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Bristol Sport Have Now Banned Fans Flags

Three Lions

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WTMS_BCFC, in order to give all supporters some context, please can you show email, which prompted the message which has started this topic.

It is e mails over months and includes other individuals e.g. the Corporate Sales Executive. It would be easier to provide context via a open Q&A. This open Q&A would highlight easily any ambiguity, or uncertainty for ALL.

It would also be simple to create with fans a written articulated policy on flags for ALL. Wembley has a policy to refer to for topics such as flags. Surfers require certification and assessment to be used within Ashton Gate, a policy for Ashton Gate would answer concisely questions on this thread in that instance.

However another e mail has been sent with an attachment [again] of a possible site for a flag, or flags.

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I can't understand why Dave L does not want to post on here anymore.

As this thread demonstrates, all discussion remains positive and firmly based on fact.....

I can understand why he doesn't, though I don't agree.

But to tell individuals over twitter that he actively tries to avoid us seems like something of a barbed put-down.

Most stuff here is irrelevant, but surely he should be dropping in to read Stadium Matters, for example.

There's far more to OTIB than kids throwing insults.

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If I was Dave L I would avoid this forum like the plague. Far too many people having a dig at every available opportunity and nothing of any use to people working at the club that they couldn't be alerted to via an email from the offended party.


If the people working for the club were the people involved in who to sign, tactical decisions etc then that would be different. This forum is an invaluable source of spot on advice on that side of course.

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If I was Dave L I would avoid this forum like the plague. Far too many people having a dig at every available opportunity and nothing of any use to people working at the club that they couldn't be alerted to via an email from the offended party.

For me that is lazy and passive.

If you WANT to know what people's concerns are, don't always wait to hear from them, go out and find the information and deal with it.

10 mins here every day will tell you most of what you need to know.

A holier than though view that this place is a waste of space is poor.

Waiting for customers to come to you might sound a time-efficient method.

If I had a shop and most people discussed the level of service received online, I'd be taking an interest, at least at some level.

Head. Sand. Bury.

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For me that is lazy and passive.

If you WANT to know what people's concerns are, don't always wait to hear from them, go out and find the information and deal with it.

10 mins here every day will tell you most of what you need to know.

A holier than though view that this place is a waste of space is poor.

Waiting for customers to come to you might sound a time-efficient method.

If I had a shop and most people discussed the level of service received online, I'd be taking an interest, at least at some level.

Head. Sand. Bury.

The average fan doesn't have a clue that OTIB even exists. Yes, we are deluded enough to think the club should listen closely to what is posted here, but the reality is that despite some level headed sensible postings, most of it is crap!

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I just asked if you could explain the content of the one email, which got the reply, so we can determine if it has been taken out of context.

The context is multiple e mails leading back to a question on the Q&A sub forum last season, and the Dolman flag display v Crewe.

Any view on a flag policy being formed with fans?

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The average fan doesn't have a clue that OTIB even exists. Yes, we are deluded enough to think the club should listen closely to what is posted here, but the reality is that despite some level headed sensible postings, most of it is crap!

Most is crap, yes.

If I was asked to filter through it and find out what concerns there are today I'd need only a few mins to pick up on most issues.

Publicly saying you've no interest/need to pop in is almost to subordinate those who chat here.

Too many thin skins at BS I think. A controlled sub forum would be an answer but this has been done to death...

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For me that is lazy and passive.

If you WANT to know what people's concerns are, don't always wait to hear from them, go out and find the information and deal with it.

10 mins here every day will tell you most of what you need to know.

A holier than though view that this place is a waste of space is poor.

Waiting for customers to come to you might sound a time-efficient method.

If I had a shop and most people discussed the level of service received online, I'd be taking an interest, at least at some level.

Head. Sand. Bury.


I think Dave L does want to know what peoples concerns are, this is why he often and openly advertises his email address and actually goes out and about the ground talking to people, real people, not just anonymous whingers on the internet.

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I can understand why he doesn't, though I don't agree.

But to tell individuals over twitter that he actively tries to avoid us seems like something of a barbed put-down.

Most stuff here is irrelevant, but surely he should be dropping in to read Stadium Matters, for example.

There's far more to OTIB than kids throwing insults.

I'd love to be like DL and stop posting on here...but i'm bloody addicted....aaaarghhhhh!!!!!


I've found him to be friendly, helpful and when seen at the ground, very pro active.


Perhaps he doesn't take much notice of this forum, because there is a high proportion of contributors that don't actually go to the ground to watch City?

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DL Doesn't look at the forum, SOD never looked at league tables, my personal account manager will get back to me....

People say all manner of things, doesn't mean they are being entirely truthful (but neither is it an out and out fib).

If anyone wants to contact DL, he isn't exactly difficult to find online.

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The context is multiple e mails leading back to a question on the Q&A sub forum last season, and the Dolman flag display v Crewe.

Any view on a flag policy being formed with fans?

You didn't include the details of several emails. You reffered to one, small, specific quote which has since been responded to by DL saying it is not true and how dissappointed he is that you are basically talking rubbish and undoing the good work in discussions between fan groups and the club.
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The average fan doesn't have a clue that OTIB even exists.

