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Like most people then on this thread towards JT. Infact this whole forum!

You make a fair point, I find myself rolling my eyes at his posts sometimes, but i accept that at present we are coming at things from 2 different viewpoints. I'll never be in a position to know if there is such a thing as a 'right' view point, i just have to trust what i believe, whilst at the same time reminding mself that opposing view point comes from someone who feels the same as me.

It's one of the things i find hard to take about the forum as I enjoy it as a source of City info (even the wild rumours!), but i can't stand the holier than thou arrogance that some on here show, thrying to make another posters view appear worthless. Even worse are the insults about people you have never met.

See my previous post. Football draws it's fans from across the whole spectrum of society. You need to be pragmatic and accepting of a lot things in order to enjoy it.

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You couldn't be more wrong Randy ( shock )

I'm a Bristol City supporter, always have been and always will be. Never in my life have I supported anybody else, I can't stand the PL. I used to like individual players like Henry and Shearer but nothing more.

Totally different about the Parkenders, they're trying to generate atmosphere around the Gate for the players and club. What are those blokes wearing those t shirts trying to achieve, that they're more of a supporter than somebody else? Like I said before, it's totally pointless.

With the right eyes on you wouldn't get in a Jesus rage about it. Where you see something pointless others see synergy. This CAF sits on the naughty step with Ernie, Forza EE, Johnson said, mind the GAP, support your local club to I. Silly yes pointless no.
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You couldn't be more wrong Randy ( shock )

I'm a Bristol City supporter, always have been and always will be. Never in my life have I supported anybody else, I can't stand the PL. I used to like individual players like Henry and Shearer but nothing more.

Totally different about the Parkenders, they're trying to generate atmosphere around the Gate for the players and club. What are those blokes wearing those t shirts trying to achieve, that they're more of a supporter than somebody else? Like I said before, it's totally pointless.

I think you missed my Premier League point. I wasn't accusing you of supporting a premier league team, my point was that if the word '****' offends you then a football ground isn't the best place for you to be.

In terms of them proving they're a better fan by wearing the t-shirt is once again missing the point massively. I don't think any of the grown ups thought to themselves when buying it that they would be admired. It was a bit of fun but sadly in this country if you don't feel offended yourself you have to feel offended on behalf of someone who could be.

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Seeing as Dave L is on, providing they were not in the 'Family Stand', surly we are all adult enough to accept it?

My concern Dave is that if this is language related, does it not set a dangerous precident? The next time i tell the world what i sad to my old man, when he asked me to be a rovers fan, do i run the risk of being ejected?

I would even accept you saying that freedom of expression is allowed in the East End, however this doesn't appear to be the case either.

How do you solve this one?

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...it is not often that Oscar Wilde springs to mind while sat at a City home game - but watching what was happening in Dolman A from B reminded me of Oscar's quote;

"One is absolutely sickened, not by the crimes that the wicked have committed, but by the punishments that the good have inflicted; and a community is infinitely more brutalized by the habitual employment of punishment than it is by the occasional occurrence of crime."

As a football community I think we are infinitely more brutalised by the punishment of t-shirt miscreants than we are by their wearing of the shirts.

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It's too late for a poll now as this thread looks like it's in its dying moments.

However, I would like to think a poll asking, were you offended enough by the t-shirts to complain to a steward, wouldn't attract more than 1% of the vote.

If you liked the shirts or not is a completely different subject and irrelevant, don't like it, don't buy it.

If you're one of the (hopefully) only 1% then a football ground isn't for you.

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If you wear a t-shirt with an offensive word on then you must realise that, in a public place, you may be asked to cover it up.

People have been arrested for wearing 'B*ll*cks to Blair" T-shirts and it's illegal to wear a "Jesus is a C***" T-shirt in Britain.

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Loads of City fans attended the Three Lions BCFC Flag Day at the pub for a few hours before the game. Some were wearing CAF T-Shirts but I don't recall seeing anyone in an 'official' team shirt.

I just wonder if someone at the club is getting a little bit concerned about 'outsiders' running a commercial venture and using the copyrighted badge/logo/name?

Hence the comment in an earlier post......."He was then radioed back to say that in addition these tops were not permitted to be warn in the ground as they were not OFFICIAL CLUB MERCHANDISE !!"

Just a thought.

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On a side note, have you ever been in our club shop at all? Our merchandise and clothing range is unbelievably tacky. T-shirts with Marv and cheesy phrases, id never be seen dead in one. If the club released decent clothes and not gear that would make you look a complete fool, maybe they would be more inclined to part with there hard earned cash on official merchandise instead of buying shirts up a pub.

100% agree.

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You sound like a plastic nause.

Go watch cardiff dragons

Good well thought out argument! I'm a season ticket holder and go to a lot of away games. Just because i think wearing a City as Fuc* t-shirt is stupid and pointless doesn't mean i should go and support Cardiff. It doesn't matter where it was bought from either. It's just moronic! Just look at the type of people wearing them and that tells you everything you need to know.

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Good well thought out argument! I'm a season ticket holder and go to a lot of away games. Just because i think wearing a City as Fuc* t-shirt is stupid and pointless doesn't mean i should go and support Cardiff. It doesn't matter where it was bought from either. It's just moronic! Just look at the type of people wearing them and that tells you everything you need to know.

