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Dolman Block A


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And this season's award for Best Use of a Dictionary goes to...


Tis the net mate .............how these kids dont get A* on all their exams is a mystery gone are the days of libaries and rushing to them when youve been given your home work because they only have one book on the Chimeran war. The fastest runner always did well where i learnt (I was very slow as my grammer shows). :huh:

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Tis the net mate .............how these kids dont get A* on all their exams is a mystery gone are the days of libaries and rushing to them when youve been given your home work because they only have one book on the Chimeran war. The fastest runner always did well where i learnt (I was very slow as my grammer shows). :huh:

Bu99er - I've ready used my Likes for the day :(

Pure class, sir!

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As Johnny Rotten once sang...'blind acceptance is the sign of stupid fools that stand in line!!' Saddest thing for me was the guys in A block from where I was sat looked at least 40 years old, I'm all up for freedom of expression but ****'s sake

Sounds like you've missed John's point fairly spectacularly then. These lads (irrespective of their age) don't appear to be standing in line if you ask me.

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I think its a bit pointless. But as a freedom of expression advocate, there are a million other things that I'd want to sort out before I worried about a tee-shit. Wearing said shirts might limit the opportunities with the ladies mind, but the only thing I've seen pulled at the gate this year has been my leg. And if you were let in wearing them then I don't think ppl shouldve been turfed out.

Why not take the moral high ground and get a 'city as f.c.u.k' (minus the dots obv.) tee done? All 'valid' opposition should disappear. Also the real text could be put in as the slogan text fill i.e. instead of a solid colour. Just saying..

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Complaints were made. We had to act on them. Stewards asked politely for the shirts to be covered up. Those who declined and became abusive were escorted from the stadium. Some will agree, some won't, but I'm happy that the stewarding was appropriate and proportionate.

Dave. A handful of people allegedly complained about the t-shirts - why does it follow that they had to be asked to remove them and if not ejected?

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So assuming that we're now being thrown out for wearing clothing which happens to have swearing on, does this mean I'm not allowed to wear the Sex Pistols 'Never Mind the Bo**ocks' t-shirt? Or Cradle of Filth's 'Christ is a ****'?

I'd appreciate an answer because as I understand I'm allowed to walk up and down the street with that on - even past schools. So why should a football club feel they're allowed to judge me more harshly than the rest of society?

Not to mention the Same Shit Different Day t shirts I used to wear to work. note to the sanctimonious ****wits..the women who worked in the factory I did, never once complained about said T shirt and similar ones, both shop floor and office staff, nor did any of the management either.

Wearing offensive t shirts like Jesus is a **** t shirts (or similar) which give offence to beleivers is different, but thats my personal standards/views.

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A couple of things to clear up here.

1) For those that aren't aware of the origins, the "City As F.***" mantra has developed over recent weeks. Mainly in a reaction to the poor old gasshole neighbours of ours taking an incomprehensible delight at our relegation, even though we are going down to a league they can only aspire to be in.

The reaction to our doom and gloom was to say, "F.*** It. I love City. I don't care what division we are in or what ballsack players we've got prancing around for us, I'm City, and always will be. In fact, I'm not just City, I am City As F.***!!"

It's designed to say "I belong to this club - nay I AM THIS CLUB." It's a term of passion, loyalty and yes to an extent - extremism.

The 3 Lions printed a number of t-shirts, which sold very well on Tuesday nights St Georges party and again today at Flag Day.

I might add at this point - there is NOTHING illegal about these t-shirts.

2) I was in the East End and saw an incident occurring in the Dolman and wondered what was going on. After the Dolman, it started kicking off in the East End. One of the Robostewards decided he was going to throw a young lad out for wearing one of these t-shirts, so word had clearly got round to the stewards that this attire was not suitable for a football ground.

This incensed a lot of lads in the East End and there was a 2 minute period where it was kicking off a tad with the outsourced security cun company.

Basically the stewards created trouble for themselves by reacting to this t-shirt - it's laughable!

3) I have been to many places and seen many "offensive" t-shirts. They are NOT illegal on the main street, at gigs, in pubs etc. Why should the stewards decide all of a sudden that this is not an allowable practice at a game of football (supposedly the most working class of arena's?)

4) At half-time in the Dolman bar, I saw a 5 year old kid wearing one of these t-shirts. Ok, so maybe you can question the attitude of the parenting, but why was this 5 year old not also thrown out along with the other displayers of this apparel?