Lots of people say this, but I don't think that's true. I'm sure if you did a poll at Ashton Gate on a match day "are you aware of Otib.co.uk our fans forum?" A majority of people would answer yes.

Otib has lots of traffic and is one of the busier fans forums.

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I think an agreed policy for Flags is a good idea. I see Crystal Palace are reported as having amended their flag policy today.

What concerns me is things placed in the public domain, which put Bristol Sport in a bad light, which are not given any context, and in fact now appear to be incorrect. Why was clarification not sought, before this statement was posted?

I have no problem with Flags, being waved or displayed as long as they do not detract from other people's enjoyment, such as blocking the view of others.

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I think Dave L does want to know what peoples concerns are, this is why he often and openly advertises his email address and actually goes out and about the ground talking to people, real people, not just anonymous whingers on the internet.

Yes, that's part of the job as well.

I spoke to him on Wednesday. He's very approachable.

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But to tell individuals over twitter that he actively tries to avoid us seems like something of a barbed put-down.


But the ironic thing is we can see when he logs in a himself - which he IS still doing - so was a bit confused by the twitter comment

But also the IP address that is used can be traced so even if he doesn't login as himself again we can see.


Personally just wish the ask Dave Q&A was resurrected again, it WAS well modded last time, there WASN'T any abuse - and can only speak for myself but didn't see any that were abusive that didn't get approved.


A perfect example of where it WOULD work is this thread !

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I think Dave L does want to know what peoples concerns are, this is why he often and openly advertises his email address and actually goes out and about the ground talking to people, real people, not just anonymous whingers on the internet.


As I keep saying time and again, we are not asking for Dave to reply in every topic etc, what we want is for our FLO to come back to this site and re-establish a lost link via the Q&A section.


Yeah many people moan on here, and we all know many people moan about OTIB, but one thing that IS overlooked and which I feel is a poor effort is that THIS IS the biggest Bristol City fans forum, like it or not this is the easiest place to get a message over to the most number of people in one reply.


Replying to an email or speaking to people at the ground is only any use if the question is very specific, but like this topic - it could have been resolved so much easier than where we currently are with it. Actually I'd be very surprised if Dave has time to meet people around the ground on a match day

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As I keep saying time and again, we are not asking for Dave to reply in every topic etc, what we want is for our FLO to come back to this site and re-establish a lost link via the Q&A section.


Yeah many people moan on here, and we all know many people moan about OTIB, but one thing that IS overlooked and which I feel is a poor effort is that THIS IS the biggest Bristol City fans forum, like it or not this is the easiest place to get a message over to the most number of people in one reply.


Replying to an email or speaking to people at the ground is only any use if the question is very specific, but like this topic - it could have been resolved so much easier than where we currently are with it. Actually I'd be very surprised if Dave has time to meet people around the ground on a match day


But the Q&A section had degenerated to a large extent. It was full of pointless questions designed to try and give Dave L enough rope to hang himself so people could then go on to have a go at him. I seem to remember looking at it once only to be met with the same question repeated time after time with very subtle rewordings because the poster wasn't satisfied with the answer he had received to the previous question. Most peoples problems are much better sorted out in a private environment and not on a public forum like this. It's like people who take to facebook to post updates like 'I'm so depressed' with no context - it's just attention seeking.


This place is what it says it is, a forum, a place to exchange viewpoints and debate various matters to do with the club (and anything else on the non-footy forum). It is not here to represent the fanbase in general and shouldn't be. It doesn't matter what the club does, somebody is always going to be disappointed and whilst they are quite welcome to have their say here, their voice will be louder than the scale of their issue, which is exactly why opinions voiced in here should not be regarded as indicative of the overall fanbases's feelings.


This topic is in fact a perfect example, despite the tweet from Dave L proving the OP incorrect, he has still been posting trying to prove his point further down the thread.

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I think an agreed policy for Flags is a good idea. I see Crystal Palace are reported as having amended their flag policy today.

What concerns me is things placed in the public domain, which put Bristol Sport in a bad light, which are not given any context, and in fact now appear to be incorrect. Why was clarification not sought, before this statement was posted?

I have no problem with Flags, being waved or displayed as long as they do not detract from other people's enjoyment, such as blocking the view of others.

The answer placed in the public domain comes from Bristol Sport and their point of contact i.e. Email and the Supporters Liaison Officer. The answer provided originally was expected in July, this then altered to after the Leeds game. There was no reason to doubt that "official" answer, however due to tweets [!!] a follow up e mail as of yet unanswered was sent today.

This could highlight an area of improvement. It appears that tweets have gained a very quick response. E mails in this instance have not received the same haste, which was one of the reasons amongst others the Q&A was created.

This topic is in fact a perfect example, despite the tweet from Dave L proving the OP incorrect, he has still been posting trying to prove his point further down the thread.

The opening post may not be completetly incorrect. There are fans willing to finance flags, it is still unclear if that finance will be used as permission has NOT been granted in regards the use of specific space in the Dolman stand.

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