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I think there is, being drunk at a football match, and let's face it those that caused all the aggro were all pi$$ed up. Nothing wrong with passion, but to ruin others day out after all the expectation is just plain selfish.   


There is nothing wrong with being drunk (certain exceptions apply of course e.g. driving), it's being able to control yourself and being accountable for your actions that matters.

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How, typical of OTIB, getting offended on other people's behalves over something you've never even heard of.


OK, let's ignore the singing for a minute, I've never heard it myself but distasteful songs get sung at football matches all the time. As long as it was legal then I guess people have a right to sing it if they really want to, although it shows a clear lack of judgement to have sung it when they did.


What you can't excuse is the loutish, boorish behaviour that these people were exhibiting. It might well be exactly how they behave at every game they go to but this wasn't a normal game, they weren't stood amongst hundreds of their mates, they were in an area with a high population of families and different types of supporter to themselves. They should have been able to rein themselves in a little, it's basic manners and showing consideration for your fellow human beings.


The only other possibility is that they haven't got the brains they were born with.

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How, typical of OTIB, getting offended on other people's behalves over something you've never even heard of.

But something that did happen, according to various witnesses.

Are you getting defensive "on other people's behalf", or did you sing it yourself?

If the latter, perhaps you can explain A) why you think it is "humorous" and B) why anyone would sing it at a football match?

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There was talk of a minutes' applause on behalf of another murdered westcountry girl at this match.

Clearly the irony though would be lost on those who sang the dando song, as I'm sure is practically everything else above the mental age of a two year old.

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There is nothing wrong with being drunk (certain exceptions apply of course e.g. driving), it's being able to control yourself and being accountable for your actions that matters.

Well of course being drunk anywhere, especially in public does seem to make people act differently, and sometimes in a unsociable manner, not a new thing.

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Depended where you were in 111.


There were plenty of knuckledraggers who couldn't hold their sauce where the wife and I were, including the one who couldn't even remember the words to the Aden Flint song (probably because he'd done too much of one, the other or both of the last 'line' of the chant), the one right behind me who fell one top of me and another one who called my missus a **** because she moved in front of him while he was trying to take a film of the team celebrations after the presentation. I didn't find out about the last incident until a lot later, which was probably just as well. At one point a steward told them in no uncertain terms they'd be thrown out.


Don't get me wrong, I was under no illusions about the 'singing section' but there's a huge difference between supporting your team and acting like a complete t0ss3r.


BTW I wouldn't hold your breath about any of them coming on here to defend their behaviour, you'd have to be able to read, write and be able to see someone else's point of view to do that. Toddlers normally develop empathy after their second birthday, but it's clear that some of our 'fans' haven't even reached that stage yet.

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Your comments regarding those fans that are jumping on the bandwagon by seeing City at Wembley, you then seem not to commit over that song is 'right or wrong' well it does seem that the consensus of those on here that these sort of songs are not needed to say the least, and sung by utter mindless morons.

Moderators of this very peripheral forum, should not have their entitlement to an opinion denighed, imo.

Going back, I have heard the Jill Dando song many times. I don't understand it, don't join in with it, is it something connected with her Weston roots?

The thought it's a song about a murder, the circumstances of which are to this day controversial didn't previously pass my mind, which is odd.

Just don't know what it has to do with us.

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I'd never have thought for one moment thought that city fans could get drunk at wembley, and then, even worse, sing songs about Jill Dando.


What is the world coming to?

Grown men singing a pathetic (or should I say "humourous") song like that is one thing. But forcing a little girl out of her seat into her Dad's lap goes beyond the pale doesn't it?


Or is that what "football culture" is all about? I know lads who like a bit of football culture - I walked past a mate from school at Walsall when he was overturning a Police van in 1986. But if the same lad forced a little girl out of her seat then I certainly wouldn't be walking past that's for sure. That's the disappointing thing for me - assuming the OP isn't exagerating things people just sat there and did f00k all.  And anyone who condones that type of behaviour isn't a "lad" who prefers a bit of "edge" to their football - they're just plain retarded pure and simple.

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But something that did happen, according to various witnesses.

Are you getting defensive "on other people's behalf", or did you sing it yourself?

If the latter, perhaps you can explain A) why you think it is "humorous" and B) why anyone would sing it at a football match?

I'm doing neither A nor B.


Just highlighting more evidence of this forum's incessent capacity for sanctimony.

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I'd never have thought for one moment thought that city fans could get drunk at wembley, and then, even worse, sing songs about Jill Dando.


What is the world coming to?

You are a disgrace fb ,What is the world coming to when you can murder someone in cold blood !

Yes getting drunk and singing songs to do with football and having a good time is fine ,but not when it effects other people and ruins their day

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staggering how people try to defend these so called fans.

Thinking it's wrong for drunken, grown men to force a little girl out of her seat makes you sanctimonious apparently. Well I'd rather be that every single day of the week than the alternative.


When I go down the Centre and have a couple too many pints would these same people thing it was "laddish" if I hopped on the bus and made a girl sit on her Dad's lap because I wanted to sit down (or stand up) on that exact seat rather than an unoccupied one somewhere else in the bus? And would they excuse me if I used the argument "it's Bus Culture, what's your effing problem"?