5) In regard to people finding it offensive, we all have different tolerance levels. Personally, I hate the kids these days that wear their jeans half way down their legs that you can not only see the state of their pants but almost what they had for breakfast. If I see such a thing down the Gate in the future, am I within my rights to complain to a steward and get them thrown out. I honestly see no difference. The F-word might be offensive to some, but to me, seeing the all-encompassing shape of a lads crackhole in his spiderman boxers is something I'm not too keen on. Can we ban it please.

Overall, something that was meant to be a bit of a laugh, has ended with the club looking like nobbers again and not really understanding the humour of our support. Sad really that a lot our fans on this thread also don't seem to understand the intended humour, even though, judging from the comments, a lot of you haven't even seen the damn shirt!!!!

My mate used to walk around with a t-shirt showing the picture of the long-haired effeminate looking drummer from that band that sang 'Mmm...Bop'.

It read - "I F.***ed the Girl From Hanson".

Offensive or funny - you decide? And would I be ejected from Ashton Gate if I wore it? I might borrow it off him and wear it next season to test the waters?

Cant argue with anything in that post. Probably wouldnt wear the t shirt meself like. But in every aspect I cant argue with any of it..

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This makes me laugh. On Saturday the "team" put in one of the most gutless, spineless, passionless and frankly embarrassing displays for many, many year and the biggest topic on the forum is about tee shirts! :dunno: We all let the players off way to easy on Saturday time to discuss the real issues.

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Sounds like you've missed John's point fairly spectacularly then. These lads (irrespective of their age) don't appear to be standing in line if you ask me.

Think you miss my point spectacularly regarding the point I was replying to! This is a time (in my opinion) that we should be reacting to the sorry state of affairs that is our club at the moment and not blindly supporting the atrocious season we've had with statements like CAF...John's point was react against to change! CAF by all means but not right now as it infers we're happy with our lot

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Simon, the piss poor performance from those ckin useless players has become so routine, virtually any other subject will become more interesting....hence the thread...

One thing though, the club is now as divided and fighting amongst itself more now thn at any time since Wondersons last dismal season and a half.

This entire club from top to bottom needs to get its shit together. seriously.

There is so much negative stuff going on at all levels its unreal. C'mon City sort it out...

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The people that wear these t-shirts are mindless idiots with the IQ of a gnat! Dont frankly see the point in the shirts at all. Why not buy a shirt from the club with city till i die on it.

Because these lads and blokes don't buy much from the club shop and go in for all this believe and city till I die thing. They would also look at the club shirt as being a bit mindless when worn by a bloke.
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So an HTFC fan dressed as a Smurf stages a mini pitch invasion and doesn't get ejected but some of ours wearing a t-shirt do? What a proud day for the club.

Funny that how a number of Huddersfield fans encrouched the pitch, and were clearly seen to stay at the front of the East End for the remainder of the game?? - Would be interested to hear a club explanation as to why this was allowed?

did any 1 complain? i was sat a couple of rows in front, i got the impression they got the boot as they had been drinking and got abit gobby?

I can only comment on the incident in A block, they were not offensive to the steward that was liaising with them, they are all on first name terms and discussion was all light humoured

According to Adam Baker - The stewards received a raft of complaints from fellow supporters, not just families.

They were politely asked to either cover up or turn inside out.

Those that refused were ejected.

Interested to know where Adam got that information, as clearly not what happened (I will expand below)

Complaints were made. We had to act on them. Stewards asked politely for the shirts to be covered up. Those who declined and became abusive were escorted from the stadium. Some will agree, some won't, but I'm happy that the stewarding was appropriate and proportionate.

Interesting this last response.

Delayed response as have not been 'online' since last Friday

I walked through the turnstiles behind three men that had the now infamous CAF T-shirts, at the turnstile they were asked to turn their T-shirts inside out as "They MAY cause offence", after a laugh and a joke all three agreed to this and quickly entered the ground (mind you due to them causing a hold up I missed the first goal!)

In the ground we all took our seats (I was two seats directly behind two of them), no problems until Huddersfield scored again. Due to the performace there was the in-evitable grumblings, the guys mentioned, said they had seen enough this season and were going to go back to a pub, at this point they turned their t-shirts around.

Again there was no problem for a few minutes, until EIGHT stewards (note Dave L stated in post 149 "I'm happy that the stewarding was appropriate and proportionate" - it gets worse in a minute)stood alongside the wall in A block.

