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St Jude's Storm - Match Day Thread

Abraham Romanovich

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Same here. I remember playing football at the Grange School during the day of the storm. We had one of those flyaway "Wembley" plastic balls. If you kicked it up in the air, it stayed up there for about 5 minutes swirling about.


The Grange school eh? Notorious in my day but soon to be knocked down from what I've heard.

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The search in Newhaven has been called off as it's too dangerous to continue. An absolute tragedy. Please if your ever going to donate to a charity make it the RNLI, They are there on call 24 hours a day and risk their own life's to save others.


If you're ever backed into a corner by feminists ranting about macho men, ask them about the lifeboat men. They go very quiet.

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weathermen have issued a statement; once I thought we were wrong but we were mistaken; when we said storm we meant wet and windy :shifty:

Remember back in 89 old Michael Fish - you don't get legendary weathermen these days - predicted fine weather. The shed where we kept the sport equipment got blown over, part of the school hall roof got blown to Jupiter and a gert big oak tree took out the cook's car. Happy days.
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