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I'm doing neither A nor B.

Just highlighting more evidence of this forum's incessent capacity for sanctimony.

You're not even bothering to defend the song, yet you are getting uptight about people posting to say "yes, this sounds like the actions of idiots".

And - let's. face it - it does. If you can't hold your drink, stick to Tiger.

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I managed to wangle some tickets for the corporate gig before hand and had the privilege of sitting next to a bunch of jumped up t*ssers who thought it was ok to be obnoxious to pretty much everybody around them and in particular the staff who were there to serve drinks and look after the guests... Throwing money at them saying "will you look after us now" and calling them a **** and w****r because the light occasionally flickered above them...


Also one guy who was so p*ssed he could barely stand up and spent about 10 minutes trying to kiss and hug our group because we had won. At least he was friendly enough compared to some of the other people described above.


I don't get the fact that you have to get completely obliterated to have a great time. Pretty lucky that everybody we met (we were in the Parish Bar at 11.45) was in great form and enjoyed themselves...

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Sat in 112 myself. As expected in the "singing" section there were some plonkers. But you got to expect that. I can't believe families taking there kids in these sections. As for the train home we got off a stop early in Bath and taxied it. A group of 40-50 year olds acting 15 passing drugs about being very football factory like. Pathetic. Overheard them say there local was the yeomen says a lot really...

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People need to understand there at idiots at every club, the percentage would have been higher with 40,000 people there Sunday. It was a big day out for some and obviously more then most would have been drinking all day!

But I suggest you complain to the club, rather than bitch on here.

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People need to understand there at idiots at every club, the percentage would have been higher with 40,000 people there Sunday. It was a big day out for some and obviously more then most would have been drinking all day!

But I suggest you complain to the club, rather than bitch on here.

Thats the purpose of a forum, to have a bitch to your hearts content!

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People need to understand there at idiots at every club, the percentage would have been higher with 40,000 people there Sunday. It was a big day out for some and obviously more then most would have been drinking all day!

But I suggest you complain to the club, rather than bitch on here.

What's the club going to do? Introduce IQ tests on fans applying for tickets before our next big day out?

The stewards on the day were the people to deal with it.

But it's quite reasonable for those on a forum dealing with all aspects of City fandom, to point out some of the negatives they encountered on Sunday.

Fortunately, the vast majority of us avoided such knuckleheads and had a fun day.

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What's the club going to do? Introduce IQ tests on fans applying for tickets before our next big day out?

The stewards on the day were the people to deal with it.

But it's quite reasonable for those on a forum dealing with all aspects of City fandom, to point out some of the negatives they encountered on Sunday.

Fortunately, the vast majority of us avoided such knuckleheads and had a fun day.

That's up to them what to do, but having a hissy fit about some minority of people behind a computer screen isn't exactly helping? If they really aren't happy, then take things further!

I had a few lads behind me causing a bit of trouble but just accepted it and enjoyed the day. I think if most people went to away days then we would have more threads like this, it happens all the time at away games.

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Sat in 112 myself. As expected in the "singing" section there were some plonkers. But you got to expect that. I can't believe families taking there kids in these sections. As for the train home we got off a stop early in Bath and taxied it. A group of 40-50 year olds acting 15 passing drugs about being very football factory like. Pathetic. Overheard them say there local was the yeomen says a lot really...

"Overheard them say there local was the yeomen says a lot really" what does this mean please?

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That's up to them what to do, but having a hissy fit about some minority of people behind a computer screen isn't exactly helping? If they really aren't happy, then take things further!

I had a few lads behind me causing a bit of trouble but just accepted it and enjoyed the day. I think if most people went to away days then we would have more threads like this, it happens all the time at away games.

I'd rather, and I'm talking as a society here far beyond just football, that we didn't "just accept" anti-social behaviour but tried to discourage and deal with it.

But that's a wider discussion. I've said my bit.

I agree with what you say about every club has their idiots. Walsall's were fighting among themselves on the terrace, and at least one young man probably had an overnight stay in Shepherd's Bush nick!

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That's up to them what to do, but having a hissy fit about some minority of people behind a computer screen isn't exactly helping? If they really aren't happy, then take things further!

I had a few lads behind me causing a bit of trouble but just accepted it and enjoyed the day. I think if most people went to away days then we would have more threads like this, it happens all the time at away games.

I go to plenty of away games cheers. Just thought I would point out the behaviour of a minority of fans on a Bristol City fans forum. No hissy, no fit. But amazed at how many people saying that's football, accept it.


The initial post asked for these 'fans' to defend their actions and so far not one has taken that up. Says a lot I guess.

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I personally didn't see any hint of anything untoward all day, but I can't say I'm massively surprised to hear that there were issues.


Let's face it, we've always had our fair share of knobheads, most of us will have witnessed their behaviour at various away grounds, pubs, on trains etc over the years. And with Sunday's City crowd being 3 times larger than normal, of course the idiot element would increase in number too.


And yes, whenever anything of this nature gets mentioned on here, it's guaranteed that you'll get people condoning their behavior or making excuses for it. Always been the same.

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