The steward B1 (Supervisor) came over and said that they had already been asked to turn their t-shirts inside out, but as usual this season, the situation suddenly became heated as a number of people sat around these guys could not believe why so many stewards were needed, obviously there was a lot of tension mainly caused by the inept performance on the pitch.

I PERSONALLY asked the steward why was this suddenly a problem, he said that he had been radioed and was told that someone sat nearby had made a complaint about what was written on the t-shirt. No unless someone had turned completely around I've no idea how someone was able to read what was on the front of someone's top???

In fact there was a family sat directly to the left with two young boys, they said that they were not offended by the tops as the boys would not know what the word meant, and heard language chanted and shouted at football this season.

All three men said that they were planning on leaving anyway, but before you knew it THREE doorstaff came up from the DEH, and the softly approach used by the steward went out of the window.

The steward was clearly getting advice from someone on his radio, and infront of us clearly radioed back for confirmation that someone had actually complained about these gentleman wearing these tops.

He was then radioed back to say that in addition these tops were not permitted to be warn in the ground as they were not OFFICIAL CLUB MERCHANDISE !!

Of course this caused laughter and anger to the situation, I've no idea who was telling the steward these things, but due to the change in story it was hard to take anything said seriously.

In my opinion if it was not for the fact that the steward knew many of the fans in that area personally that the situation could have blown up into something unsavoury, at no point was there any aggression to the steward from the fans, the only person who did come in for some stick was one of the doorstaff who waded in quite aggresively to get to the men to ask them to leave.

As soon as they were asked to leave, all three got and left with no complaints as they has already stated that they were off back to the pub anyway.

I've included the photo just to prove how close I was, just so people can understand how I heard so much that was said


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"He was then radioed back to say that in addition these tops were not permitted to be warn in the ground as they were not OFFICIAL CLUB MERCHANDISE !!"

FFS! If that is true, that's disgusting par for the course in today's caring football environment. Can't I wear my HEDGEHOGS ARE WAY KOOL T-shirt, either?

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Funny that how a number of Huddersfield fans encrouched the pitch, and were clearly seen to stay at the front of the East End for the remainder of the game?? - Would be interested to hear a club explanation as to why this was allowed?

I can only comment on the incident in A block, they were not offensive to the steward that was liaising with them, they are all on first name terms and discussion was all light humoured

Interested to know where Adam got that information, as clearly not what happened (I will expand below)

Interesting this last response.

Delayed response as have not been 'online' since last Friday

I walked through the turnstiles behind three men that had the now infamous CAF T-shirts, at the turnstile they were asked to turn their T-shirts inside out as "They MAY cause offence", after a laugh and a joke all three agreed to this and quickly entered the ground (mind you due to them causing a hold up I missed the first goal!)

In the ground we all took our seats (I was two seats directly behind two of them), no problems until Huddersfield scored again. Due to the performace there was the in-evitable grumblings, the guys mentioned, said they had seen enough this season and were going to go back to a pub, at this point they turned their t-shirts around.

Again there was no problem for a few minutes, until EIGHT stewards (note Dave L stated in post 149 "I'm happy that the stewarding was appropriate and proportionate" - it gets worse in a minute)stood alongside the wall in A block.

The steward B1 (Supervisor) came over and said that they had already been asked to turn their t-shirts inside out, but as usual this season, the situation suddenly became heated as a number of people sat around these guys could not believe why so many stewards were needed, obviously there was a lot of tension mainly caused by the inept performance on the pitch.

I PERSONALLY asked the steward why was this suddenly a problem, he said that he had been radioed and was told that someone sat nearby had made a complaint about what was written on the t-shirt. No unless someone had turned completely around I've no idea how someone was able to read what was on the front of someone's top???

In fact there was a family sat directly to the left with two young boys, they said that they were not offended by the tops as the boys would not know what the word meant, and heard language chanted and shouted at football this season.

All three men said that they were planning on leaving anyway, but before you knew it THREE doorstaff came up from the DEH, and the softly approach used by the steward went out of the window.

The steward was clearly getting advice from someone on his radio, and infront of us clearly radioed back for confirmation that someone had actually complained about these gentleman wearing these tops.

He was then radioed back to say that in addition these tops were not permitted to be warn in the ground as they were not OFFICIAL CLUB MERCHANDISE !!