Walk into The Three Lions and tell the people who bought them to their faces. These 'type of people' (as you call them) do lots of things for the good of Bristol City Football Club and because you put yourself above them, you think everything you say is right.

You (being so critical of your fellow supporters behind the safety of your keyboard) are the worst type of football fan any club could need.

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I would think people at the top of the club, Dave L etc. should be very very grateful that alot of us are willing to pay £20 to watch a dreadful passionless City team with nothing to play for, let alone start kicking people out because of some colourful language on their shirts, what a end to a shambles of a season, on and off the pitch.

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I would think people at the top of the club, Dave L etc. should be very very grateful that alot of us are willing to pay £20 to watch a dreadful passionless City team with nothing to play for, let alone start kicking people out because of some colourful language on their shirts, what a end to a shambles of a season, on and off the pitch.

They should also be concerned that a lot of people DIDN'T pay £20 to watch it.

You can't stand up, you can't smoke, you can't sing rude words, you can't take photos, you can't wear your passion on your shirt and you can't be trusted with a bottle top.

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My god, this thread is unreal. CAF started as a joke between a set of lads. The Lions made some t-shirts, 10 i believe as a bit of a crack and then more and more people wanted them so had some made up for flag day. It was a bit of a laugh and its exploded a bit. Some of the arrogance of some posters on this thread is a complete joke to be fair. The lads who had the shirts on are die hard fans, we've had a shit season and this was a bit of a laugh to kind of take our minds off of the dire situation this club currently finds ourselves in. The CAF phrase just meant the same as CTID or we were messing around at pro 5, my mate scored a wonder goal and we would, jokingly, say that was CAF. 


The complete over reaction by the stewards is laughable. The club arent helping mend the current wedge there is between the fans, our 'players' and board room. The funny thing is that next week, the club will now be begging these very people for season ticket money. I personally didnt go Saturday, this season has been painful and i cant bear watching us at the minute as we are showing no fight at all. Ill be there next season of course but i cant see why a bit of fun has been taken this seriously. There is something seriously wrong with modern football.


On a side note, have you ever been in our club shop at all? Our merchandise and clothing range is unbelievably tacky. T-shirts with Marv and cheesy phrases, id never be seen dead in one. If the club released decent clothes and not gear that would make you look a complete fool, maybe they would be more inclined to part with there hard earned cash on official merchandise instead of buying shirts up a pub. 

Fair play a very reasoned calm post in the circumstances.

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The people that wear these t-shirts are mindless idiots with the IQ of a gnat!

They are not City as Fuc* , like most suporters and people on here they are thick as shi* with no real knowledge about our club or football in general. Mindless idiots.

Just look at the type of people wearing them and that tells you everything you need to know.

I'm assuming then that you must know the people with the T-shirts on to make a statement like those?

I'd like to see you come over to A block next season and have the balls to say that to one of their faces rather than being all brave behind your keyboard!


i got the impression most of the shouting was being done by people in the surrounding rows who had nothing to do with the guys but were more interested in having a go at the stewards

That is 100% correct, like I said before the guys in the T-shirts were never rude or aggressive to the steward, they KNOW EACH OTHER !

it's illegal to wear a "Jesus is a C***" T-shirt in Britain.

I stand to be corrected, but surely that is a wind up? (ok someone give the Whoooooosh!)
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Good well thought out argument! I'm a season ticket holder and go to a lot of away games. Just because i think wearing a City as Fuc* t-shirt is stupid and pointless doesn't mean i should go and support Cardiff. It doesn't matter where it was bought from either. It's just moronic! Just look at the type of people wearing them and that tells you everything you need to know.

So as they were bought from a pub that runs lots of events and does a lot of good things for city that makes things like flag day moronic? What do you do in comparison to makes yourself high and mighty and that others including children enjoy? It might be all pointless to you but to others it isn't.
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I sit at back of block A and usualy empathise with stewards but for what it's worth I thought it was handled poorly...

They should have been stopped at turnstiles if it's that much of an issue....(they had no coats as far as I can see so on full display as they entered AG)

Also having spoke "nicely" to those concerned , and clearly seeing they had no way to cover up the "offensive" material , plus realising point 1 above, the guy who came to talk to the group in his nice suit (whoever he was...but looked in charge) could easily have offered some alternative clothing from the club shop for 90mins....( bet they have lots of old stock that could have been used)

btw liked the "I'm CAF" chant someone started and the slow handclap...to which the head steward took a bow (cheeky r's)

YoU will be shocked to hear that they ignored my request to remove the offensive blue & white stripped shirts from the EE

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The lads who had the shirts on are die hard fans,

Haha give it a rest. More like the piss head element of the fans, who turn up 10 mins after kick off, leave 10 mins before HT or just after we're down 2 or 3 goals in general. But yeh I guess if being drunk and trying to act hard and calling the players ****s all game is die head, yeh.

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Haha give it a rest. More like the piss head element of the fans, who turn up 10 mins after kick off, leave 10 mins before HT or just after we're down 2 or 3 goals in general. But yeh I guess if being drunk and trying to act hard and calling the players c*nts all game is die head, yeh.

LOL you are such a muppet!

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Ok I exaggerate but you know what I mean..!

I dont, no. They are passionate about their football club like you or I. So, like i say, i dont know what you mean. They've paid there money like you, if they want to turn up late/leave early then thats there call. I dont blame anyone turning up to City games in the last 2 years pissed, it certainly takes the edge out of how poor its been!!

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