haired effeminate looking drummer from that band that sang 'Mmm...Bop'.

It read - "I F.***ed the Girl From Hanson".

Offensive or funny - you decide? And would I be ejected from Ashton Gate if I wore it? I might borrow it off him and wear it next season to test the waters?

missed that one. As you say the phrase has been about awhile. It's not offensive it's about loyalty to the club. City through and through.people around the club might not get what city actually means to sections of fans because it isn't about over paid stars with big cars and modern football to all.
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Why do you think the club have "spun" it?

I can quite imagine that more than a few people would complain about it.

People love to complain.

Just to clarify, I don't think the club have spun anything. Someone on twitter argued that they had, not me.

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"Got to be honest".....................if I thought, I was that upset or my kids were at hearing or seeing that word, I would wrap them up in cotton wool and never ever let them out of the house, have internet, read any books and have their ears blocked up and eye lids sewn together.

Pathetic !

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Lets just put this into perspective, whatever the morality of the t shirts, the F word for better or worse is widely in use in sociaty, I'd wager that most kids under 10 have heard it, without knowing what it means, they know that it's a swear word. Now weather anyone finds this offensive or not, the people with it printed on their T shirts weren't exactly shouting it at the top of their voices were they? Indeed if anyone is offended by such language, then perhaps going to football isn't such a good idea as swearing has always been rife at Football, it's a passionate game, it brings out the worst in some people, hands up who's sworn at a Refere when he's given or not given a shocking decision agains us? As for Ten Minutes Of Rough saying that I'm thick, well I'll admit that I'm no Albert Einstein, but people like you that seem to be offended by this are what's wrong with this country, offended by everything and ashamed of nothing.

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So your saying its not possible to hurt people with words?

What exactly hurts ?

A word is simply that, either

it's true - in which case why deny the truth ? Accept it, or if able change it, if you do not like the truth.

it's untrue - in which case why be offended by something that is untrue ?

it's ambiguous - if your not sure about it, why worry about ? Move on on, live life, let the word wither and die.

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Most likely on a plane to somewhere hot and exotic following a long hard season.

I wish. I'm actually heading back to work as we have the Women's FA Cup semi final today.

I don't have much to add to Adam's response on twitter, as quoted here.

Complaints were made. We had to act on them. Stewards asked politely for the shirts to be covered up. Those who declined and became abusive were escorted from the stadium. Some will agree, some won't, but I'm happy that the stewarding was appropriate and proportionate.

Right, I'm off to work. Tickets only £4 if anyone fancies it. £1 for under 16s. 2 o'clock kick off.

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Pathetic ...... you and your like are killing OUR game and OUR country

Really? My grandad, and other people's grandads fought for this country, and I know full well he would have been horrified to see people walking around with swear words plastered all over their tops, god forbid parents putting their kids in such tops. So our and your country maybe decidedly different. To suggest that stopping someone from wearing swear words on a top is ruining the country is ridiculous.

I don't think people not liking swearing on t shirts is killing our game. Prices, wages and the current culture we live in is killing our game.

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Really? My grandad, and other people's grandads fought for this country, and I know full well he would have been horrified to see people walking around with swear words plastered all over their tops, god forbid parents putting their kids in such tops. So our and your country maybe decidedly different. To suggest that stopping someone from wearing swear words on a top is ruining the country is ridiculous.

I don't think people not liking swearing on t shirts is killing our game. Prices, wages and the current culture we live in is killing our game.

My Grandad was a WW2 veteran, he too would of been horrified by people displaying swear words on a t shirt, however that is a generational thing, and for better or worse the F word is prevalent in today's society, also, my Grandfather and yours went to war for freedom, those Guys yesterday with the t shirts on had the right to wear them, it was their choice to wear what they want. All anyone offended had to do was not look at them.
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My Grandad was a WW2 veteran, he too would of been horrified by people displaying swear words on a t shirt, however that is a generational thing, and for better or worse the F word is prevalent in today's society, also, my Grandfather and yours went to war for freedom, those Guys yesterday with the t shirts on had the right to wear them, it was their choice to wear what they want. All anyone offended had to do was not look at them.

The point is, you are not made to look at them, but it doesn't stop you seeing them.

It is just another case of dumbing down. I don't have a problem with people swearing. Especially if angry or just hurt themselves. I don't like the use of swear words in every day language, where they seem to be used as some sort of sentence filler.

If people want to wear them, fair enough they have the right to wear them, likewise, those offended have the right to complain, and those that own the ground have the right to remove them from the ground if they do not cover the shirts.

We all have rights to express ourselves, so there is no point in moaning and bringing up rights issues, when your choice to write something that may upset others, comes back to bite you in the ass. You make your choices, you take your chances. And when it goes wrong, don't get arsey about it (this isn't aimed at you, just a general comment)

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I'm sure those who got kicked out wanted to really, seems to be the 'look at me I'm such a hard man' type that were. Rather kick up a fuss and give it the big I am to a jobsworth steward in front on his mates than just cover up his shirt or turn it inside out.

Rather be kicked out than actually watch the match! City as ****, my ass.

Dozens left A block and went to pub at 2-0 anyway. The irony.

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I'm sure those who got kicked out wanted to really, seems to be the 'look at me I'm such a hard man' type that were. Rather kick up a fuss and give it the big I am to a jobsworth steward in front on his mates than just cover up his shirt or turn it inside out.

Rather be kicked out than actually watch the match! City as ****, my ass.

Dozens left A block and went to pub at 2-0 anyway. The irony.

Sat 3 rows behind what happend one of the blokes did take it off was still told to go .

Would like to know where the complaints came from only complaints i saw was half a block towards stewards for being over the top.

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Sat 3 rows behind what happend one of the blokes did take it off was still told to go .

Would like to know where the complaints came from only complaints i saw was half a block towards stewards for being over the top.

If that's the case, then it's truly disgusting, and the club has been lying to us. Can anyone else vouch for it?

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