Of course this caused laughter and anger to the situation, I've no idea who was telling the steward these things, but due to the change in story it was hard to take anything said seriously.

In my opinion if it was not for the fact that the steward knew many of the fans in that area personally that the situation could have blown up into something unsavoury, at no point was there any aggression to the steward from the fans, the only person who did come in for some stick was one of the doorstaff who waded in quite aggresively to get to the men to ask them to leave.

As soon as they were asked to leave, all three got and left with no complaints as they has already stated that they were off back to the pub anyway.

I've included the photo just to prove how close I was, just so people can understand how I heard so much that was said


Interesting post. I find it difficult to believe that any fan would have complained to a steward.

I've asked DaveL the question in a post above, Dave has been looking at this thread today so hopefully a reply will follow:

Dave. A handful of people allegedly complained about the t-shirts - why does it follow that they had to be asked to remove them and if not ejected?

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Because these lads and blokes don't buy much from the club shop and go in for all this believe and city till I die thing. They would also look at the club shirt as being a bit mindless when worn by a bloke.

You say they dont go for the whole CTID thing and yet the shirts were apparently printed because they wanted to show that fuc* it they dont care and will still support city. Bit hypocritical when CTID is basically the same thing is it not. They won't buy a replica shirt from the club, which shows support and financially helps the club but will buy a shirt that essentially is pointless with no real meaning from a pub.

They are not City as Fuc* , like most suporters and people on here they are thick as shi* with no real knowledge about our club or football in general. Mindless idiots.

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Catcott red

Christ mate blokes who have been going to football for decades have no real knowledge about the club or game bit of a jump isn't it to get to that conclusion. I wouldn't wear one but the types that would are more city through and through than many of the players and directors will ever be. These blokes and lads drive a section of support along by having a passion about being fans and have little to do with this forum you have coated off. If you can't understand it might be you who is out of touch and not understanding much fella. The pub in question where they could be bought is staunch city living and breathing BCFC isn't it?

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You say they dont go for the whole CTID thing and yet the shirts were apparently printed because they wanted to show that fuc* it they dont care and will still support city. Bit hypocritical when CTID is basically the same thing is it not. They won't buy a replica shirt from the club, which shows support and financially helps the club but will buy a shirt that essentially is pointless with no real meaning from a pub. They are not City as Fuc* , like most suporters and people on here they are thick as shi* with no real knowledge about our club or football in general. Mindless idiots.

You sound like a plastic nause.

Go watch cardiff dragons

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What an unbelievable thread.

Sadly it confirms what i think about a section of the people on here, rather than those who wore a t-shirt.

It truly highlights the internal divide that exists between fans of all clubs.

We all come from different walks of life and attend football for a raft of reasons. I don't claim that i am right or the my opion is correct, i just know what attending football is to me and the social group i attach to it.

Some the arrogance displayed on this thread is appalling. You are entitled to an opinion on it's subject matter, but there is no wrong or right solution i'm afraid. You just have to have an acceptance of what football is and the spectrum of society who follow it.

Saturday was an awful day all round.

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Why would you wear it though? Not only would you look like an idiot but its just a pointless shirt stating the obvious.

For me, its just attention seeking.

Because they want to, because they can.

How is it attention seeking?

This sums up up what is wrong with the forum. I can take your opinion that you wouldn't wear it and don't understand why others would, but why can't you just respect their decision to do so? Why the snide insults about looking like idiots and attention seeling when you don't even know them?

I think i just have to accept that there are fans like and similar to myself and fans like and similar to you. Neither of us are perfect and lets hope that neither group ever controls football (although your lot are winning) as that will be the end for all of us.

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Because they want to, because they can.

How is it attention seeking?

This sums up up what is wrong with the forum. I can take your opinion that you wouldn't wear it and don't understand why others would, but why can't you just respect their decision to do so? Why the snide insults about looking like idiots and attention seeling when you don't even know them?

I think i just have to accept that there are fans like and similar to myself and fans like and similar to you. Neither of us are perfect and lets hope that neither group ever controls football (although your lot are winning) as that will be the end for all of us.

We all know they're City fans so is there any real need for that on their shirt. They just want to be known and everybody to look at them, that's attention seeking.

Not only that, they had the chance to turn the shirt inside out or cover it up, they refused and were ejected for it. Got no sympathy for them!

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I don't think it had anything to do with attention seeking, more of a movement of a set of fans. Which should be encouraged.

Suppose those Park Enders who try and generate an atmosphere in the Atyeo are also attention seeking?

Once again it seems as though you're posting in a topic you don't fully understand. None of this is about attention seeking and it's an irrelevant part of the subject.

Back on topic. If you're offended by these t-shirts I'd suggest picking a Prem club and buying a season ticket with Sky Sports - live football is not for you.

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My god, this thread is unreal. CAF started as a joke between a set of lads. The Lions made some t-shirts, 10 i believe as a bit of a crack and then more and more people wanted them so had some made up for flag day. It was a bit of a laugh and its exploded a bit. Some of the arrogance of some posters on this thread is a complete joke to be fair. The lads who had the shirts on are die hard fans, we've had a shit season and this was a bit of a laugh to kind of take our minds off of the dire situation this club currently finds ourselves in. The CAF phrase just meant the same as CTID or we were messing around at pro 5, my mate scored a wonder goal and we would, jokingly, say that was CAF.

The complete over reaction by the stewards is laughable. The club arent helping mend the current wedge there is between the fans, our 'players' and board room. The funny thing is that next week, the club will now be begging these very people for season ticket money. I personally didnt go Saturday, this season has been painful and i cant bear watching us at the minute as we are showing no fight at all. Ill be there next season of course but i cant see why a bit of fun has been taken this seriously. There is something seriously wrong with modern football.

On a side note, have you ever been in our club shop at all? Our merchandise and clothing range is unbelievably tacky. T-shirts with Marv and cheesy phrases, id never be seen dead in one. If the club released decent clothes and not gear that would make you look a complete fool, maybe they would be more inclined to part with there hard earned cash on official merchandise instead of buying shirts up a pub.

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I don't think it had anything to do with attention seeking, more of a movement of a set of fans. Which should be encouraged.

Suppose those Park Enders who try and generate an atmosphere in the Atyeo are also attention seeking?

Once again it seems as though you're posting in a topic you don't fully understand. None of this is about attention seeking and it's an irrelevant part of the subject.

Back on topic. If you're offended by these t-shirts I'd suggest picking a Prem club and buying a season ticket with Sky Sports - live football is not for you.

You couldn't be more wrong Randy ( shock )

I'm a Bristol City supporter, always have been and always will be. Never in my life have I supported anybody else, I can't stand the PL. I used to like individual players like Henry and Shearer but nothing more.

Totally different about the Parkenders, they're trying to generate atmosphere around the Gate for the players and club. What are those blokes wearing those t shirts trying to achieve, that they're more of a supporter than somebody else? Like I said before, it's totally pointless.

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We all know they're City fans so is there any real need for that on their shirt. They just want to be known and everybody to look at them, that's attention seeking.

Not only that, they had the chance to turn the shirt inside out or cover it up, they refused and were ejected for it. Got no sympathy for them!

Do i reply or don't i......oh well in for a penny!

If it's attention seeking, then no more than your own choice of attire today, or any day. Does this attention seeking apply to those who wear football shirts to the ground? I'd be interested if it does as these are probably fans who may agree with thrust of your argument.

Secondly, 'i have no sympathy for them' doesn't explain snide insults, but then i doubt if anything does. In reference to the sympathy, luckily enough nobody is seeking it.

Lastly, you are of the opion that wearing that t-shirt is an evictable offence, for me it's not and to for the majority of those who attend football it isn't. How do we solve this problem? I like to attend football as it shows a more raw, emotional side of society, one where passion is prevalent and feelings run high. One where taboo words are common place as they convey just how strongly someone feels because they are choosing to cross a line through there language.

I guess we just have different opions, but i certainly won't be trying to insult you via a protective forum.

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Totally different about the Parkenders, they're trying to generate atmosphere around the Gate for the players and club. What are those blokes wearing those t shirts trying to achieve, that they're more of a supporter than somebody else? Like I said before, it's totally pointless.

Sadly most things in your life, my life, all of our lives are, in the eyes of others, totally pointless.

It's not correct to assume that they have no value to the individual and it smacks of arrogance and ignorance to be so dismissive.

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Sadly most things in your life, my life, all of our lives are, in the eyes of others, totally pointless.

It's not correct to assume that they have no value to the individual and it smacks of arrogance and ignorance to be so dismissive.

Like most people then on this thread towards JT. Infact this whole forum!

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